Friday, May 31, 2013

Money vs. Love

My husband and I just watched a really good movie. It's called The Ultimate Gift. It is a Christian made film so slightly cheesy at times, but overall very good.

The main message of the movie was that money generally corrupts people. I remember hearing a good quote, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Money is power in many ways.

I suppose I count myself fortunate then that I have never had money.

Well for about one month after a life insurance check I was rich. :)

But it certainly didn't last. And money never lasts.

Love really is the only thing that lasts. People don't last, because people may die at any time.

But love and the ability to love others lasts as long as you are alive, and that has the greatest reward and return for what you give.

They say for people who are struggling with depression that they just need to go out and help someone.

Many who retire fall into depression because they are doing nothing then to benefit society.

I have always chosen more menial jobs I guess one would say, jobs in customer service, where the pay isn't great but the satisfaction I get from working is so much more, because I love being able to help people. There is no greater calling in life than to help others.

This is why I am very much looking forward to being a mom. I am actually excited about the 24/7 aspect of it and all the serving I will get to do.

I know it will make me a better person. Because service always makes us better people.

Every job I have picked has been doing something to serve others; child care, waitressing, or simple cashier jobs. But I love those the most.

A friend's dad had a talk with me once and questioned how much self-esteem I had. He could not get why I would go for such simple jobs when, according to him, I have the intellect to be an assistant to a CEO in a company or something.

But it has never been about money for me. I always knew money can't buy you happiness.

Money almost always ends up disappointing really.

I am hardly ever satisfied with purchases I make when I do spend money. The whole buying things to bring satisfaction is an illusion. The richest people are the most miserable.

So in the end, love is all that matters. Loving others and finding people that love you. Not money. :)

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