Monday, August 10, 2020

Serve Others

The greatest cause of depression is selfishness, because we all inherently know we should be serving others in some way, and when we don't, we feel depressed.  That is why the greatest cure for depression is to help someone else in some way.  

For me, I have found my greatest source of joy in making the bracelets I make for 6 years now.  I was starting to feel a bit depressed being just a stay at home mom.  I knew there was more to life then that.  Not that raising a little one is pointless, but I wanted to do more.  Being a stay at home mom is actually a harder job then most realize because you feel very cut off from the world.  You essentially have no friends, except friends that you can call from time to time.  It's just you and your kid(s) stuck inside most of the day.  For the most part, I was happy to be a stay at home mom and I was grateful to get to relax so much, but we were made to help others, and our community at large.  Being cooped up in your house all day every day isn't good for you. Not having much effect on the world isn't good for your mind and spirit.  That is why social media can be beautiful, because it gives life more meaning and purpose.  I recommend Twitter more then Facebook though.  There are many more intelligent people on Twitter. :)

But not serving others in some way is not good for you.  Moms serve their kids, but we all know we were meant to help more people then just our immediate family.  I began my bracelet ministry when my first daughter was about 6 months old.  I think my inspiration for doing so was also that I wanted her to grow up in a better and safer world then the one I grew up.  I was sexually molested multiple times by multiple men.  As a result, I have always had a drive to change the world and make it better and help people BE better.  If you don't like the world, then try to change it, somehow. :) And if you pray about it, I guarantee God will give you some idea of how you can try to make the world a better place.  

I started making my bracelets to try to make the world a better and safer place.  I have probably made about 10,000 bracelets in the past 6 years. It always stressed my ex husband out though, the money I would spend on beads for them, but I needed some way to serve others.  I considered the money for that our tithe, which we argued about sometimes.  He wanted us to tithe to a "normal ministry," but I believed in my ministry and I was determined to keep it going. Needless to say that is probably a big reason we are divorcing now though, because he did not support my ministry.  Sometimes he did, but sometimes he didn't, and that was hard. 

My bracelets have always had phrases on them like "God's Angel" or "Have Faith" or "Fear Not."  I call them self-encouraging bracelets.  I have given them away for free this past 6 years simply by leaving them in bathrooms at gas stations or Wal-Mart etc.  It has brought me a great amount of joy this whole time.  "It is more blessed to give then to receive" and I have definitely experienced that with my bracelets. I feel like they are making a difference.  I believe they are making the world a better place.  And as Jesus said, "According to your faith it will be done to you." Amen? :) 

I got a beautiful confirmation that they are helping others from a cashier at Walmart a few days ago.  That was very nice.  I bought some beads and she said, "I bet you're going to make some beautiful bracelets with these." I said, "Yes I leave them in the bathroom here sometimes."  She said, "Oh that's you!  I've met the star.  They are very beautiful and the words are Very encouraging."  It encouraged me to have her say that.  I really needed some encouragement that day so praise God for that little conversation.

And now I want to encourage you, whatever God has put on your heart as your way to serve others, do it.  Some people like to bring meals to people who are going through hard times.  If I liked to cook I would do that. :)  I suppose I kind of do that as a pizza delivery driver. :) But my bracelets have always been my greatest joy.  I have considered that my calling for a long time.  

I got the idea when I worked on a cruise ship watching the kids about 10 years ago.  One of my favorite things to do with the kids was to sit and make bracelets for hours.  I had the thought when I was doing that, "Man I could do this for the rest of my life like just for fun."  And so 4 years after that I started making my Jesus bracelets, my self-encouraging/gospel bracelets. :) 

I like to think that people wearing my bracelets will feel just a little happier when they wear it or the bracelet will help them be nicer people or more godly.  I had a boss at Chili's who always wore a cross ring.  I said it was cool and she said, "Yes I wear it to remind me to be nicer to people." That gave me the idea that wearing something religious might cause you to act better, and it does. :)

When I was a kid I always wanted to grow up to be a missionary.  I always thought it would be to some other country, but then I realized, America needs possibly More help then any other country does.  We have let our great nation go down the drain.  Why?  Because most people have chosen to forget about God.  I hope my bracelets help people remember God.  Maybe it will help them remember their upbringing in church and then they will go back to that.  :)

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."  Unfortunately most children do depart from church and God for a time.  I know I did.  But we always come back. We always can come back. :) I like to think my bracelets will help people and families want to come back to God.  And I firmly believe the more people cling to God, the better their lives will go.  I Know the more people in America choose to think about God and what He wants and to pray, the better our country will get.  

The theme of the Satanic bible is "do what thou will."  As in, do whatever you want.  But no, we are supposed to do what God wants, right?  When we do whatever we want, we all know, we only get ourselves into trouble.  Left to ourselves we do really stupid things, quite often. What about what God wants?  Doesn't that matter to anyone anymore?  

I hope to remind people with my bracelets that what God wants Does and Should matter.  But also I want people to remember how much GOD LOVES THEM, and giving away free bracelets is the best way I could think of to show that. :) Because what women doesn't want to look more pretty? And I think my bracelets can make anyone look more pretty. :) The core question of every woman is "Am I beautiful?"  I always feel more beautiful when I wear my bracelets, and I hope and pray they have that same effect on every woman and little girl who wears one.  

I make some for men and boys sometimes.  Those usually say "Strong" or "Warrior."  I hope that those bring a lot of encouragement to them as well.  The core question of every man is "Do I have what it takes?"  I like to think my bracelets help to remind them that they do. :)

If I have inspired you, go buy some beads and letter beads at Walmart and have fun making your own encouraging bracelets for others.  I guarantee you will have a lot of fun coming up with words to encourage others and you will Love giving them away.  

May God bless you! :)

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