Sunday, March 20, 2022

Pizza Stores

 Every single day in every pizza store across the world there is probably a fight going on between two workers. It gets hot with the ovens so that doesn't help. People get tired quickly. H.A.L.T. stands for hungry, angry, lonely or tired. If you are any of those 4, the goal is to fix that issue before messing up your job or your friendships. You will almost never be lonely in a pizza store, unless you are working on the oven. But we all are almost non stop hungry because the work burns so many calories. We all get angry often if things aren't done quickly and perfectly. And we get tired quickly, mentally and physically. I have said for 3 years now, "You haven't truly worked until you have worked in a pizza store on a Friday night." It will kick your but. The amount of stress you have to be able to endure can be extremely high. I have worked in every kind of job there is and I have experienced many forms  of stress. Nothing compares with pizza work stress. Even preschool work stress. It can cause extreme bonding among co workers or extreme conflict. I suppose I keep doing pizza work because there is never a boring day working in a pizza store. Something is always going on. Someone is always fighting with someone. Hopefully that will change at some point, but pizza work requires people who are very strong in every way. Strong people often conflict with each other because we get jealous of each other. There are power struggles. We all want to shine the brightest and be the best. It is good to try to work hard, but not when it causes you to look down on others. May God help all of us who work in pizza. I hope you enjoy your job, whatever it is. God bless. :) 

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