Friday, May 3, 2013


My husband had a vision of me when we first started out.  We were cuddling once and listening to a sermon together. We were listening to "Choose love not power" by Tony Campolo, great speaker!  He wrote a book with this title, check it out if you like. It is very good. :) 
Ben's vision was that instead of him holding me it was Jesus, and that Jesus was weeping.  I was like, "What?  Why was he crying?" lol  He said it was because Jesus loves me SO much and God wanted Ben to see how much He loves me. :) 
I think Jesus may also have been weeping in the vision because He knows all the pain I have experienced throughout my life.....and all the pain that I still have inside of me as a result.  It is comforting to know that God cares that much and that vision affirms that to me. 
After my late husband died I was, needless to say, quite angry with God.  I was like, "God why have you made my life suck so much!  My own dad abuses me and now this!  Why???" 
But God cares about me and I know He is still good.  I know the reason for evil is because Satan is the ruler of this world, the prince of the power of the air.  He is the one making our lives a living hell, if they are, not God.  Yes God allows it, but He does not cause it. 
So if you have been mad at God about anything, be mad at Satan instead. :)  He is the one to blame.  He is your enemy.  Not God. :)  Remember that. :) 
Ben said this vision also made him realize that he needed to be like Jesus to me.  I was like, "Yes of course like the verse 'husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.'  Yep, you have to be willing to die for me.' " lol :)  Which I know he is and would.
It is interesting that Paul commands husbands to be willing to die for their wives but not the wives to die for their husbands.  Perhaps this is because women become mothers and we need to stay alive to take care of the children.  This is primarily why men go to war and not women, for example.
Another thing to note is that the church is not perfect by any means yes?  We always let God/Jesus down.  We always mess up and disappoint him. 
Paul refers to women as "the weaker partner."  Why?  Paul points out another time that it was Eve who was deceived, not Adam.  aka. Women are more gullible and more easily dooped by Satan.  We are physically weaker but we are also spiritually weaker. This is why men are supposed to be the head in marriages and to take the lead, because Satan can easily mislead women.  Men are called to be the spiritual leader.  Men, if you want to know how to stop every argument with your wife, when she is getting angry with you all you need to do is say, "Honey, let's pray about this."  And the tension will be immediately diffused.  I'm serious, it's true!  Try it. :) 
Women believe lies from Satan a lot easier than men.  Why did Satan go for Eve first and not Adam?  Because he knew she was weaker.  It is sad but true.  She was "the weakest link." lol
I think he is still greatly attacking women in our nation and the world also because women are the primary influence on the next generation.  Fathers are primarily at work and it is the mothers who are the biggest determining factor on how kids will turn out now.  So if Satan can take the women out and deceive them he has the whole family.  Think of the saying, "If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy."  Why?  Because women have a lot of influence in the home.  But she is to submit to the man, her husband, because she is the weaker partner. 
But pretty cool huh. :) I thought that was really cool that Ben had that vision of me. :)  

 Also, I went to pentecostal church one Wed. night in costa mesa called The River. I went to their "healing/prayer service." A woman prayed for me and God told her that night that it was very important that she pray for me.
I wanted her to pray for me to speak in tongues but it didn't happen for whatever reason lol.  
But she prayed for me about the abuse with my dad.   She had me picture Jesus going into that situation and taking me out of it and to a safe place.
I pictured that he was holding me on my swing in my backyard that we had then.   And I finally felt safe and protected and like nothing could harm me.  And I finally felt that he cared about the little me. 
It was pretty cool.  I was crying and felt how much God loved me. 
And she prayed that my feet would dance and that I would have more joy in the Lord after that, and I did for awhile. :)
But I didn't pray in tongues.   But different believers have different spiritual gifts and I happen to believe that simply is not my gift. :)  If God decides to give it to me in the future that would be cool, but of course He does not have to.  I believe wisdom and teaching and evangelism are my gifts.  Thus why I write this blog and feel compelled to write it. :)
May God bless you and may you fall in love with Him more and more every day!  And may he give you visions as well to build you up!  Grace and peace to you :)

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