Monday, August 10, 2020

Emotions and Demons

 Anytime you are being carried away by strong emotions, you are ALLOWING demons to enter your mind. You are opening a door to them. Fear or worry is the biggest open door for demons to enter your mind and get a foothold over your thoughts. Anger is also a major emotion that can open doors to demons.  There can occasionally be strong emotions that are good, that might benefit us or someone else, but generally our strong emotions are not good. 

That is why it is much better to be a rational person then an overly emotional person.  You don't want to be hard hearted, uncaring or unfeeling, but to live your life based on emotions Will make you go crazy eventually.  The more you let people or situations get under your skin, the more crazy you will feel.  The best thing to do in life is to always stay cool, calm and collected; at peace. We all know this, but we have a hard time doing it. It takes discipline. You Have to learn to control your thoughts.  If you feel any strong emotion work through it, maybe journal about it, and then let it go.  One reason people get depressed is because they simply feel drained from all the emotional roller coasters they LET themselves go on.  Stay calm and pray.  Stay calm and journal.  Just stay calm. :)

Currently the spirit of fear is greatly at work in our world, and there are many, many demons working on people all around the world through this fear.  Satan is using this pandemic a Ton to make everyone terrified of the virus, of other people, of places etc.  Aren't you all tired of being afraid all the time?  Isn't it draining?  Then let it go.  How about you DECIDE to stop being afraid? "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."  Why?  Because fear is the master spirit that Satan uses to debilitate us.  

Fear paralyzes us so much that we don't want to do anything or go anywhere.  This time of the Coronovius has essentially turned every single person into a germaphobe and an agoraphobic person.  Those are two serious psychological issues.  It's Not good to be paranoid about germs or going out.  The media has succeeded, sadly, in making everyone paranoid, but may God can help us. God CAN heal us. He can heal our minds and our paranoia.  It's time to come out of hiding.  

It's time for all of us to STOP being afraid of everything and everyone.  It's time to be a lion and stop being a mouse.  Stop letting the media turn you into a mouse.  Shine for Jesus.  Do what God wants you to do.  Don't hide in a cave all day every day.  Satan would want nothing more then for you to hide in your cave all day every day; your house, your car, your job etc.  But God wants us to work for him and to shine for him.  He wants us to reach out and save the lost.  He wants us to come out of our own little world and to be a light for him.  He wants us to stop thinking about only ourselves and think about others.  The more afraid we are, the more our focus is just on ourselves.  That is why Satan is trying to make everyone afraid now.  He wants our focus to be turned inward so we won't try to help people around us.  He wants us to think "it's every man for himself now."  

God wants us to love others, to help others, to look outside of ourselves, to value others, not to be afraid of them, to give of ourselves in order to help and save others. As long as you keep worrying if others might get you sick, you can't love them, can you? And Satan has won.

Don't let Satan win this summer, this year. Keep loving others, as God would want you to. :)

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