Monday, August 10, 2020

God Loves You

 It's easy for us to complain about our lives, but what about all the ways that God has blessed us? The fact that you are reading this right now means you probably have a phone or a computer and the internet, meaning you are supremely blessed.  If you have those three things I would assume you have plenty of food, water and shelter for which you should praise God for every day.  But we all are so spoiled.  We take our blessings for granted.  We have come to just expect it.  But God could pull the rug out from under any of us at any moment and take away everything we have. The fact that he chooses not to should elicit our hourly praise. :)

People only 30 years ago didn't have all the things we have now.  How can we ever complain about being bored when there are an endless amount of things to watch and read online? 

We are living in the most amazing age for technology in history.  Which would make it kind of sad if God destroys the world in a few years.  But I know God will make a better world after that. :) I'm not worried because I know where I'm going.  I can't wait to fly like a bird in heaven. And I feel like God keeps telling me I will get to rule worlds in the next life. :)

I am quite convinced we are already IN the Great Tribulation. I believe Jesus will come back and rapture the church in about a year.  After that the bowls of God's wrath will be poured out on the earth, as Revelation describes, and all hell will break loose.  I think Christians will have to go through some hard times, but the worst things will happen after we are raptured. 

So if you aren't saved, GET saved.  Simply say, "Holy Spirit come into my heart.  I want you to lead my life.  I don't want to lead it anymore.  I give you full control of everything I am."  And he will come into you and remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.  And you will become the most loving and kind person you ever could be. :) 

God bless!

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