Friday, September 13, 2013


Here is an interesting fact:

"Men and women become jealous for different reasons.   Men feel more threatened by sexual infidelity where as women feel more threatened by emotional infidelity."
Yes because to a woman talking IS sex, which guys simply do not understand.   

In a sense if a husband talks to another woman it is the same thing as if he saw his wife kiss another guy.

This is for all you guys out there in relationships.  Don't talk to other women more than you have to. 

And for the women reading this, I know you know how I feel.

I have a hard time getting this concept through to my husband, and the last guy I was with, so pray for him please. :)

Women and men should not converse unless they are in a relationship, that is my strong opinion. 

Working with the opposite sex makes it tricky, but there is a way to only discuss business and not personal matters. 

And Never complain about your partner to someone of the opposite sex.  That is step one in affairs every single time. 

It's baby steps.  It's never something all of a sudden.  It's a slow slippery slope, that starts with "just talking."  No guy and girl are ever "just talking."  That is impossible. 

So don't even go there and you won't mess up what you already have. 

I know about all this cause when I was in relationships before there may have been guys that I worked with at various jobs where I "just talked" with them, but it wasn't just talking if I was honest with myself. 

The more I talked with them, the more I started to feel emotionally connected to them and I felt really bad about it. 

Maybe the guy doesn't get emotionally connected, but the girl almost always does, guaranteed.  Girls fall for someone through talking.  Usually with guys it takes a physical act, but with girls all it takes is talking.  This is one way that men and women are night and day different. 

 The more a guy talks to a girl, regardless of their relationship status, the more he will make them fall for him, whether he is meaning to or not. 

It doesn't matter if both are married, that doesn't make them asexual right?  Think about it. 

Men and women simply can't "just talk" without feelings developing for one or both people. 

It's impossible.  And bottom line, it's a really risky thing to do. 

Guys should never talk to a girl alone if they are married, ever.

How do affairs always begin?   With innocent friendships with the opposite sex. 

People think they are "just talking" to another guy or girl, but it's never "just talking." 

It simply can't be done without the risk of an affair. 

"Flee temptation" like the plague.   "Avoid the appearance of evil." 

Flee anyone of the opposite sex like the plague if you are married, because you never know who might try to destroy your marriage. 

Opposite sex friends are a cancer that will eat away at a marriage eventually. 

This is a warning for anyone out there.  We are to be "as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves."  Don't be foolish and naïve in your thinking.  Be wise. 

May God ever increase wisdom on this.  Amen :)

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