Wednesday, August 12, 2020

5 Things that Destroy Lives

 Greed. I think greediness is the number one most ugly trait in a person. This is probably why I was never fully attracted to my ex husband, because he was very, very greedy. He essentially didn't want to share any of the money he made with me, which was always Very frustrating since I was a stay at home mom and couldn't go make my own money. Lazy people are generally very greedy, because they hate to work, so they want to hold on to any money they make very tightly. Don't be lazy. Be a hard worker. And then you won't be greedy anymore.

Laziness. This is the second biggest thing that destroys lives. Look up all the Bible verses on the sluggard. They are very good. I love a talk with Steven Furtick and TD Jakes. Jakes said his parents talked about laziness like it was a disease. And it is actually. It leads to many diseases. Pretty much every illness a person has can come from laziness. When you don't get your body moving, you almost definitely will get sick. Our bodies were meant to work. If you don't work your body in any way, you are lazy and that is disgusting. Work. DO something. Be productive. Otherwise, why do you exist?

Pride. Pride is a very ugly characteristic to have. The people who think Everyone likes them are actually liked by no one because they have so much pride. Prideful people are not well liked because they are selfish. Be humble. Remember to stay teachable. Realize that every person around you has something to teach you. Never get to the point where you think you have nothing else to learn. And Never think you are better then everyone else, because you aren't.

Gluttony. The most disgusting trait anyone can have is gluttony. Don't over eat. Save some food for the children in Africa, so to speak. Seriously, eat less so you can give away more. Don't be overly selfish. Don't spend all your money on just feeding yourself. Don't starve yourself, but realize when you have had enough food and Stop. Be generous with your money. God didn't mean for all your money to only be yours, you are supposed to share it with others.

Atheism. The biggest thing overall that destroys lives is atheism. If you don't believe in God, what is the point of living? What do you live for? I don't know how anyone can function in life without knowing for sure there is a God in heaven that loves them and is watching over them. Why would anyone Not want to believe that? I have never understood that.

I hope this blog edified you and made you wiser. If it made you angry, pray about why it did and what part did.

God bless!

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