Monday, September 9, 2013


It's funny, I always thought I had a problem with anger, but maybe not.

I've never started a fight with any friend I've ever had. 

I never started a fight in a relationship, until my previous one and my current one, but those were for legitimate reasons I feel because I was worried about other women. 

I can only remember one fight with my brother when I was younger.  I think we were practicing our karate from our class.  I was punching him in the arm or something and he was like "ha that tickles," implying that I was weak so that made me want to punch him harder. :)

I never started a fight with my mom, at least not that I can remember, or my dad, or any other family member.  I have never yelled at my mom or brother or a friend.  I have never cursed at my mom, brother or a friend, or even in front of them really out of anger. 

If my mom got mad at me about something I was just quiet until she calmed down.  Sometimes my quietness though made her even more mad.  But I have always felt, "The best answer to anger is silence."

There was a fight I somewhat started with my step-mom, but it was more of a just an e-mail to vent my frustrations about how she was over the years.  I never felt like she loved me or even liked me really, and she was very critical of me. 

So I suppose overall I am a peacemaker and a drama free person.  That is good :)

I don't really get angry easily.  I don't react when someone else is angry at me but just stay calm until they calm down, or I leave until they are calm. 

And I have never damaged property when I was angry.  That's a big plus. lol :) 

But everyone gets angry sometimes.  We get angry when someone is not respecting us like they should, which is a good thing.  We need to stand up for ourselves sometimes. 

I suppose working with the babies at church last night made me think of anger. 

We had an infant in our room that would not stop crying.  He seemed quite angry that his mom was not there to feed him.  He was fed naturally and the mom did not leave a bottle, as far I knew, so we could do nothing for him really.  But my goodness was he mad.  His face was red and he seemed quite irate, at us or his mom or both. lol

I was telling my husband, "You haven't seen angry until you've seen a baby angry."  Babies get really, really angry.  That is what their crying is really.  It's basically them saying, "I'm pissed at you because you won't give me what I want!" 

It's quite true we are born with a fallen nature and come out completely selfish. 

Anger can be a selfish reaction, depending on what one is angry about. 

Another thing I thought of in working with the babies last night was, "My goodness, taking care of my own baby will be a bit hard.  This is only 2 hours but that will be 24/7.  God help me." lol

But hopefully I will know what to do to help my baby in all situations.  Usually it's either a new diaper that they need, or they are hungry, or they just want to be held. 

Sometimes though babies just cry because they are tired and there's nothing you can do for them.  They just need to fall asleep.  May God give me wisdom.  4 months to go! :)  woot!

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