Thursday, May 23, 2013

7 Things


Yes as long as you are living in the past you cannot BE in the present.  Let go of the past. 

"Forget the former things.  Do not dwell on the past."

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead....I press on toward the goal."  Amen? :)

Forgive anyone who hurt you, because it is only yourself you are hurting in not forgiving. 

What others think of you is irrelevant.  What you think of yourself and what God thinks of you is all that matters. 

If someone is talking about you behind your back, the worst thing you can do is ask what they said.  Just leave it alone.  Who cares.  People will think things or talk things for whatever reason. 

Many times, the problem is theirs, not yours.   Miserable people are always critical of others because they want to bring everyone down to where they are.  That is why the problem most likely lies with them, not you. 

Time does heal just about everything.  If you have pain over anything just remember, "This too shall pass." 

After the rain there is the sun. 

And there is light at the end of the tunnel, so just keep running.  Or as Dorey would say, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....." lol :)

No one else can make you happy.  You have to make yourself happy. 

Don't expect people to read your mind for what you want.  Tell them what you want.  Be in control of your own life.  Don't expect happiness to be handed to you on a silver platter.  If you want happiness, go out and get happiness.  You are not a victim.  You are in control of your own destiny, for the most part. :)

There is no use comparing with others because someone will always be better than you at something or have more than you.  It is best just to worry about oneself. 

Ah yes thinking too much.  There are many things that are simply mysteries and we cannot explain them, but that is ok.  It is impossible to know all the answers in this life because we are finite beings.  God alone knows all things.  No one on the earth does, no matter how smart they are. :)

And about problems, yes we all have some problems, but not more than we can handle with faith.  God will help us. :)  So yes, smile and be happy for what you have and don't worry about what's going wrong.  It will all work out in the end.  :)

May God bless you!

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