Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Profile of a Child Molestor
I knew a guy at church, he was one of my best friends for a year actually, and he turned out to be a child molestor. I never would have thought that he was. And I hung out with this guy a lot, at work and outside of work. I worked with him 30 hours every week at a private school. We went to Denny's with other friends every Wednesday night after church and our group did lots of fun stuff together. He was super great with kids. He seemed like a great guy all around. And then a shocking event took place. Most people who knew him still don't believe he did it and that the 5th grade girl made the story up. :( So sad.
For any wondering, the school was shut down after several accusation against him came out. And he went to prison. It was called Carden Heights and it was in Orange, CA. :( I was a Junior High English teacher and after school teacher there, and he was the P.E. and after school teacher there.
I read the police report a few years ago from what put him currently in prison. One day, when playing hide and go seek with the kids after school, he asked a 5th grade girl to pull her pants down. She didn't, but just that and her telling, and several other kids then told of incidents with them, got him put in prison for about 10 years. In the police report they noted also that they searched the computer in his work office at the school and even found videos he had of little girls pulling their pants down. I don't know if those were random girls or girls from the school. :( How crazy huh? What a crazy and insane story.
So needless to say I'm a little scared now to send my girls to school and even church. That is partly why I haven't gone to church much with my girls since my first daughter was born almost 5 years ago. It's a sick world out there, that's for sure. I can see why many moms homeschool now. I am still planning to send my oldest girl to school for kindergarten in 9 months, but pray for me to not worry about her to much! Thanks all. :)
On top of all that, this guy had worked with kids at church since he was about 17 as the leader of the 5th and 6th graders at chruch. Wow right?! Who knows how many kids he might have molested from age 17 to 25 when this huge discovery came out. It is insane to really think about, all the hundreds, if not thousands of kids that he had access to.
I knew a bit about this guy's life story. He was physically abused by his mom a lot. To punish him, instead of spank him, she used to dunk his head under water and almost drown him several times. One person noted this might have caused brain damage which led to him molesting children. That is quite possible. He did seem like he might have had some brain damage. He did not seem all that intelligent. So obviously he had a really messed up and crazy mom. As far as I know, he himself was never sexually abused.
What is really mind boggling also is that the principle of this school and the PASTOR of the church I went to KNEW of an incident with a 4 year old girl 5 years prior to this one and said nothing and did nothing. They still let him work with kids at the school and at the church! The school was owned by this church. Wow right! This was a pastor and a school principal of a somewhat elite private school. Not only did they do nothing, they LET this guy pretty much run the whole school for 12 hours every day! He was there from 6am to 6pm everyday. He was the before and after school teacher and the P.E. teacher and the socceer coach. Wow right? And he was alone with the 5th and 6th grade group at church EVERY Sunday and Wednesday night. Wow.
Which I guess is why the pastor and principle said nothing because they depended on him and his exceeding energy to motitor the kids for 12 hours a day every week day. But how MUCH does that show that both the pastor and the principal did not care about the kids at all and their safety? They may have thought God could reform him and he would be ok. And yes God could reform him, but people are realizing more and more now that if a child molestor molests a kid once, he will most likely do it again; it's only a matter of time.
This guy led a game for the junior high and high school youth group every single Wednesday night. He even taught the lesson sometimes! Talk about serious hypocrisy!
The really crazy thing is I, at one time, actually wanted to marry this guy. haha. That is the craziest part of this story really. I hung out with him all the time, and I was even fooled into thinking he was a great guy, for the most part. I could always tell that there was something off about him though. He was kind of a jerk to my best friend at times. If she sat down in worship at church he was a jerk about it. He was a bit overly controlling with the kids at the school. He seemed to be on a power trip with them all the time. Overall he seemed to care about no one but himself. He was very selfish. He thought he was amazing and there was something wrong with everyone else. Everyone else had a problem, but he never did. That is why sick people get even more sick, because they never think anything is wrong with them. They point the finger at everyone else but never analyze themselves. They never take the good long and hard look in the mirror that they need to so they can get better.
This guy was very, very immature at times. He would act like a kid often times. His hobby was working on a train set for hours and hours. He lived on Kix cereal and Sunkist sodas. He did not eat anything but that pretty much and he would go 12 hours without eating when he was at work from 6am to 6pm.
He had only had one girlfriend his entire life and that was when he was 18 or so. She broke his heart and he never tried dating again. When he was at work he was a controlling domineering type person with the kids. When he was out with his friends he turned into a 10 year old boy essentially. I thought of him as a hyena because he was so silly and crazy outside of work. But at work he carried himself and acted like he was a lawyer or a police officer. He took himself very seriously at work.
I did notice one suspicious thing one day when I was working in after school care with him. I worked with this guy 30 hours every week at this private school. One day it was just me and him and a cute 13 year old girl that were there still at the school. I was wondering after all this came out if she was a girl he molested 5 years before that, that our pastor and the principle ignored the story of. He was chasing this 13 year old girl around throwing balls at her and it seemed to me like flirting. I confonted him through an e-mail that he should be more careful to not appear like he was flirting with a kid. That he should not make things look bad. He was respectful in his response to me via e-mail.
But that was pretty much the only odd thing I noticed in a whole year of working with him in after school care around about 70 kids together every day. Pretty amazing. He hid his sickness very well from a ton of people. Very, very amazing.
I can't believe he was allowed to be alone with so many kids SO many times! What was that pastor thinking? What was the principle thinking?
And who knows how many more stories there are like that out there.
I don't know why God allows some men to get sick and do things to little kids. It's very sad. My own dad did stuff to me as a kid also. And I know of many other stories of adult men molesting kids, like "family" doctors molesting boys and pretending it's a medical exam but it's not.
All we can do is pray. Please pray! Pray for the kids of America and the world! Pray that sick men will NOT be allowed to work with cute, innocent kids in any way, Ever!
In Jesus name Amen. May God bless you all! :) Please pray. Thank you all :)
Friday, November 2, 2018
Reverse Feminism!
We really need to reverse feminism in the world. Way, way to much is expected of women and girls now. Way more then used to be expected that’s for sure. We wonder why depression is so prevelant now. For women, it’s because they are now having to work in and outside the home at the same time. Most men don’t realize how hard a woman works just to maintain a home, but we all do work very hard at that.
It’s so sad that so many boys struggle in school and are often neglected by teachers. Boys will have to, or should, be the main bread winners for their families someday. Teachers often focus on the girls more and praise the girls, usually because girls are better at writing. But it’s the boys that really require the teacher’s attention the most, given all that will be expected of them as adults.
If our society did a better job at educating boys, then girls probably wouldn’t need to worry about college and careers. They could just raise children and let the highly competent boys our school system could put out provide for them. But the only reason feminism had to happen was because the ball was dropped in American society on raising strong, competent men. Just think back on the guys you dated or your daughter dated. How many of them were strong and competent?
Oh if we could go back to the 20’s and 30’s and earlier when women didn’t have to bear the weight of child raising and providing money for the family. Women have things so hard now and it really is so sad. π’ Women should be able to just relax and enjoy being a mom, but very few moms get to really enjoy just being a mom now. The world tells women, “No, that’s not enough. You have to do x, y, z too.” But really it’s Satan telling women that.
May God help our nation and our world! May women feel like they can relax and just be moms. And may the men step up to the plate and provide well for their families, as they should.
And lastly to the men, if your woman is working, you better be doing some laundry, dishes and vacuuming to help her out. π Like seriously. π
May God bless you all!
Monday, October 29, 2018
Odd Bible Passages
Does this not sound like the most Catholic passage in the Bible? John 20:21-23 "Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
One reason it seems very Catholic is that you have the mystical element where Jesus breaths on them. This reminds me of the transmutation that I read about in college that they used to teach in Catholic churches throughout church history. They literally believed that the bread and wine literally became the body and blood of Jesus before they consumed it in communion, which would be cannibalism obviously. But the Catholics had lots of crazy teachings back then.
Now also realize that most, if not all, of the monks who copied the Bible over the years were Catholic.
Then in this passage you have the very strange verse that if we forgive the sins of others they will be forgiven, but only God can forgive sins! We all know that! So I think the crazy monks inserted this passage, as in they made it up, to justify their teaching that you HAD to confess your sins to a priest to have your sins forgiven. Because they loved to have that power. And I think they inserted, as in made up, this part about Jesus breathing on the disciples because it sounds very mystical, and many things they did were very mystical and strange. Like praying to Mary and the saints. That was and is very odd and not biblical.
The other reason I think this passage was not meant to be in the Bible and that it was inserted is look over at Acts 1. "Jesus commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” IF Jesus had already breathed on them and gave them the Holy Spirit, why would he say they will receive the Holy Spirit again. This does NOT make any logical sense. Read what Jesus said to them again. They were to WAIT for the promise of the Father. Meaning they did not already have it. Therefore, I think the passage in John was falsely inserted and not meant to be part of the Bible.
In the same way most recognize that the end of Mark 16 was inserted and was not meant to be in the Bible. Why? Because it simply is not true and the entire passage does not happen. "These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Yes some speak with other tongues, but no one has drank a deadly poison and lived or taken up serpents. Or at least for sure not EVERY Chrisitan has done that. Therefore this passage was not meant to be in the Bible.
I think the same is true for the passage about Jesus breathing on the disciples. They did not receive the Holy Spirit twice. They received the Holy Spirit once, as we all do. We receive the Holy Spirit when we put our faith in Jesus. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this. May God bless you all!
Seeking the Truth
It’s funny how almost every single pastor and church teaches a little bit of false teaching. π Why do they? Because they teach what some other pastor taught them on a certain topic rather then what the BIBLE says.
There is always a few verses of the Bible that any given pastor focuses on too much and ignores other verses in the Bible. I suppose that’s Satan’s way of getting people to not go to church. But the key is not to stay away from all churches. The key is to Read Your Bible Yourself so that you can know the truth for yourself, and don’t worry about debating with others to convince them of what you have seen. If God wants to show them, he will. π Just pray for them. πππΌ
And pray for yourself always too, that God will show you the truth as you read. Rely on God’s Spirit in you to show you the truth, not what some pastor or some book says. God can and WILL speak to you directly and lead you into all truth. Amen? Amen π
May God bless you all!
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Tongues Testimonies
Here are the stories from 30 different people on Facebook about how the gift of tongues began in their life, their first experience. :)
I will say for my own story, I never have prayed in tongues but have been open to it for awhile, but also a little scared of it at the same time. In reading these stories maybe I have reason to be scared, because it sounds like an intense roller coaster ride lol. But I do love roller coasters. :) So maybe I would love praying in tongues too. I know my husband has prayed in tongues for the last 12 years or so. His sounds like an African language I think. Whenever he prays in tongues for me about anything I giggle and feel extra happy. lol. So that's cool. :) I do believe it's from God. I KNOW tongues is still a gift for today. It did NOT cease with the publishing of the Bible. "The perfect" that Paul refers to in Corinthians is heaven, not the completion of the Bible. I have heard it in a church where someone prays and interprets their own tongue, which is nice. I know in the past when my hubby has prayed in tongues a lot it helped him quit smoking. So that's great. I have always kind of thought I don't need that to stay away from sin and be close to God, which that might be my pride thinking that, but therefore I have not felt I needed tongues. But if God wants me to have it, and if it really is the gateway to having the gift of healing etc, as some say, then I would want it. So pray for me about that please. It sounds interesting that's for sure. :)
The stories:
Very crazy. My "natural mind" kept telling me I was making it up. (Long story. It was very late at night and i could not stop for over 4 hours.)
Just uncomfortable. Lol. I do it daily now and it's like breathing, but that first time I just felt so lost. I was stood at the empty school grounds with my youth Pastor just wondering what was going on xx
The actual experience itself wasn't fun, because I had a lot of crazy people standing over me, yelling at me and laying hands on me. But after I first received it, I would speak in tongues in my mind every time I heard anybody speaking another language. :) And I felt giddy, even laughing instead of getting upset when I dropped a folder full of papers and they scattered in the wind, that sort of thing.
I felt a huge release, I had missed church that day, when my parents came home and told me about it I went to my room and cried out to God "I want that! I want my own prayer language to the Throne!" He gave it to me
❤ so I bawled even more hahaha.
I whispered my first few words..because it sounded so funny..(haha..funny)..those first words are still prominent in my language..now they are heart warming..not funny
I was being prayed for one day and the lady started speaking in tongues and next I found myself interpreting. I was amazed and was thinking wow as I did so. Hasn't happened since
Truly amazing and wonderous. The mind can not fathom what the spirit is doing
It was so electrifying was saved baptized spiritually healed and talked tongues. I could feel the finger tips of jesus. I knew I was saying but came out in different language. I loved greatest experience of my life. Bible talks about talking in spiritual tongues
It happened in 1976, when I was 10 in one of my dad's church service. No one was praying for me. The Holy Spirit came over me when I was sitting on the floor.
It's like you know what you are saying because you are talking to God in the spirit but the words are not of this world but you know it's divine is the only way I can explain it
My testimony to my first time speaking in tongues funny as it may sound I was listening to the Isley Brothers living for the love of you...... it started off I was just singing the song then I started thinking how good God was to me and I began singing to him that I was living for his love and then the second part of the trilogy the holy Spirit came down upon me I'll never forget it pure utterance is all I can describe it as
It felt like hot lava flowing out of my stomach and tongue.!!! It also felt like thousands upon thousands of bolts of lightning , thunder , rushing waters, winds, and fire coming out of my body ,stomach mouth, lips, and tongue....year of 1992
Oh my goodness. I was sixteen years old. March 20, 1977 I was saved and baptized in water. Two weeks later on a Thursday night at church, an evangelist prayed for me and I got baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and it was fast tongues. I'll never forget it. Today, I pray in tongues, sing in tongues, intercede and do warfare in tongues. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost.
I felt a direct light from heaven then my stomach bubbled and it was like word vomit from my stomach. I still get sore in my stomach muscles when I speak in tongues for a while
I was 11 and my mom laid hands on me to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It felt strange and awkward learning to let go of control over my mouth and tounge. I was afraid I wasn't doing it right or that I was making up my prayer language, which was just a few simple syllables back then.
1998 got baptized in the Holy Spirit began speaking in tongues instantly, looking at each leader in the eyes speaking rapidly to them in the Spirit. Felt like I could run around the world a thousand times! I sing in the Spirit now and pray also. I will never forget it!
My tongue felt like it was moving by its self...my belly felt full...not like when you eat and get full...I felt like waves going over me....I felt calm and at peace
I did not believe in tongues.I thought it was of the devil.
I was given a book...The Holy Spirit and You.
After reading it I told God if He really wanted me to have it then I would receive it. Then having decided to trust I heard and saw Lorday...I said thats close to Lord...I can say that. Then I heard Oh bay...again I said thats like obey...I can say that. Then I heard
Timur Seedah. I said..okay God I believe its you. I said it all together and I was instantly baptized and overwhelmed by His Presence in the throne room.
I saw my spiritual voice box in my throat open as I started to try pray in tongues. It was a strange kind experience praying at first but after I while I got used it as time went on. Years past before I really took more advantage of it.
I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit when I received Jesus. A couple of weeks after, I was in church walking towards the altar, like many were. I started feeling pressure on my throat like a ball of energy coming through my throat to my mouth and I started speaking in tongues! Praise and glory to God!
I didn't realize I was praying in tongues till like half way my praying, then I kinda wanted to stop & listened to myself, but kept going...it was like my own tongue was controlling itself.I had mixed emotions about it.I don't come from a home where I've heard someone pray in tongues before.I loved how it made me feel, but was freaked out at the same time, was amazed, felt weird and for the first time I felt like I was really praying.
It felt like I finally received a long awaited gift from God. I did not feel any different. Did not “feel” anything really. I just opened my mouth and started speaking in tongues— it was one syllable at that time. But before this I had been praying and wanting the gift for so long, maybe a year or two. And God have it to me after I surrendered my desires to him! It was a precious moment.
it was awesome,,after I received the gift I always wanted to be speaking in tongues
Was in a dream, sitting in my moms living room (in the dream), sunlight began to stream in through the window and I started speaking in tongues (in the dream).
I awakened around 2ish am and I was weeping very intensely while the word of God came forth from my spirit in supernatural poems and proverbs. Before this experience I could not articulate my words in such a fashion. OHH BUT GOD..Glory
I just couldn't stop continued the whole day till i slept, i couldn't stop.
Incredible!. I started speaking in tongues at 10 years old.
It was about 35 years ago, but what I remember was hearing simple little syllables, and then, I spoke them out in faith. There wasn’t any crashing fanfare from heaven as I had witnessed with others (like my parents and husband). However, as I trusted the Lord and spoke in faith, I began to grow in the spirit of intercession,
I was at a meeting and felt the holy spirit grooming a message in me. I felt a ball of fire spinning inside my stomach, and when I finally released it, it felt like heaven opened up and flushed over the entire meeting. My message was interpreted by someone else and it came in three waves. When it was over it dripped oil from my fingers and his power filled me in such way I felt it in my eyes, my hands and feet. Ppl in the meeting told me they could see his glory in my eyes and several ppl wanted me to lay hands on and pray for themπ God is so good
Mine was very matter-of-fact. I was really hoping for an ecstatic, spiritual experience. I had always pictured it as something that would happen Out of the book of Acts. However being raised and told that it was of the devil it was new for me to think that I could have it and it was good. After praying about it a lot and reading about it I listen to a sermon and at the end they all started praying in tongues. I also told God if this was from him I wanted it, if not keep me far from it. My sister who had been praying in tongues before, had told me and just start saying what comes to mind that is not English. I did and it was such a disappointment of expectations. But I knew this was of God and I kept trusting him. Later it was funny because I realize that everybody else's tongues sound the same, but mine sound very different and they will change depending on what I'm praying about
I had attended a crusade where a prophet of God was ministering. He asked if there was anyone who wanted to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and several hands went up. Since I was born again I didn't lift mine. But he told all of us to join in that prayer of surrendering our lives, so we all in unison. In the middle of the prayers he said, ' Lord , You promised us that when we receive You, and we become Your children, You will give us the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we will see visions, we will dream dreams, we will prophecy, we will speak new tongues..... " . All I know I didn't finish those prayers , for my tongue became not my own. I had no control, what I said I have no clue, it was like a spring of water that just burst forth, fire that couldn't be quenched. The most glorious thing to happen in my life. I will never forget that!
I have been doing it since I was a young child and just didn’t realise it.
I was alone in my room praying and worshipping and I believed I could have it and I asked for it and received. It was just a few sounds at first that kept repeating and the more I said them, many more sounds came out. I didn’t feel fire or anything else. I just prayed and asked and received it.
So cool! And maybe soon I'll have my own story to share. Who knows. It could happen. :) Pray for me if you think of it, that God will give me this gift also. Thanks and May God bless you all!
I will say for my own story, I never have prayed in tongues but have been open to it for awhile, but also a little scared of it at the same time. In reading these stories maybe I have reason to be scared, because it sounds like an intense roller coaster ride lol. But I do love roller coasters. :) So maybe I would love praying in tongues too. I know my husband has prayed in tongues for the last 12 years or so. His sounds like an African language I think. Whenever he prays in tongues for me about anything I giggle and feel extra happy. lol. So that's cool. :) I do believe it's from God. I KNOW tongues is still a gift for today. It did NOT cease with the publishing of the Bible. "The perfect" that Paul refers to in Corinthians is heaven, not the completion of the Bible. I have heard it in a church where someone prays and interprets their own tongue, which is nice. I know in the past when my hubby has prayed in tongues a lot it helped him quit smoking. So that's great. I have always kind of thought I don't need that to stay away from sin and be close to God, which that might be my pride thinking that, but therefore I have not felt I needed tongues. But if God wants me to have it, and if it really is the gateway to having the gift of healing etc, as some say, then I would want it. So pray for me about that please. It sounds interesting that's for sure. :)
The stories:
Very crazy. My "natural mind" kept telling me I was making it up. (Long story. It was very late at night and i could not stop for over 4 hours.)
Just uncomfortable. Lol. I do it daily now and it's like breathing, but that first time I just felt so lost. I was stood at the empty school grounds with my youth Pastor just wondering what was going on xx
The actual experience itself wasn't fun, because I had a lot of crazy people standing over me, yelling at me and laying hands on me. But after I first received it, I would speak in tongues in my mind every time I heard anybody speaking another language. :) And I felt giddy, even laughing instead of getting upset when I dropped a folder full of papers and they scattered in the wind, that sort of thing.
I felt a huge release, I had missed church that day, when my parents came home and told me about it I went to my room and cried out to God "I want that! I want my own prayer language to the Throne!" He gave it to me

I whispered my first few words..because it sounded so funny..(haha..funny)..those first words are still prominent in my language..now they are heart warming..not funny
I was being prayed for one day and the lady started speaking in tongues and next I found myself interpreting. I was amazed and was thinking wow as I did so. Hasn't happened since
Truly amazing and wonderous. The mind can not fathom what the spirit is doing
It was so electrifying was saved baptized spiritually healed and talked tongues. I could feel the finger tips of jesus. I knew I was saying but came out in different language. I loved greatest experience of my life. Bible talks about talking in spiritual tongues
It happened in 1976, when I was 10 in one of my dad's church service. No one was praying for me. The Holy Spirit came over me when I was sitting on the floor.
It's like you know what you are saying because you are talking to God in the spirit but the words are not of this world but you know it's divine is the only way I can explain it
My testimony to my first time speaking in tongues funny as it may sound I was listening to the Isley Brothers living for the love of you...... it started off I was just singing the song then I started thinking how good God was to me and I began singing to him that I was living for his love and then the second part of the trilogy the holy Spirit came down upon me I'll never forget it pure utterance is all I can describe it as
It felt like hot lava flowing out of my stomach and tongue.!!! It also felt like thousands upon thousands of bolts of lightning , thunder , rushing waters, winds, and fire coming out of my body ,stomach mouth, lips, and tongue....year of 1992
Oh my goodness. I was sixteen years old. March 20, 1977 I was saved and baptized in water. Two weeks later on a Thursday night at church, an evangelist prayed for me and I got baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and it was fast tongues. I'll never forget it. Today, I pray in tongues, sing in tongues, intercede and do warfare in tongues. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost.
I felt a direct light from heaven then my stomach bubbled and it was like word vomit from my stomach. I still get sore in my stomach muscles when I speak in tongues for a while
I was 11 and my mom laid hands on me to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It felt strange and awkward learning to let go of control over my mouth and tounge. I was afraid I wasn't doing it right or that I was making up my prayer language, which was just a few simple syllables back then.
1998 got baptized in the Holy Spirit began speaking in tongues instantly, looking at each leader in the eyes speaking rapidly to them in the Spirit. Felt like I could run around the world a thousand times! I sing in the Spirit now and pray also. I will never forget it!
My tongue felt like it was moving by its self...my belly felt full...not like when you eat and get full...I felt like waves going over me....I felt calm and at peace
I did not believe in tongues.I thought it was of the devil.
I was given a book...The Holy Spirit and You.
After reading it I told God if He really wanted me to have it then I would receive it. Then having decided to trust I heard and saw Lorday...I said thats close to Lord...I can say that. Then I heard Oh bay...again I said thats like obey...I can say that. Then I heard
Timur Seedah. I said..okay God I believe its you. I said it all together and I was instantly baptized and overwhelmed by His Presence in the throne room.
I saw my spiritual voice box in my throat open as I started to try pray in tongues. It was a strange kind experience praying at first but after I while I got used it as time went on. Years past before I really took more advantage of it.
I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit when I received Jesus. A couple of weeks after, I was in church walking towards the altar, like many were. I started feeling pressure on my throat like a ball of energy coming through my throat to my mouth and I started speaking in tongues! Praise and glory to God!
I didn't realize I was praying in tongues till like half way my praying, then I kinda wanted to stop & listened to myself, but kept going...it was like my own tongue was controlling itself.I had mixed emotions about it.I don't come from a home where I've heard someone pray in tongues before.I loved how it made me feel, but was freaked out at the same time, was amazed, felt weird and for the first time I felt like I was really praying.
It felt like I finally received a long awaited gift from God. I did not feel any different. Did not “feel” anything really. I just opened my mouth and started speaking in tongues— it was one syllable at that time. But before this I had been praying and wanting the gift for so long, maybe a year or two. And God have it to me after I surrendered my desires to him! It was a precious moment.
it was awesome,,after I received the gift I always wanted to be speaking in tongues
Was in a dream, sitting in my moms living room (in the dream), sunlight began to stream in through the window and I started speaking in tongues (in the dream).
I awakened around 2ish am and I was weeping very intensely while the word of God came forth from my spirit in supernatural poems and proverbs. Before this experience I could not articulate my words in such a fashion. OHH BUT GOD..Glory
I just couldn't stop continued the whole day till i slept, i couldn't stop.
Incredible!. I started speaking in tongues at 10 years old.
It was about 35 years ago, but what I remember was hearing simple little syllables, and then, I spoke them out in faith. There wasn’t any crashing fanfare from heaven as I had witnessed with others (like my parents and husband). However, as I trusted the Lord and spoke in faith, I began to grow in the spirit of intercession,
I was at a meeting and felt the holy spirit grooming a message in me. I felt a ball of fire spinning inside my stomach, and when I finally released it, it felt like heaven opened up and flushed over the entire meeting. My message was interpreted by someone else and it came in three waves. When it was over it dripped oil from my fingers and his power filled me in such way I felt it in my eyes, my hands and feet. Ppl in the meeting told me they could see his glory in my eyes and several ppl wanted me to lay hands on and pray for themπ God is so good
Mine was very matter-of-fact. I was really hoping for an ecstatic, spiritual experience. I had always pictured it as something that would happen Out of the book of Acts. However being raised and told that it was of the devil it was new for me to think that I could have it and it was good. After praying about it a lot and reading about it I listen to a sermon and at the end they all started praying in tongues. I also told God if this was from him I wanted it, if not keep me far from it. My sister who had been praying in tongues before, had told me and just start saying what comes to mind that is not English. I did and it was such a disappointment of expectations. But I knew this was of God and I kept trusting him. Later it was funny because I realize that everybody else's tongues sound the same, but mine sound very different and they will change depending on what I'm praying about
I had attended a crusade where a prophet of God was ministering. He asked if there was anyone who wanted to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and several hands went up. Since I was born again I didn't lift mine. But he told all of us to join in that prayer of surrendering our lives, so we all in unison. In the middle of the prayers he said, ' Lord , You promised us that when we receive You, and we become Your children, You will give us the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we will see visions, we will dream dreams, we will prophecy, we will speak new tongues..... " . All I know I didn't finish those prayers , for my tongue became not my own. I had no control, what I said I have no clue, it was like a spring of water that just burst forth, fire that couldn't be quenched. The most glorious thing to happen in my life. I will never forget that!
I have been doing it since I was a young child and just didn’t realise it.
I was alone in my room praying and worshipping and I believed I could have it and I asked for it and received. It was just a few sounds at first that kept repeating and the more I said them, many more sounds came out. I didn’t feel fire or anything else. I just prayed and asked and received it.
So cool! And maybe soon I'll have my own story to share. Who knows. It could happen. :) Pray for me if you think of it, that God will give me this gift also. Thanks and May God bless you all!
Friday, September 28, 2018
Mental, emotional and spiritual healing is just as important, if not more important, than physical healing. How many of you agree you would much rather have your spouse get mental healing over physical healing so that they can be nicer to you? πππΌ Amen. But those three types of healing can LEAD to physical healing. We all know worry can lead to headaches. We all know worry can lead to high blood pressure, which can lead to all kinds of other health problems and even eventually death. So don't worry and you will be healthy and healed. π Theoretically. π But how can you not worry? By reading the word as much as you can and listening to sermons and worship music. Just play worship or sermons in your car and in your home non-stop and I guarantee you won't have time to worry. Amen! π "He sent forth his word and it healed them." So if you do this, your headaches might get better and your blood pressure might go down, just by focusing on God and his goodness. Amen? Amen!
It's ironic that the two times I was in my car yesterday, on my way to a Bible study and delivering pizzas, J Vernon McGee was on CSN radio 101.3, or 100.3 if you live south of Jarrell. I love CSN radio! McGee was saying that the verse "by his stripes we are healed" refers to spiritual healing only. That is also what Billy Graham says about that verse in his book "The Holy Spirit." That is always how I have seen that verse, because before that phrase it says, "he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." That is in Isaiah 53. Transgressions and iniquities are other words for sin specifically. We were healed from our sin, and now sin does not have power over us and we can choose to sin or not sin. But before accepting Jesus' free gift and the Holy Spirit coming in our soul, we had no choice but to sin, because we were under it’s power. Not to speak doubt and unbelief over that teaching, but it's always important to read verses in context.
Although, and here’s the other side, in Matthew 8 when Matthew refrences that passage it says, "When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to Jesus, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: 'He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.' " So ironically Matthew himself misquotes Isaiah 53. Why? I have no idea. In Isaiah this verse actually says, "He took up our pain and bore our suffering." So it is close. Pain and suffering does mean about the same thing as infirmities and diseases.
So there is biblical justification for both sides of the argument.
But Jesus did bear our diseases when he died on the cross. π
How do you receive that healing? Pastor Dennis correctly points out that everything we receive from God we receive by faith. Faith comes by hearing the word. Now that you have read that teaching on healing for any Christian does actually come from the word, you can have faith!
So have faith! God bore your pain and suffering on the cross, but don’t sin anymore, as much as possible, so that your freedom from sin and sickness can really be real and true for you. ππππΌππΌ⭐️
God Loves You!
May God bless you all! π
Speaking FAITH
If you don't want to loose your house, every day you need to say "Thank you God that we aren't going to loose our house. Thank you God for this house. I love it!" If you don't want to loose your spouse you need to say every day, "Thank you God that I'm going to stay married my whole life. Thank you for my spouse. They are wonderful." If you want your kids to not die speak out every day, "Thank you that you will give my kids a long life. You bore their pain and suffering on the cross. I know that you love me and you want to bless me. You give me the desire of my heart if I delight in you. You know I delight in you alone and my greatest desire is that my children will be healthy and happy always! Thank you God that you will give them a long and healthy life. Amen!"
You can't speak doubt over your life and expect to have victory. You can't speak unbelief and expect to have good things happen to you. "The power of life and death are in the tongue." And the power of life and death are in your mind ALSO. Are you always thinking "my spouse is going to divorce me. I know they want to divorce me etc?" That's a lie from Satan! You need to tell Satan "get behind me!" Stay positive. Speak life! Stay in faith!
It has always frustrated me how negative people can be sometimes and that they don't realize how VERY destructive that is to their success in life. The people who taught the book The Secret would call being positive the secret to success in life. Christians just call that faith. If you have faith, you NEED to stay positive. Otherwise you can't say that you have faith. Either you have faith or you don't. Either you believe or you don't. If you believe God wants to be good to you, then speak it out! In your thoughts and aloud.
I can't even count how many times I have tried to tell people around me "please try to stay positive." People just don't realize how much they can speak death and defeat into any situation by their words and with the thoughts they allow themselves to think.
Why can't people tell when their thoughts are from SATAN? I can. Immediately if I have ANY thought that would lead to death of any kind at all I KNOW it's Satan and I take the thought captive, meaning I STOP thinking about it. That is what it means to take a thought captive. You just STOP thinking about it.
So God I pray for all those who have a hard time discerning what thoughts are from Satan and which ones are not. God your word said we extinguish the flaming darts from Satan with our shield of faith, so God PLEASE help everyone I know, and everyone reading this, to have FAITH! God help people to not listen to Satan any longer. To clear their mind of any evil thoughts that lead to death. God I pray that you would give us all a clarity of MIND like we have never had before. I pray that your peace that passes all understanding will GAURD our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. God we NEED your peace to gaurd us from Satan's attacks. We all know worry leads to most of our health problems, and we know we need your healing from worry. God help us to have FAITH! We believe but help us in our unbelief. God help those who don't know how much you love them and HOW MUCH you want to provide good things for them! Help them to believe that you do! God you love us and you want to take care of us. God help us to believe that. Tear down any strongholds in our mind that you are against us or want us to suffer. God you love your children. You love those who seek to obey you, and the Bible says you reward those who diligently seek you. So God help us to DILIGENTLY seek you so that you can reward us. Thank you God. Thank you that you are working in anyone who reads this that they will try to seek you with all their heart and will keep their minds fixed on you. Thank you that Satan will not be able to gain power over them any longer! In Jesus' name! God we thank you for that!
Stay focused on God and be blessed. ;) Amen.
May God blesss you all! With health and abundance in every area of your life! Amen!
Monday, September 24, 2018
Two Sides to All Debates
My best blog yet :)
Have you noticed that on any given issue the Bible has verses to support two sides, which is why there are good meaning, saved Christians on both sides of any debate. The Bible says we are predestined but it also says "anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." The Bible says do not forbid speaking in tongues but it also says eagerly desire the greater gifts, which I think are teaching and prophesying, which I think can be just preaching. The Bible says that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit when we believe, but it also says that any branch in Jesus that does not bear fruit is cut off. The Bible says God SO loved us that he sent his only son to die for us, but it also says that God disciplines those he loves. The Bible says that God can heal people today via some having the gift of healing and the laying on of hands, but Paul talked about his thorn in the flesh that God said no to healing. The Bible says the disciples received the Holy Spirit when Jesus breathed on them and Pentecost does seem to have been a second filling of the Holy Spirit, but Paul says "do all pray in tongues?" Meaning no, not all Christians will pray in tongues. The Bible says do not forbid speaking in tongues, but it says if there is no interpreter a tongues speaker should be forbidden to speak in church. lol. The Bible says "I do not permit a woman to teach a man" but some of the early church leaders were women. So why did God let all these seeming contradictions be in the Bible? I think it is so that we will keep reading the Bible and keep reading it while trying to understand what the middle ground is. God wants us to see both sides on all these topics. Unfortunately most people just go on one side or the other and fight against the other side, but we all need to see the WHOLE picture always. Balance is always key. Seeing all of Scripture is always key. Not just one verse. Not just one concept in the Bible. We all need to see it all at all times, the entire Bible. Amen. May God help us all in this and give us more and more of his divine wisdom to have eyes to see all the truth at once. :) May God bless you all!
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Great Church Meetings π€
Several Church Activities (for any interested) I will go to most of these. π All of these have childcare except the Monday healing class. π
Sunday 10:30 service at Grace Bible and Church on the Rock, both in Georgetown
Sunday at 6 a second new service at Church on the Rock in Georgetown
Monday 6:30 A class on healing and prayer for healing at Church on the Rock in Georgetown ππΌ⭐️π
Tuesday 2pm women’s bible study on the life of Jesus at Grace Bible ππΌ
Wednesday 6:30 Awanas for kids ages 3 to 12 at Grace Bible in Georgetown
7 to 8:30pm Service at Church on the Rock in Georgetown
Thursday 9:15 to 11:15am women’s bible study on Ruth at Grace Bible in Georgetown ππΌ
Thursday 6:30 starting next week a moms Bible study at Grace Bible ππΌπ
Friday- Go out to eat with your spouse at Chili’s! Woot! π and walk on the awesome river trail by there πππ⭐️ππΌ
Saturday 6:30 The Back Door Church service in Jarrell at a Methodist church by Sun Fresh ππΌ
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Be Good
I have had about 30 fillings in my life and I think it was because I stopped flossing every day. I flossed every night from age 11 till about age 25. But then at age 25 I had to get a crown on one of my teeth. So that was very discouraging. π’ I didn’t get why I needed a crown when I brushed twice a day and flossed every night. π (It’s possible that dentist was just trying to make more money, because I think crowns bring in way more profit for them.)
So after that I stopped flossing for the most part because I thought “what is the point if I’m still going to need crowns while flossing?” π’
I think it can be the same way with us regarding being good in life. We might try and be good for a long time, and then something bad happens to us and we’re like “ah what’s the point of being good when bad stuff still happens to me?!” I’m sure many of us have thought that at various times. π
But the key to remember is that a lot less bad stuff happens to those who try to be good then to those who don’t.
For example, if you show up for work on time every shift and respect all your co-workers and your boss you most likely won’t be fired. ππΌ So doing good does result in a cause and effect that is beneficial then.
I flossed well as long as I did and maybe would have needed more crowns if I hadn’t. I am trying to floss again now at least every few days. ππΌ And I use mouthwash now. π
Also when we respect our spouses and treat them like we would want to be treated, we will most likely not have a divorce.
When we try to care for our children well and show them lots of love they most likely won’t end up in prison someday. πππΌ
When we eat right we will for sure have less health issues then those who don’t.
So God’s command that we be Holy, or try to be holy, WILL benefit us in the end. Putting in the hard work to be good and take good care of ourselves and others WILL result in our lives being better overall. Amen.
So don’t give up when you feel like all the work you put into being good seems to be for nothing. Keep pressing on to win the prize for which God has called you to. Fight the good fight of the faith! Be a good Christian and do good, and then your life and everyone’s life around you will be much better as a result. π Be Good. π
May God bless you all!
On Caffeine
When I got my wisdom teeth pulled two months ago my home care involved not drinking caffeine for awhile. I suppose that was a blessing because since then I have drank very little caffeine. I drink green tea when I feel overly sluggish on occasion but I stopped doing my usual twice a day cup of coffee or green tea. And the ironic thing is I actually have more energy, not less. Praise God! I always heard caffeine gives you a high and then dumps you and that’s true. So life is much better with little or no caffeine. If you are thinking of quitting caffeine I pray this will give you hope that your life will really be better without it. ππΌ
Also I always knew the acidity of coffee or tea was killing my teeth. I have literally had about 30 fillings in my life and I have two crowns already at age 33. ☹️ I think that was mainly due to coffee. And chocolate didn’t help I’m sure. π And sugarless gum, which we all know isn’t sugarless because it’s still sweet. There’s still some kind of sugar in it, which is probably bad for our teeth.
Also caffeine really does lead to more stomach pain. Now that I’m off caffeine mostly my stomach pain is gone. Praise God! π ππΌππΌ
So I pray you will be encouraged, if you are considering quitting or cutting back on caffeine. Life really is better with less caffeine. Don’t let Satan keep feeding you the lie that you need it to be happy. You don’t! It’s a drug just like any other drug and it’s good to really see that. “The truth shall set you free.” π And “he who the son sets free is free indeed.” Amen! Caffeine is a drug but you can be set free and your life will be much better without it! π I know because mine is. ππΌ
May God bless you all!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Loose Your Life
Facebook is such an interesting way of interacting with other people, if you really think about it. At any time or with any post you could have people watching or listening to you, but you have no idea who it is or how many it is. But I suppose we all love Facebook and keep posting things because it’s exciting when someone shows an interest in our lives. And it’s exciting to affect others and the way others might think. So we Facebook away hoping to make our mark on the world, π to be noticed, to make a difference. But it really is funny, because essentially, we won’t know until we are in heaven how many lives we affected by what we wrote in various posts.
But I want to encourage any of who are Christian, say as much as you can about God on your page! Be bold about your faith and don’t be ashamed of Jesus! Because the world NEEDS to hear about Jesus! More than anything else every person needs to hear about Jesus and how MUCH God Loves them! Every single person’s life would be 95% better if they knew and followed Jesus. I don’t say 100% because a perfect life is not possible until heaven. But Satan deceives SO many into thinking their life would be 95% worse with Jesus and that is very sad. π But a life in Christ IS the best life possible! I know it is! Following God and staying away from sin is THE happiest life you can have.
Forget the lies that Satan feeds you that your sin is more fun and brings you more joy then denying yourself and taking up your cross daily. The more selfish we are, the more miserable we become, amen? You all know that in your souls, because God’s law is written on our hearts from birth, but you won’t admit it in your minds.
And we hate ourselves for being so selfish and messing up relationships around us. π’ But the more selfless and Christ-like we become, the more joyful our life will be! And the more joyful life will be for everyone around us!
So don’t believe Satan’s lies that serving yourself is what will make you the most happy! Serve others! And even if they never say thank you, like most of y’all who never hit like on things I write even though I know you’re reading them and kind of like them, π but even if others never say thank you, you still should serve others and try to help others in any way you can, which is why I write all the things I do. πππΌ
Don’t live for yourself. You will be miserable. Live for God, and there will be so much joy you won’t know what to do with it all. π€πππΌ “Whoever wants to save his life will loose it, but whoever looses his life for my sake will find it.” ππ Amen! “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” Give your advice, your time. Help others and God will greatly reward you amen! God bless!
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Yard Sales π€
This is a GREAT time of year to have a yard sale, and we all have credit cards to pay off right? Lol If you don’t, good job. πππΌπ So here’s some tips I thought of on how to have a great yard sale. π€ And these are all things I plan to do at my yard sale I’ll have this Sunday evening. π
1. Play music, like fun dance music ππΌπ
2. Smile and be friendly
3. Try to not put clothes on tables. They get messed up quickly and are hard to look at. ☹️
4. Try to not put too many clothes on a clothing rack or you can’t look through them well
5. Price everything the same. Like at my sale everything will be $5 to make it easy for people to know prices. π I love how everything is $1 at the dollar tree so that’s where I got the idea. π
6. Have free candy π
7. Use red table cloths on tables because red attracts attention and generally is a color that makes us all feel happy and alive. π
8. And if you have a grill, cooking and selling hot dogs could be fun too. πππΌ
I hope you all try having a fun yard sale party! It’s a nice way to meet the neighbors too. π
May God bless you all!
Monday, August 27, 2018
The Main Problems in the U.S.
The 3 biggest issues in our nation that seriously need to change: abortion, pornography and psychotropic medication, because the medication is the root cause of all the mass shootings.
Notice I did not say homosexuality is one of the biggest issues that needs to change in our nation, because homosexuality is caused by child abuse which is caused by pornography. Pornography is what needs to be STOPPED. Until it is, child abuse will only increase and more and more people will become homosexual. The root issue is for sure pornography.
Notice I did not say homosexuality is one of the biggest issues that needs to change in our nation, because homosexuality is caused by child abuse which is caused by pornography. Pornography is what needs to be STOPPED. Until it is, child abuse will only increase and more and more people will become homosexual. The root issue is for sure pornography.
Babies and Birth Control
At church yesterday at Grace Bible in Georgetown, love that church, two missionaries shared about their work in Neema Villiage in Tanzania, an orphanage for babies who are literally left out to die all over Tanzania. π The death rate of mothers in that country is very high, due to most women not giving birth in a hospital, so if a mother dies her babies are left and abandoned in all kinds of crazy places. So sad. π I was crying the whole time they were sharing about it. All I know is from now on I will give most of my tithe to Neema Villiage for sure!
But it made me think about babies too, and all the ways we try to stop babies from being born here in the US. Of course abortions are terrible, but birth control methods can be too. Many can cause cancer and all kinds of horrible side effects. Birth control pills are the most commonly used. But I feel God wants me to warn all you women about those. You cannot try to stop the natural flow of life without causing an equal and ooppsite reaction, meaning you WILL have side effects and damage your body by taking birth control pills. I understand fully not wanting to have a baby. I am happy with my two and don’t want any more but let me let you in on a little secret ladies. π You DON’T need birth control pills or any other form of birth control. All you need to do is the pull out method. You can google that. π It has effectively worked for my husband and I for 3 years now. Don’t take birth control pills. Please. Just do that.
And I am not encouraging any of you young women to have sex. If you aren’t married you shouldn’t have sex. If you want to have sex, get married. π
May God bless you all!
Email to President Trump
My email to President Trump that I submitted on their official website. I hope he will read it!
:) One website said about 10 of these emails submitted on this site get forwarded to him every day. So hey you never know. You might actually get your email read by Trump, so try writing him.


To Trump:
:) I just wanted to make a HUGE suggestion. I love that you are trying to stop child molesters, but the SOURCE of their sickness and sexual addiction and perversion is FOR SURE pornography. It would be SO AMAZING if one president could finally shut down ALL the porn websites and the porn stores and shut down any maker of porn magazines and porn movies. PLEASE President Trump I pray that you might try to do that. If you really want to make America a better place, that would be the number ONE first step I think. May God bless you in all your endeavors and thank you for all you do! 


Here is the website to email Trump. :) https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact
May God bless you all!
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Satan’s Voice vs. God’s Voice
How do you know when Satan or God is speaking to you through someone you know when they are trying to advise you on things to do? It’s hard to tell sometimes.
But it’s important to realize that both God and Satan CAN speak through people to us, so be on your guard.
Generally if it’s God speaking through another person it will be encouraging and if it’s Satan, it will be discouraging.
Here is a biblical example for this: “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” You ever think of why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Because Satan was speaking through him that’s why. π Before Jesus said this, Peter was trying to discourage Jesus from dying on the cross. That was a Satan inspired word from Peter because it was meant to keep Jesus from fulfilling his calling. ANY advice from anyone where the person is trying to discourage you in your calling that you KNOW God called you to is from Satan and not God.
Stick to your callings always. Listen to God. and only to people when they echo what you know God is telling you. π Amen. May God bless you all!
Awesome lyrics from the song “My Life be Like” by Gritz. Love that song!
"The fear of never falling in love, and the tears after losing the feelings of what you thought love was
Like the dirt still up under the rug
Bad characteristics covered in Christ's blood
The joy of new birth and the pain of growing up
The bliss between giving my all and giving up
The highs and lows, paths and roads I chose
In the cold I froze, trying to ease my woes
In this world of sin, clothes too thin to fend
So to God I send, words of help to win
In grumblings so deep letters could never express
So the sound of Ooh Aah beneath my breath projects"
So cool!
"The fear of never falling in love, and the tears after losing the feelings of what you thought love was
Like the dirt still up under the rug
Bad characteristics covered in Christ's blood
The joy of new birth and the pain of growing up
The bliss between giving my all and giving up
The highs and lows, paths and roads I chose
In the cold I froze, trying to ease my woes
In this world of sin, clothes too thin to fend
So to God I send, words of help to win
In grumblings so deep letters could never express
So the sound of Ooh Aah beneath my breath projects"
So cool!
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Baby Murder by Doctors
“Do to others what you would want them to do to you” right? Would you want your kid to force 7 flu shots on you in 6 months when you are 92 years old?! You would think they were trying to kill you, wouldn’t you? π
Let’s just put this in the right perspective; when you are 92 the vulnerability and frailty of your body will be exactly the same as a newborn baby’s is. The effect that 7 flu shots would have on you at 92 is the exact same as it would have on a newborn baby. Have you heard of SIDS? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is the death of a baby with supposedly no known cause. They blame babies sleeping on their stomachs or blankets or bottles as the cause, but that’s only a diversion or distraction from the truth. It’s the 7 flu shots given to a newborn baby by 6 months you fools!
The only time my older brother went to the ER was after a flu shot. It was a mandatory flu shot he had to get in the army. And they want to give 7 flu shots to a newborn baby?! Really?
And you think you should trust your doctor. Think again.
Let’s just put this in the right perspective; when you are 92 the vulnerability and frailty of your body will be exactly the same as a newborn baby’s is. The effect that 7 flu shots would have on you at 92 is the exact same as it would have on a newborn baby. Have you heard of SIDS? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is the death of a baby with supposedly no known cause. They blame babies sleeping on their stomachs or blankets or bottles as the cause, but that’s only a diversion or distraction from the truth. It’s the 7 flu shots given to a newborn baby by 6 months you fools!
The only time my older brother went to the ER was after a flu shot. It was a mandatory flu shot he had to get in the army. And they want to give 7 flu shots to a newborn baby?! Really?
And you think you should trust your doctor. Think again.
The Horror of Vaccinations
πΆ Don’t Vaccinate Your Baby! πΆ
This is mind blowing to me, the current shot schedule for babies and kids. Babies are now given 31! Shots by the time they are 12 months old! 31! Oh the hororr! You can add it up for yourself. Such madness!
Look at this list closely, babies get TWO flu shots at 2 months of age, 2 more flu shots at 4 months! HiB and RV are BOTH a flu shot! And THREE flu shots at 6 months, HiB, RV and Influenza shots. So that is 7 flu shots in the first year of life! What? WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!?!
“Do to others what you would want them to do to you” right? Would you want your kid to force 7 flu shots on you in 6 months when you are 92 years old?
Also now the notorious MMR is given TWICE instead of once! And the DTaP is given THREE times in a baby’s first 6 months of life! That shot is actually 3 shots in one!
What also is mind blowing to me too in this list is that they don’t vaccinate kids for malaria or even mention it! Of all the vaccines they need to be giving kids, that would be number one I think.
But I really can’t believe doctors are allowed to torture babies this much! Why so many shots in their first year of life when their bodies are so weak? It makes no sense to me. And the MMR was proven to be linked to autism, largely in part because it was 3 vaccines given at the same time. But now they are giving 8 vaccines at one time to 2 month old babies?! EIGHT vaccines at one one time people! Clearly the end is near! So much evil there! Thus saith the Lord. π And then 2 months later SEVEN more vaccines?! What the heck! Save your children! Don’t vaccinate!
And people wonder why SIDS happens! Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It’s NOT blankets. It’s NOT bottles. And maybe it’s also not mother’s sharing beds with their babies and supposedly suffocating them. What if all infant deaths are from this enormous amount of shots they get?
Think about it, if the medical profession has no problem aborting thousands of babies every year, they don’t care about babies.
I guess parents think by doing all these vaccines they will spare their kid from all future harm. But the child will STILL get colds and flus. Lots of people get even MORE flus who get the flu shot. And worse flus. Ask almost anyone you know who gets the flu shot. The child might still break bones etc. And I think all the toxic substances in the vaccines could cause even MORE physical health issues, not less, the rest of their ENTIRE lives.
Here is the current recommended, NOT required, except in California π, shot schedule for kids. Let’s all say a prayer for kids in California. π
Maybe that’s why me, and many people I knew, had recurring nightmares of a tsunami hitting California. This mandatory in CA shot schedule may have been that tsunami. π’
HepB: Hepatitis B vaccine. Ideally, the first dose is given within 24 hours of birth, but kids not previously immunized can get it at any age. Some low birth weight infants will get it at 1 month or when they're discharged from the hospital. (Hm...why is that?)
1–2 months
HepB: Second dose should be given 1 to 2 months after the first dose.
2 months
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
RV: Rotavirus vaccine
4 months
6 months
Hib: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous Hib immunizations.
RV: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous RV immunizations.
6 months and annually
Influenza (Flu): The flu vaccine is recommended every year for children 6 months and older:
Kids younger than 9 who get the flu vaccine for the first time (or who have only had one dose before July 2017) will get it in two separate doses at least a month apart.
Those younger than 9 who have had at least two doses of flu vaccine previously (in the same or different seasons) will only need one dose.
Kids older than 9 only need one dose.
The vaccine is given by injection with a needle (the flu shot). The nasal spray form is not currently recommended because it wasn't effective enough in recent years.
6–18 months
12–15 months
MMR: Measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles) vaccine
Chickenpox (varicella)
12–23 months
HepA: Hepatitis A vaccine; given as two shots at least 6 months apart
15–18 months
4–6 years
11–12 years
HPV: Human papillomavirus vaccine, given in two shots over a 6- to 12-month period. It can be given as early as age 9. For teens and young adults ages 15–26, it is given in three shots over 6 months. It's recommended for both girls and boys to prevent genital warts and some types of cancer.
Tdap: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster. Also recommended during each pregnancy a woman has.
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine: And a booster dose is recommended at age 16.
16–18 years
Meningococcal B vaccine (MenB): The MenB vaccine may be given to kids and teens in two or three doses, depending on the brand. Unlike the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, which is recommended, the MenB vaccine is given at the discretion of the doctor.
This is mind blowing to me, the current shot schedule for babies and kids. Babies are now given 31! Shots by the time they are 12 months old! 31! Oh the hororr! You can add it up for yourself. Such madness!
Look at this list closely, babies get TWO flu shots at 2 months of age, 2 more flu shots at 4 months! HiB and RV are BOTH a flu shot! And THREE flu shots at 6 months, HiB, RV and Influenza shots. So that is 7 flu shots in the first year of life! What? WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!?!
“Do to others what you would want them to do to you” right? Would you want your kid to force 7 flu shots on you in 6 months when you are 92 years old?
Also now the notorious MMR is given TWICE instead of once! And the DTaP is given THREE times in a baby’s first 6 months of life! That shot is actually 3 shots in one!
What also is mind blowing to me too in this list is that they don’t vaccinate kids for malaria or even mention it! Of all the vaccines they need to be giving kids, that would be number one I think.
But I really can’t believe doctors are allowed to torture babies this much! Why so many shots in their first year of life when their bodies are so weak? It makes no sense to me. And the MMR was proven to be linked to autism, largely in part because it was 3 vaccines given at the same time. But now they are giving 8 vaccines at one time to 2 month old babies?! EIGHT vaccines at one one time people! Clearly the end is near! So much evil there! Thus saith the Lord. π And then 2 months later SEVEN more vaccines?! What the heck! Save your children! Don’t vaccinate!
And people wonder why SIDS happens! Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It’s NOT blankets. It’s NOT bottles. And maybe it’s also not mother’s sharing beds with their babies and supposedly suffocating them. What if all infant deaths are from this enormous amount of shots they get?
Think about it, if the medical profession has no problem aborting thousands of babies every year, they don’t care about babies.
I guess parents think by doing all these vaccines they will spare their kid from all future harm. But the child will STILL get colds and flus. Lots of people get even MORE flus who get the flu shot. And worse flus. Ask almost anyone you know who gets the flu shot. The child might still break bones etc. And I think all the toxic substances in the vaccines could cause even MORE physical health issues, not less, the rest of their ENTIRE lives.
Here is the current recommended, NOT required, except in California π, shot schedule for kids. Let’s all say a prayer for kids in California. π
Maybe that’s why me, and many people I knew, had recurring nightmares of a tsunami hitting California. This mandatory in CA shot schedule may have been that tsunami. π’
HepB: Hepatitis B vaccine. Ideally, the first dose is given within 24 hours of birth, but kids not previously immunized can get it at any age. Some low birth weight infants will get it at 1 month or when they're discharged from the hospital. (Hm...why is that?)
1–2 months
HepB: Second dose should be given 1 to 2 months after the first dose.
2 months
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
RV: Rotavirus vaccine
4 months
6 months
Hib: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous Hib immunizations.
RV: This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous RV immunizations.
6 months and annually
Influenza (Flu): The flu vaccine is recommended every year for children 6 months and older:
Kids younger than 9 who get the flu vaccine for the first time (or who have only had one dose before July 2017) will get it in two separate doses at least a month apart.
Those younger than 9 who have had at least two doses of flu vaccine previously (in the same or different seasons) will only need one dose.
Kids older than 9 only need one dose.
The vaccine is given by injection with a needle (the flu shot). The nasal spray form is not currently recommended because it wasn't effective enough in recent years.
6–18 months
12–15 months
MMR: Measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles) vaccine
Chickenpox (varicella)
12–23 months
HepA: Hepatitis A vaccine; given as two shots at least 6 months apart
15–18 months
4–6 years
11–12 years
HPV: Human papillomavirus vaccine, given in two shots over a 6- to 12-month period. It can be given as early as age 9. For teens and young adults ages 15–26, it is given in three shots over 6 months. It's recommended for both girls and boys to prevent genital warts and some types of cancer.
Tdap: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster. Also recommended during each pregnancy a woman has.
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine: And a booster dose is recommended at age 16.
16–18 years
Meningococcal B vaccine (MenB): The MenB vaccine may be given to kids and teens in two or three doses, depending on the brand. Unlike the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, which is recommended, the MenB vaccine is given at the discretion of the doctor.
Monday, August 13, 2018
It seems that some parents who vaccinate their children view those who don’t as if they were a terrorist walking around with a machine gun. But that fear is totally illogical, and it is really a spirit of fear. That fear and mentality has been drilled into their minds from countless propaganda articles on Google from Merck, the company who makes and sells vaccines. Here’s why that fear is illogical, the fear that an unvaccivayed child puts a vaccinated child at risk; if a child is vaccinated that means they can’t catch the diseases they are vaccinated for, right? So if an unvaccinated child around them gets measles, for example, the vaccinated child will NOT get measles because they are safe since they were vaccinated. Right? Unless the parent who vaccinated doesn’t believe the vaccines actually work, in which case what then is the point of vaccinating? π
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
My Road Trips
π This might give all you young people fun ideas. π
Age 23- from Omaha, NE up to South Dakota and over to Yellowstone and down to Vegas and the OC. With my mom and brother. π That was the best one!
Age 21- Up to Ashland, Oregon from the OC with my college Shakespeare class for a Shakespeare festival. Loved it!
Age 22- Over to Estes Park, Colorado from the OC for a hiking a camping trip with my college room mate and her family. Loved loved it!
Age 18- Over to the Grand Canyon with my college room mate and her family. We actually hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and camped out under the stars there for a week! It’s phenomenal how many stars you can see at the Grand Canyon! And we swam in and jumped off a waterfall! Amazing trip!
Age 21- A Choir tour with my college choir up to the Bay area and wine country of Cali. Super super cool!
Age 22- A second choir tour all the way to Seattle on a charter bus. Great trip! It’s actually a tropical rainforest up around there. π
Age 22- Up to San Francisco to stay at Berkeley for a summer class with Biola and Torrey. Such an awesome trip! Our whole class did lots of hiking up there. It was awesome!
Age 25- from Cali to Nebraska with my brother. That was a great trip!
Age 28- from Nebraska back to Cali with my mom and brother. We stayed in the Luxor in Vegas. Super cool! π
Age 28- from Cali to Kansas City with my mom to live with a friend and then met my fiancΓ© 3 weeks later there! π
4 trips in high school from the OC to Vegas at Christmas time with my mom and grandparents! Those were great, great trips and memories! π
Age 14- from Nebraska to the OC with my mom. Saw the Grand Canyon for the first time. π€
Age 8- from Cali to Nebraska, God’s country! π So my dad could have us by his mom. My grandma there had a huge 30 acre apple orchard and I sure had fun exploring all over that. It was so beautiful!
And that’s all my road trips. The next one I hope to do is over to Florida with my hubby, someday. π
Age 23- from Omaha, NE up to South Dakota and over to Yellowstone and down to Vegas and the OC. With my mom and brother. π That was the best one!
Age 21- Up to Ashland, Oregon from the OC with my college Shakespeare class for a Shakespeare festival. Loved it!
Age 22- Over to Estes Park, Colorado from the OC for a hiking a camping trip with my college room mate and her family. Loved loved it!
Age 18- Over to the Grand Canyon with my college room mate and her family. We actually hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and camped out under the stars there for a week! It’s phenomenal how many stars you can see at the Grand Canyon! And we swam in and jumped off a waterfall! Amazing trip!
Age 21- A Choir tour with my college choir up to the Bay area and wine country of Cali. Super super cool!
Age 22- A second choir tour all the way to Seattle on a charter bus. Great trip! It’s actually a tropical rainforest up around there. π
Age 22- Up to San Francisco to stay at Berkeley for a summer class with Biola and Torrey. Such an awesome trip! Our whole class did lots of hiking up there. It was awesome!
Age 25- from Cali to Nebraska with my brother. That was a great trip!
Age 28- from Nebraska back to Cali with my mom and brother. We stayed in the Luxor in Vegas. Super cool! π
Age 28- from Cali to Kansas City with my mom to live with a friend and then met my fiancΓ© 3 weeks later there! π
4 trips in high school from the OC to Vegas at Christmas time with my mom and grandparents! Those were great, great trips and memories! π
Age 14- from Nebraska to the OC with my mom. Saw the Grand Canyon for the first time. π€
Age 8- from Cali to Nebraska, God’s country! π So my dad could have us by his mom. My grandma there had a huge 30 acre apple orchard and I sure had fun exploring all over that. It was so beautiful!
And that’s all my road trips. The next one I hope to do is over to Florida with my hubby, someday. π
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Value Everyone You Know
π Be Grateful for the People in Your Life π
Here is something that is a very Satanic spirit, feeling like you don’t want your child or wishing you didn’t have a child, or a child not wanting their parents and wishing they had different parents. Why is it Satanic? Because our children are a GIFT from God, and the BEST, for sure, gift that God will ever give us!
And all our parents are a great gift from God too! My dad wasn’t perfect but I still have lots of great memories of him and I learned a lot a great things from him! So thank you dad, for all the good things you did and said. πππΌ
But any feeling that seeks to divide a family, or divide us from any good people in our lives, is from Satan. “Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy.” Amen?
I think my Grandma was actually overcome by a Satanic spirit for a time when she had her third child. She was older then, about 34 I think, and maybe felt like she was too old to be a mother to a baby again. She was very depressed for some time after that and literally called this third child her accident or mistake child. π Poor Aunt Selinda. I would never in a million years say my girls were accidents or not wanted. And for sure never ever to their face. My goodness that must have been hard. And my grandpa really should have corrected such bad behavior in my grandma, but you can’t change the past.
So that was very much a Satanic spirit. I don’t think she got possessed in that time but she was for sure oppressed. She let that one evil thought take root, that her third child was unwanted, and it caused much, much damage to her whole entire family.
So mothers be very careful to be very grateful for your kids!
And Children be GRATEFUL for your parents!
Wives be grateful for your husbands!
And husbands be grateful for your wives!
Any feeling of ingratitude for any of them is from Satan and definitely not from God.
Yes children might be hard to look after at times but always remember, about HALF of women out there now can’t have kids. Literally it seems to be half, or even more, of women my age now struggle with infertility.
I think birth control pills now are causing permanent damage to the ovaries. Which is another good reason to swallow no pills except vitamins and Advil. πππΌ
But if you have a child, know that you are VERY, very lucky! And never forget that!
Don’t let that Satanic spirit take root in your mind to divide you from your kids, parents or anyone you love! Tell Satan to get behind you and run as far away from you as possible! Don’t listen to him!
And TRULY love and appreciate those in your life, because you never know when they might be gone for good! Cherish EVERY single moment you get with them. Don’t ignore them. Don’t stay so focused on yourself that you don’t see them. Value them! Appreciate them! Cherish them! And always, always treat them well, or God might take them away from you.
I know that from experience. I treated a past fiancΓ© not too well and God literally took him away from me and he died. I will always regret that, but I learned my lesson the hard way from that and now treat people a lot better, I think anyways. π
Treat people in your life extremely well. Respect them. Value them. Always. And God will allow the gift of them to stay in your life and bless you.
Do you want them to respect you and bless you? Respect and bless them first. π Amen.
And may God bless you all as you seek to do that. π
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