I have always been amazed at how casually some people have sex and then carelessly enter into parenting. I'm amazed how reckless so many young people are today regarding sex and not realizing that they need to VERY seriously count the cost first, the cost and sacrifice of parenting. There are phrases now like "friends with benefits" and "no strings attached." Well if the girl gets pregnant there very much will be strings attached, child support strings being the most important, which can put you in prison if you don't pay it.
And for the ladies, not only is child labor extremely hard, as all know, parenting small children is very, very hard. Maybe if young ladies, and guys, realized how hard it is, they wouldn't be so easily promiscuous.
The hardest thing is that every day of having young children you will get woken up before You want to wake up. Sleeping in is never an option. And it is very hard, but thank God for coffee, that's all I can say.
You will change at least 10 diapers per day per kid, which is way more if they have diareah, and have to give each child about 15 bottles per day. So you have to always make sure you are stocked up on milk, diapers and baby wipes. You will feel like you are constantly washing out bottles.
I have cleaned out 10 to 20 bottles 3 times a day every day for 3.5 years.
Every single day I do laundry, because milk from bottles gets everywhere, and vacuum, because crumbs from food gets everywhere.
When you're a parent, you can't go anywhere you want to whenever you want to.
I try to work but babysitters are unpredictable and not all that excited about babysitting. Putting a child in official daycare these days can cost up to 1k per month PER child, so unless you're a doctor or a lawyer, you won't profit much from working after paying daycare expenses.
I have almost no social life except work. I can't go on a bike ride carefree anymore because I have to haul a heavy kid trailer behind me. :) I have to constantly correct my three year old's behavior. I have to always worry about my 1 year old's safety. Both of them could get seriously hurt at any minute.
I don't get to watch what I want to watch most of the day. I have to watch or listen to annoying kid shows so the girls stay happy.
Then there is the dealing with crying or screaming for 5 minutes or more if your child doesn't want to take a nap or go to bed. That is one of the hardest things about parenting. But you know they are really tired and need to sleep so you have to be strong and ignore the crying, unless they need more milk or pooped in their diaper, which is always tricky to know if that's why they are crying.
And there are the disgusting adventures of smelling and cleaning up throw up and dealing with diarrhea which can be highly stressful. When a kid is sick they can explode anywhere at anytime and you never know when or where it will happen. Which is probably why others don't seem to want to babysit lol. 😉 And also why I have mostly given up going to church since my first kid was born, because the less they get sick from other kids, the less I have to deal with the insanity of all that. But I do miss church and wish church kid rooms were more clean so kids don't always get sick when they go.
And lastly, your kids never say good job and almost never say thank you for all you do or sacrifice for them. Nor do you ever get a raise or promotion for working hard.
Anyways that's enough of that. All that to say, realize what you might be getting into when you have sex. It's not all just fun and games. Sex causes kids and kids cause A LOT of sacrifice and responsibility. So be careful when dating. And know what sex fully entails before you make careless choices.
And tell your mom a huge THANK YOU for being a complete angel 😇 for taking care of you your first 18 years. And thank your dad a ton for providing for you, if he did. 😉 But some moms care for AND provide for their kids, because the dads don't provide much at all, which puts them on the level of mother Theresa really. Like my mom! Good job Mom! And to all you moms that do everything, you are extremely amazing!
I knew what I was getting into as far as kids thanks to 14 years of working with kids before having kids, but most have no idea. So now you, dear single reader, might have some idea. If you're a parent feel free to comment anything I left out. ;)
And I'll add in the benefits of parenting. The good things are tickling your kids and hearing them laugh, seeing them play with each other, getting to take a nap almost every day, and the times when you do enjoy the kids shows or movies and holding your cute, chubby, teddy bear kids while you watch. :) And knowing that someday your kids will take good care of you the way you took good care of them. Or at least they better, lol.
God bless 🙂
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Horror Movies
I wish I could file a complaint to YouTube. We watch cat videos a lot on our Roku with our little girls, but there are so many horror movie previews that come on now as adds it's just insane. 3 times a day now I'm rushing for the remote to skip the horror movie add before they see anything scary. Really YouTube? Horror movie adds for cute kitten videos?
I HATE horror movies, and I hate their previews. I hate horror movies with a passion. Horror movies might as well be made by Satan himself. All they do is put excessive amount of fear in people. They are the most terrible things on the face of the earth. 😒 The absolute most terrible thing for sure.
For any who like them consider this, Jeffery Dahmer would watch a horror movie right before he did what he did to people. They are movies inspired by demons and they can put demons on you. DON'T watch them, and don't let your kids watch them, ever. Horror movies are the most abominable thing invented by mankind.
I think serving/waitressing is so fun because this illusion is created that you live in a giant house with a giant dinning room and you get to welcome guests in and serve them from your unlimited food source lol. No wonder so many people across America and the world are servers and enjoy serving. 😉 I know I love it. 🤗
Monday, June 26, 2017
Little Girls
Wow isn't this funny, all three of the biggest country stars; Garth brooks, Alan Jackson and Tim McGraw, have 3 daughters and no sons. What are the odds? I bet they all did what we plan to do, keep trying for a boy and after 3 kids give up lol.
But maybe their sweet little girls inspired them to write more songs awe... yep :) Like serenity has inspired me since she was born, just by being a cute little girl, to try to save the world for Jesus! With my writing and my bracelets. :) yay little girls!
What is Church?
I just read the first chapter in the book "Finding Church." No book I've read has ever made me cry before lol, this one is great! All y'all should read it. 😉👍🏼 Wayne Jacobson talks about how church can be found more in a great conversation about God with others in a restaurant then in a church service, and AMEN to that! That's why I love being a waitress, because I get to see all the beautiful fellowship and bonding that takes places at the tables I serve. Jesus ate meals with his followers while he taught them. But now the commercialized way of doing church really does seem to be missing a lot of the Heart that church was intended to have.
The way Jacobson thinks and writes is exactly how I have thought about church my whole life. Church was meant to be more than just an obligation and a duty of going every Sunday morning or else...."Or else what?" Is my question. There is not one Bible verse that says anyone has to attend a service every week. That is us being Pharisees and adding to Scripture. There is only a verse that says "do not forsake meeting together." If you go to a few small group Bible studies a year, you are doing that. I have always greatly preferred to go to small group women's Bible studies over a church service. For one, I already know everything the pastor might preach about, and two, church was meant to be about building relationships, not just listening to someone trying to push their bias theology onto you. And a lot of sermons are that, pastors trying to get their people to think the way that they, the pastor, thinks. How about we all just think how God thinks, amen? How about we all just read the Bible for ourselves, rather than pastors trying to convince us what every verse says and means?
But church services really are lacking. If you go to a service I highly recommend you go to a small group Bible study instead. And if you don't go to church, try looking up small groups at churches by you on their internet pages. You will gain 100 times more from a small group Bible study then any church service you go to, most likely. If small groups also always had worship then they would be the perfect Jesus like gathering that God would love us to have. Amen :)
Feel free to comment your thoughts on small groups vs. church services. :)
God bless!
Sunday, June 18, 2017
How to be a Great Prayer Warrior
1. Pray as you are trying to fall asleep for everyone you saw that day.
2. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, pray for others more.
3. Pray whenever you are in the car.
4. Always know that God is right next to you listening to you.
5. The moment a worried thought comes in your mind, pray about it.
6. Go for walks outside and pray as you walk.
2. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, pray for others more.
3. Pray whenever you are in the car.
4. Always know that God is right next to you listening to you.
5. The moment a worried thought comes in your mind, pray about it.
6. Go for walks outside and pray as you walk.
The Folly of American Churches
I wonder if American church pastors have an internal dialogue like this, "Wow we are getting so much money in tithes to our church! What should we do with all this extra money? Should we give it to the poor? To starving children in Africa or to help the homeless? No...we'll just build a church building twice the size of ours now! Then we can get more people in and more tithe money!" Hm...well hopefully that's not exactly how they think, but their actions seem to show that's how they think. Ah our American churches. No one ever stops to think if we are doing things biblically at all with money given to the church. So sad... 🙁 What would Jesus do? Jesus would probably say, "Have church at the park and then go give your tithe to buying clothes and food for the homeless." And then maybe, just maybe then, the rest of America would believe it when Christians say they are Christian. ;)
How to Love Others Best
1. Listen when they are talking
2. Don't talk too much if they seem to have other things to get done
3. Don't talk about them badly to others
4. Cook them meals
5. Buy things that they want, not just things that you want to get them
6. Try to make them laugh sometimes
7. Don't joke around or be sarcastic too much if they are sensitive
8. Clean up after them without complaining
2. Don't talk too much if they seem to have other things to get done
3. Don't talk about them badly to others
4. Cook them meals
5. Buy things that they want, not just things that you want to get them
6. Try to make them laugh sometimes
7. Don't joke around or be sarcastic too much if they are sensitive
8. Clean up after them without complaining
How to Not Be Stressed Out
1. Don't schedule too many things in your day
Try to just do two activities or errands a day where you have to drive somewhere for something. Then you will still have time to relax. Don't book appointments and errands back to back. Take several breaks in your day to stop and pray or relax.
2. Eat when you are hungry
This may seem obvious, but when you get really busy, it's easy to forget to eat. Make sure you eat when you are hungry or your internal stress levels will greatly increase.
3. Take a nap every day
If you can, take a nap every day. This will keep you from feeling exhausted and worn out which can make you feel more stressed out.
4. Always take a day off every week
Take a day off, not just from work, but from doing any work including grocery shopping or house work. Just rest and watch movies with your family for a day. :)
5. Have lower expectations for yourself
If you expect yourself to get a lot done every day, don't. Try not expecting yourself to get anything extra done, other then basic chores etc., and just be happily surprised when you get something else that's extra done.
6. Listen to good music
I prefer worship music to de-stress. Music helps you to relax and unwind and just enjoy life. Make sure you listen to some good music every day to keep from feeling too stressed out. Music can also be great at giving you something else to think about, rather than all the things you could be worrying about.
7. Take time to dance, laugh and smile every day
Don't be serious all day. Do something silly every day, like dancing, or tickling your children and having fun.
8. When trying to fall asleep, turn your mind off
Some people add to their stress when they can't sleep. They often can't sleep because of trying to think of too many things. Force your mind to turn off at night, like shutting a computer down. Empty your mind of any thoughts so that you can sleep. :) And if that doesn't work, pray about whatever you keep thinking about. :)
9. Start or do a hobby that you enjoy
Some people like making bracelets or writing or playing video games. Find something you like to do for fun and do that every day, or when you can.
10. Get a pet
Pets can really help to de-stress you. It gives you something to think about other than yourself, and their cuteness will always brighten your mood and make you less stressed.
God bless!
Try to just do two activities or errands a day where you have to drive somewhere for something. Then you will still have time to relax. Don't book appointments and errands back to back. Take several breaks in your day to stop and pray or relax.
2. Eat when you are hungry
This may seem obvious, but when you get really busy, it's easy to forget to eat. Make sure you eat when you are hungry or your internal stress levels will greatly increase.
3. Take a nap every day
If you can, take a nap every day. This will keep you from feeling exhausted and worn out which can make you feel more stressed out.
4. Always take a day off every week
Take a day off, not just from work, but from doing any work including grocery shopping or house work. Just rest and watch movies with your family for a day. :)
5. Have lower expectations for yourself
If you expect yourself to get a lot done every day, don't. Try not expecting yourself to get anything extra done, other then basic chores etc., and just be happily surprised when you get something else that's extra done.
6. Listen to good music
I prefer worship music to de-stress. Music helps you to relax and unwind and just enjoy life. Make sure you listen to some good music every day to keep from feeling too stressed out. Music can also be great at giving you something else to think about, rather than all the things you could be worrying about.
7. Take time to dance, laugh and smile every day
Don't be serious all day. Do something silly every day, like dancing, or tickling your children and having fun.
8. When trying to fall asleep, turn your mind off
Some people add to their stress when they can't sleep. They often can't sleep because of trying to think of too many things. Force your mind to turn off at night, like shutting a computer down. Empty your mind of any thoughts so that you can sleep. :) And if that doesn't work, pray about whatever you keep thinking about. :)
9. Start or do a hobby that you enjoy
Some people like making bracelets or writing or playing video games. Find something you like to do for fun and do that every day, or when you can.
10. Get a pet
Pets can really help to de-stress you. It gives you something to think about other than yourself, and their cuteness will always brighten your mood and make you less stressed.
God bless!
How to Handle Money Stress Free
1. Put all your bills on auto-debit
This will save you all the stress of paying them manually every month.
2. Make each of your bill's due date to be at different times of the month
You can call and change your bill due date or you can do it online. Then each bill will come out of different checks.
3. Give yourself about $50 a week for "fun money"
This could include fast food but every family has a different thought on what counts as fun money. Mostly it's a budget for spending on clothes and other random things that you might not really need but you want.
4. Save whatever is left after paying rent.
Whatever money you have left at the end of the month, after all bills have been auto-debited and rent has been paid, save it. Don't spend the extra. You already had your $50 a week of fun money. Save what is left over. :)
5. Give to the poor when you can
I actually do not believe in giving a 10% tithe to institutionalized churches. The early church in Acts met in houses, not churches, so I don't believe people should give 10% of their income to a church building just so they can build bigger buildings. That is a ton of money eventually! And I think pastors should have a full time job outside of the church and not let the people of the church support them, like Paul supported himself as a tent maker.
When you can give, give to the poor. That is who the Bible says we are to give our extra money to. Make some sandwiches for homeless people. Buy hats and shirts for homeless people etc. Any tithe money you have and any money you want to give really should all go to the poor. But don't give them cash because they might just buy drugs or alcohol, buy food and clothes to give to them.
God bless!
This will save you all the stress of paying them manually every month.
2. Make each of your bill's due date to be at different times of the month
You can call and change your bill due date or you can do it online. Then each bill will come out of different checks.
3. Give yourself about $50 a week for "fun money"
This could include fast food but every family has a different thought on what counts as fun money. Mostly it's a budget for spending on clothes and other random things that you might not really need but you want.
4. Save whatever is left after paying rent.
Whatever money you have left at the end of the month, after all bills have been auto-debited and rent has been paid, save it. Don't spend the extra. You already had your $50 a week of fun money. Save what is left over. :)
5. Give to the poor when you can
I actually do not believe in giving a 10% tithe to institutionalized churches. The early church in Acts met in houses, not churches, so I don't believe people should give 10% of their income to a church building just so they can build bigger buildings. That is a ton of money eventually! And I think pastors should have a full time job outside of the church and not let the people of the church support them, like Paul supported himself as a tent maker.
When you can give, give to the poor. That is who the Bible says we are to give our extra money to. Make some sandwiches for homeless people. Buy hats and shirts for homeless people etc. Any tithe money you have and any money you want to give really should all go to the poor. But don't give them cash because they might just buy drugs or alcohol, buy food and clothes to give to them.
God bless!
Saturday, June 17, 2017
How to Date Sucessfully
1. Pray for God to send you a perfect person for you
He will answer your prayer. :)
2. Try online dating
There seems to be a stigma still about it but it really is the most effective way to find exactly what kind of person you are looking for.
3. Talk on the phone before you meet in person
Just to make sure the person is a good person, talk to them on the phone. You can tell just from one phone conversation if someone is good and if they will be a good fit for you or not. And pray for God to give you discernment while you talk.
4. Express your feelings
If you ignore how you feel and what you want, you will be miserable. If you want to get married quickly, express it. Don't just ignore it if you do. The other person could easily say no and you could move on. But it's much better to marry quickly then to live in sin. ;)
5. Make sure you are of a very similar faith
6. Make sure they have a good job
It's important that they are a hard worker. If they aren't a hard worker at work, they won't be a hard worker on their relationship with you either.
7. Make sure you want the same things
Talk about everything important at the beginning, like if you both want kids. Don't wait too long to have that conversation. Definitely don't wait till after your are married. ;)
8. Hang out but do things separately too
If all you do is hang out together, one or both people will feel suffocated. You need to have interests and hobbies on your own. Everyone needs some alone time sometimes.
9. Ladies, dress modestly
You aren't a prostitute looking for a one night stand, or hopefully you aren't. If you are looking for someone to marry, dress accordingly. :)
10. Always keep in mind there are other fish in the sea when dating
If one person doesn't work out, don't get depressed about it. Move on and you will find someone else in time. Always stay in hope that God will send the perfect person for you eventually. "According to your faith it will be done to you." If you have faith you will meet a great person, you will! Just believe. :) -Mt. 9:29
God bless!
He will answer your prayer. :)
2. Try online dating
There seems to be a stigma still about it but it really is the most effective way to find exactly what kind of person you are looking for.
3. Talk on the phone before you meet in person
Just to make sure the person is a good person, talk to them on the phone. You can tell just from one phone conversation if someone is good and if they will be a good fit for you or not. And pray for God to give you discernment while you talk.
4. Express your feelings
If you ignore how you feel and what you want, you will be miserable. If you want to get married quickly, express it. Don't just ignore it if you do. The other person could easily say no and you could move on. But it's much better to marry quickly then to live in sin. ;)
5. Make sure you are of a very similar faith
6. Make sure they have a good job
It's important that they are a hard worker. If they aren't a hard worker at work, they won't be a hard worker on their relationship with you either.
7. Make sure you want the same things
Talk about everything important at the beginning, like if you both want kids. Don't wait too long to have that conversation. Definitely don't wait till after your are married. ;)
8. Hang out but do things separately too
If all you do is hang out together, one or both people will feel suffocated. You need to have interests and hobbies on your own. Everyone needs some alone time sometimes.
9. Ladies, dress modestly
You aren't a prostitute looking for a one night stand, or hopefully you aren't. If you are looking for someone to marry, dress accordingly. :)
10. Always keep in mind there are other fish in the sea when dating
If one person doesn't work out, don't get depressed about it. Move on and you will find someone else in time. Always stay in hope that God will send the perfect person for you eventually. "According to your faith it will be done to you." If you have faith you will meet a great person, you will! Just believe. :) -Mt. 9:29
God bless!
How to Not Let Doctors Kill You
1. Never Take More Than One Prescription Drug
Especially be careful of Anti-biotics. They are needed for ear infections etc., but if you combine them with other medications they can be deadly. Be very, very careful of taking any two pills at the same time.
2. Don't let doctors give you an Episiotomy in labor
You will regret this, and you will most likely be in pain for the next year when you sit down. It might make labor faster but the healing process is extremely painful.
3. Don't let doctors give you Pitocin to speed up labor
Doctors just want to get you in and out of their labor room in hospitals, but you have to stand up for yourself. Don't let them give you Pitocin. It makes labor faster but can cause more complication in birth, like having the baby's umbilical cord wrapped around their neck almost killing them. DO NOT let them force you to take this in labor.
4. Don't let doctors convince you that your Child needs medication
Doctors are just trying to make money off of you and your child. Don't let them con you. If you give your child medication from the time they are 7 or so, they will be hooked on needing some kind of drug substance for the rest of their lives. Don't do it. If they are struggling in school, tutor them, don't just give them a pill. Child medication only causes several terrible side effects. They won't do anything to improve your child's grades, no matter what the doctor tells you. That is a just a lie from Satan spoken through the doctors to get your child hooked on drugs.
5. Don't let doctors convince you that You need medication
Just because you are depressed for a time does NOT mean you need medication. Start going on a walk every day, that will have the same effect on your brain naturally. Eat more healthy, watch funny movies. You don't need pills to make you happy. There are dozens of natural ways to make yourself happy. Listen to great music, hang out with friends, go wash your car etc. :) But don't take pills. Once you take them your body will stop producing serotonin naturally and you will have to take the pill the rest of your life!
6. Only go to a doctor for a broken bone, stitches or severe pain
Otherwise you will end up broke with no money left to save. They will most likely tell you that you have a fever and here's some Tylenol, which you have at home, so you wasted your time, energy and money by going. When sick it's best to just lay down and rest, or sleep as long as you can, and drink tons of water and eat healthy food to nourish your body, not soup because the high salt amount might dehydrate you more.
7. Never drink protein drinks or eat protein bars
They are NOT healthy. They are bad for you. They will make you nauseous, harm your stomach and cause severe constipation.
8. But still believe doctors can sometimes be helpful
As a disclaimer, doctors have saved my life a few times, like when I needed stitches twice, my appendix out and my gal bladder out, but other than such extreme cases, I advise that doctors be avoided, because you will only end up broke and probably more sick then you were before if you take all their pills. :)
9. Lastly let God be your doctor more than doctors
Pray before you go see a doctor. God is the ultimate physician and healer. He can heal you and make you better too. :) You just have to believe and have faith! Jesus said, "According to your faith it will be done to you." And "You have not because you ask not." Amen.
May God bless you all!
Especially be careful of Anti-biotics. They are needed for ear infections etc., but if you combine them with other medications they can be deadly. Be very, very careful of taking any two pills at the same time.
2. Don't let doctors give you an Episiotomy in labor
You will regret this, and you will most likely be in pain for the next year when you sit down. It might make labor faster but the healing process is extremely painful.
3. Don't let doctors give you Pitocin to speed up labor
Doctors just want to get you in and out of their labor room in hospitals, but you have to stand up for yourself. Don't let them give you Pitocin. It makes labor faster but can cause more complication in birth, like having the baby's umbilical cord wrapped around their neck almost killing them. DO NOT let them force you to take this in labor.
4. Don't let doctors convince you that your Child needs medication
Doctors are just trying to make money off of you and your child. Don't let them con you. If you give your child medication from the time they are 7 or so, they will be hooked on needing some kind of drug substance for the rest of their lives. Don't do it. If they are struggling in school, tutor them, don't just give them a pill. Child medication only causes several terrible side effects. They won't do anything to improve your child's grades, no matter what the doctor tells you. That is a just a lie from Satan spoken through the doctors to get your child hooked on drugs.
5. Don't let doctors convince you that You need medication
Just because you are depressed for a time does NOT mean you need medication. Start going on a walk every day, that will have the same effect on your brain naturally. Eat more healthy, watch funny movies. You don't need pills to make you happy. There are dozens of natural ways to make yourself happy. Listen to great music, hang out with friends, go wash your car etc. :) But don't take pills. Once you take them your body will stop producing serotonin naturally and you will have to take the pill the rest of your life!
6. Only go to a doctor for a broken bone, stitches or severe pain
Otherwise you will end up broke with no money left to save. They will most likely tell you that you have a fever and here's some Tylenol, which you have at home, so you wasted your time, energy and money by going. When sick it's best to just lay down and rest, or sleep as long as you can, and drink tons of water and eat healthy food to nourish your body, not soup because the high salt amount might dehydrate you more.
7. Never drink protein drinks or eat protein bars
They are NOT healthy. They are bad for you. They will make you nauseous, harm your stomach and cause severe constipation.
8. But still believe doctors can sometimes be helpful
As a disclaimer, doctors have saved my life a few times, like when I needed stitches twice, my appendix out and my gal bladder out, but other than such extreme cases, I advise that doctors be avoided, because you will only end up broke and probably more sick then you were before if you take all their pills. :)
9. Lastly let God be your doctor more than doctors
Pray before you go see a doctor. God is the ultimate physician and healer. He can heal you and make you better too. :) You just have to believe and have faith! Jesus said, "According to your faith it will be done to you." And "You have not because you ask not." Amen.
May God bless you all!
Friday, June 16, 2017
How to Have Faith
1. Resist the natural temptation to feel hopeless and faithless
2. Always believe today will be a good day
3. Remember that "according to your faith it will be done to you."
4. Always believe that God is good and cares for you
5. Always believe that bad things too can work out for good
6. Believe that most of humanity is good, even though some are bad
7. Stay in hope that you can make your future better then your past
8. Believe that positive words can turn things more positive
9. Encourage those around you to have faith and stay positive
2. Always believe today will be a good day
3. Remember that "according to your faith it will be done to you."
4. Always believe that God is good and cares for you
5. Always believe that bad things too can work out for good
6. Believe that most of humanity is good, even though some are bad
7. Stay in hope that you can make your future better then your past
8. Believe that positive words can turn things more positive
9. Encourage those around you to have faith and stay positive
How to be a Good Son/Daughter
1. Always speak in a respectful tone to your parents
2. Help your parents with cleaning their house if they need help
3. Believe that they are mostly good, even if they aren't perfect
4. Tell them happy birthday and don't forget their birthday
5. Don't get into drugs
6. Hang around with good friends who have good character
7. Don't marry someone that your parents strongly disapprove of
8. Text them back when they text you
9. Don't ask them for money unless you really, really need it and you have done all you can to earn money and be responsible with money
10. Tell your parents "thank you" a lot for all they have done and continue to do for you
2. Help your parents with cleaning their house if they need help
3. Believe that they are mostly good, even if they aren't perfect
4. Tell them happy birthday and don't forget their birthday
5. Don't get into drugs
6. Hang around with good friends who have good character
7. Don't marry someone that your parents strongly disapprove of
8. Text them back when they text you
9. Don't ask them for money unless you really, really need it and you have done all you can to earn money and be responsible with money
10. Tell your parents "thank you" a lot for all they have done and continue to do for you
How to Be a Good Spouse
1. Don't have close opposite sex friends
Having casual friends of the opposite sex is ok but don't talk about deep, personal things with the opposite sex, like past hurts etc. That is never a good idea and can lead to emotional affairs and eventually physical affairs.
2. Try to stay in good physical shape
Try to be healthy in what you eat and exercise when you can. Your spouse is the one who is intimate with you so how you look does somewhat matter.
3. Have good hygiene
How your breath smells and how you smell matters a lot to your spouse since they have to kiss you, so brush your teeth a lot and shower every day.
4. Respect their boundaries when angry
If your spouse is angry with you and needs to cool off alone in a room for a time, give them space to be alone. Don't force them to talk when they don't want to.
5. Take Turns picking date activities
Still go on dates after marriage. But don't always pick movies you want to watch or restaurants you want to go to. Take turns picking what you two will do together.
6. Never talk in a disrespectful tone to your spouse
You would not want someone to talk to you disrespectfully so don't do it to others, even if you think you are joking. It's never a good idea. It can come across as unloving or disrespectful and will most likely make your spouse respond in an unloving way.
7. Don't over spend on money
Have a "fun spending" budget every week and stick to it. Don't spend too much of your husband's hard earned money or money you will need for bills. That will only put a lot of stress on your spouse.
8. Respect your spouse's parents and speak positively about them
No one wants someone to talk bad about their parents or think that they are not good. Always assume that their parents are good, have good intentions, and don't say bad things about them.
9. Let your spouse think differently then you do
No two people will ever think the same. Give your spouse the freedom to think differently about any subject then about how you think. Don't force them to change their mind. If God wants to change their mind about something, he will.
Having casual friends of the opposite sex is ok but don't talk about deep, personal things with the opposite sex, like past hurts etc. That is never a good idea and can lead to emotional affairs and eventually physical affairs.
2. Try to stay in good physical shape
Try to be healthy in what you eat and exercise when you can. Your spouse is the one who is intimate with you so how you look does somewhat matter.
3. Have good hygiene
How your breath smells and how you smell matters a lot to your spouse since they have to kiss you, so brush your teeth a lot and shower every day.
4. Respect their boundaries when angry
If your spouse is angry with you and needs to cool off alone in a room for a time, give them space to be alone. Don't force them to talk when they don't want to.
5. Take Turns picking date activities
Still go on dates after marriage. But don't always pick movies you want to watch or restaurants you want to go to. Take turns picking what you two will do together.
6. Never talk in a disrespectful tone to your spouse
You would not want someone to talk to you disrespectfully so don't do it to others, even if you think you are joking. It's never a good idea. It can come across as unloving or disrespectful and will most likely make your spouse respond in an unloving way.
7. Don't over spend on money
Have a "fun spending" budget every week and stick to it. Don't spend too much of your husband's hard earned money or money you will need for bills. That will only put a lot of stress on your spouse.
8. Respect your spouse's parents and speak positively about them
No one wants someone to talk bad about their parents or think that they are not good. Always assume that their parents are good, have good intentions, and don't say bad things about them.
9. Let your spouse think differently then you do
No two people will ever think the same. Give your spouse the freedom to think differently about any subject then about how you think. Don't force them to change their mind. If God wants to change their mind about something, he will.
How to be a Person Worthy of Respect
1. Respect Yourself.
If you don't respect yourself and take care of yourself it will be harder for other people to respect you as well.
2. Respect Others
The amount of respect that you show to others is the amount of respect they will give to you, generally. You reap what you sow. You need to give what you want to get. If you want a lot of respect from others, you need to give a lot of respect to them.
3. Be a Clean Person
It's generally hard for people to respect anyone who looks or smell like a trash can or who seems to live in a trash can. Keep your body clean, take showers, brush your teeth a lot, wear clean clothes etc. And try to keep your environment clean. We all have lazy days, but generally try to clean up after yourself and others will respect you more.
4. Be a Hard Worker
If you want people to respect you a lot, don't be lazy. Work hard. Not just at work making money, but in everything you do. You should give 110% to everything you do, even cleaning your house etc. Always give your all in any task and you will be respected.
5. Don't Talk Condescendingly to Others
The minute you talk in a condescending tone it puts people on the defensive and they will be disrespectful towards you. If you want people to be kind and respect you, talk in a kind tone of voice, always. Even if you think you are just joking, don't do it. Respecting others is more important then being able to joke around.
6. Dress Modestly
To the ladies, don't wear something that would cause anyone to disrespect you. Cover yourself well. Don't wear overly tight or revealing clothes. If you do, you open people up to disrespect you. Why? Because you then look like a prostitute and no one respects prostitutes. If you want to attract a guy you will only attract bad guys by trying to look like a prostitute, and it sends the message that you won't be faithful to the guy you do attract. Always dress modestly.
7. Control Your Anger
If you don't control your anger and let careless words fly when you are angry, you will be respected very little. If you want respect, stay self-controlled and calm even when you are angry. Take the time to calm down before you speak. Write a letter about what made you angry or express it calmly to the person after you are no longer angry. Don't ever damage property or hurt anyone when you are angry. If can stay self-controlled when angry, people will respect you.
8. Don't be an Overly Nice Doormat
It's good to be nice, but if you are too nice people will take advantage of you and use you. You need to be kind to others but still make sure people know it's not ok to disrespect you. When someone is disrespectful to you, stop talking to them for a time. Don't allow the disrespect to continue. Don't let people think they can treat you however they want to. We treat people how to treat us. We can allow disrespect toward us by being too nice, or we can not allow it by getting very far away from abusive and disrespectful people. Some people will be disrespectful to you no matter what; those people do not deserve to be in your life.
9. Serve Others
Protect yourself from mean people, but serve those who are helpless and weaker then you, like children and the elderly. The more you give of yourself to people who are kind and deserve it, the more people will respect you.
10. Have Faith and be Positive
People respect people who are positive more than people who are negative. Always try to see the good in a situation. This is more worthy of respect because it can be hard to do. It takes mental work to always try to stay positive. It's not being naïve, but it's seeing that all things can work together for good eventually. It is an attitude that gives life to yourself and others. The more positive and happy you are in life, the more people will respect you.
11. Don't Ask Other People for Money
There are always places hiring like Wal-mart and McDonalds etc. If you want money you can always find a job to get it. Don't ask others for money. It's not their job to give you money, it is your own job to get money. The exception is parents giving their child money for education, but otherwise we should be self sufficient and able to support ourselves.
If you don't respect yourself and take care of yourself it will be harder for other people to respect you as well.
2. Respect Others
The amount of respect that you show to others is the amount of respect they will give to you, generally. You reap what you sow. You need to give what you want to get. If you want a lot of respect from others, you need to give a lot of respect to them.
3. Be a Clean Person
It's generally hard for people to respect anyone who looks or smell like a trash can or who seems to live in a trash can. Keep your body clean, take showers, brush your teeth a lot, wear clean clothes etc. And try to keep your environment clean. We all have lazy days, but generally try to clean up after yourself and others will respect you more.
4. Be a Hard Worker
If you want people to respect you a lot, don't be lazy. Work hard. Not just at work making money, but in everything you do. You should give 110% to everything you do, even cleaning your house etc. Always give your all in any task and you will be respected.
5. Don't Talk Condescendingly to Others
The minute you talk in a condescending tone it puts people on the defensive and they will be disrespectful towards you. If you want people to be kind and respect you, talk in a kind tone of voice, always. Even if you think you are just joking, don't do it. Respecting others is more important then being able to joke around.
6. Dress Modestly
To the ladies, don't wear something that would cause anyone to disrespect you. Cover yourself well. Don't wear overly tight or revealing clothes. If you do, you open people up to disrespect you. Why? Because you then look like a prostitute and no one respects prostitutes. If you want to attract a guy you will only attract bad guys by trying to look like a prostitute, and it sends the message that you won't be faithful to the guy you do attract. Always dress modestly.
7. Control Your Anger
If you don't control your anger and let careless words fly when you are angry, you will be respected very little. If you want respect, stay self-controlled and calm even when you are angry. Take the time to calm down before you speak. Write a letter about what made you angry or express it calmly to the person after you are no longer angry. Don't ever damage property or hurt anyone when you are angry. If can stay self-controlled when angry, people will respect you.
8. Don't be an Overly Nice Doormat
It's good to be nice, but if you are too nice people will take advantage of you and use you. You need to be kind to others but still make sure people know it's not ok to disrespect you. When someone is disrespectful to you, stop talking to them for a time. Don't allow the disrespect to continue. Don't let people think they can treat you however they want to. We treat people how to treat us. We can allow disrespect toward us by being too nice, or we can not allow it by getting very far away from abusive and disrespectful people. Some people will be disrespectful to you no matter what; those people do not deserve to be in your life.
9. Serve Others
Protect yourself from mean people, but serve those who are helpless and weaker then you, like children and the elderly. The more you give of yourself to people who are kind and deserve it, the more people will respect you.
10. Have Faith and be Positive
People respect people who are positive more than people who are negative. Always try to see the good in a situation. This is more worthy of respect because it can be hard to do. It takes mental work to always try to stay positive. It's not being naïve, but it's seeing that all things can work together for good eventually. It is an attitude that gives life to yourself and others. The more positive and happy you are in life, the more people will respect you.
11. Don't Ask Other People for Money
There are always places hiring like Wal-mart and McDonalds etc. If you want money you can always find a job to get it. Don't ask others for money. It's not their job to give you money, it is your own job to get money. The exception is parents giving their child money for education, but otherwise we should be self sufficient and able to support ourselves.
How to be a Good Parent
1. Give all that you can for your children.
You must put your child first in all situations. Their safety is always more important than your comfort.
2. Make sure that your children respect you
To make them respect you is to love them, because if they don't respect you, they will not succeed in life. If they don't respect you, they will then not respect their teachers or bosses or the police. It's very important that you teach them young the importance of respecting those in authority over them. Spanking children is important to make them respect what you say. The Bible says "spare the rod spoil the child." But spankings should just be 1 or 2 and not done excessively.
3. Don't spoil your child
Don't give your children anything they want. Their need to be unspoiled is more important than your desire to not listen to them cry or scream. If you give into a child and give them whatever they want they will expect others to in life to as well, and very few people will like them.
4. Love Your Child and Compliment Them
What children need more then anything in the world is for their parent to say they love them and that they are proud of them, no matter how old they are. Make sure to compliment your child and congratulate them when they do something good. If you give them attention when they do good, they won't seek to get negative attention from you by doing bad.
5. Push Your Child to Succeed
You need to have expectations of your child to succeed. If you don't expect anything of them, then they will perform poorly. You need to push them to be the best they can be and believe in them. Always believe that they can be great. If you don't believe in them, or think they are handicapped in some way, they won't succeed as well as they could have if you believed in them to succeed. When we believe a child can do anything well, they very well then might be able to do anything well.
6. Tell them How Much you Love Them
While expecting a lot of them, tell them you love them no matter what they do all the time. Don't let them think you will only love them IF they can perform well. Make sure they know you love them no matter what they do.
7. When they do Bad things Don't be Overly Critical
Remember that you did bad things as a kid too and still do. Don't judge your child too harshly when they make a bad decision. Realize that we all do at times. The more harsh you are with them, the more you will alienate them from you and push them into the bad thing even more.
8. Don't force your kid to take medication
If they are struggling in school help them, tutor them. Don't force them to take any kind of pills. If you do, you might make them addicted to drugs for life. Don't do it. Medication is still drugs, even if they are given by a doctor.
You must put your child first in all situations. Their safety is always more important than your comfort.
2. Make sure that your children respect you
To make them respect you is to love them, because if they don't respect you, they will not succeed in life. If they don't respect you, they will then not respect their teachers or bosses or the police. It's very important that you teach them young the importance of respecting those in authority over them. Spanking children is important to make them respect what you say. The Bible says "spare the rod spoil the child." But spankings should just be 1 or 2 and not done excessively.
3. Don't spoil your child
Don't give your children anything they want. Their need to be unspoiled is more important than your desire to not listen to them cry or scream. If you give into a child and give them whatever they want they will expect others to in life to as well, and very few people will like them.
4. Love Your Child and Compliment Them
What children need more then anything in the world is for their parent to say they love them and that they are proud of them, no matter how old they are. Make sure to compliment your child and congratulate them when they do something good. If you give them attention when they do good, they won't seek to get negative attention from you by doing bad.
5. Push Your Child to Succeed
You need to have expectations of your child to succeed. If you don't expect anything of them, then they will perform poorly. You need to push them to be the best they can be and believe in them. Always believe that they can be great. If you don't believe in them, or think they are handicapped in some way, they won't succeed as well as they could have if you believed in them to succeed. When we believe a child can do anything well, they very well then might be able to do anything well.
6. Tell them How Much you Love Them
While expecting a lot of them, tell them you love them no matter what they do all the time. Don't let them think you will only love them IF they can perform well. Make sure they know you love them no matter what they do.
7. When they do Bad things Don't be Overly Critical
Remember that you did bad things as a kid too and still do. Don't judge your child too harshly when they make a bad decision. Realize that we all do at times. The more harsh you are with them, the more you will alienate them from you and push them into the bad thing even more.
8. Don't force your kid to take medication
If they are struggling in school help them, tutor them. Don't force them to take any kind of pills. If you do, you might make them addicted to drugs for life. Don't do it. Medication is still drugs, even if they are given by a doctor.
How to live a Holy and Good Life
1. Never ever Lie to Anyone.
Satan is the father of all lies, so when you lie you are being more like Satan then God. When people lied in the Bible they died instantly. God takes lying very seriously.
2. Never Disrespect your Parents
You can disagree with your parents or not tolerate abuse without being disrespectful. Your parents sacrificed a ton of sleep and many other things to care for you, so they deserve your respect 24/7.
3. Be Kind to Others and Love Them Always
To be rude to others makes God angry. The Bible says it "grieves the Holy Spirit of God." Even if they are different from you or they sin in a big way, it does not ever make it ok for you to be mean to anyone. We all sin. "He who is without sin throw the first stone." Amen.
4. Always Protect and Be Kind to Children
Jesus held children in high esteem. Children are to always, always be protected. No one should ever hurt a child or touch them in a wrong or sexual way, ever. No one should ever disrespect a child verbally. The same respect we show adults, we should show to all children. Just because they are small does not make it ok to disrespect them. Just because they disrespect us as adults does not make it ok for us to be disrespectful to them.
5. Be a Hard Worker
The Bible says "If a man does not work, he shall not eat." To live a good and holy life you must always be a hard worker. Don't depend on anyone else to support you. You need to provide for yourself.
6. Give to the Poor and to Those who are in Need
To be selfish with your money is not to be holy and good. God gave us his only son and he wants us to also give to others whatever we can. God does not like us to hoard our money and never give to anyone. Don't be selfish with your money. If you see someone in need, give them something, clothing etc.
Satan is the father of all lies, so when you lie you are being more like Satan then God. When people lied in the Bible they died instantly. God takes lying very seriously.
2. Never Disrespect your Parents
You can disagree with your parents or not tolerate abuse without being disrespectful. Your parents sacrificed a ton of sleep and many other things to care for you, so they deserve your respect 24/7.
3. Be Kind to Others and Love Them Always
To be rude to others makes God angry. The Bible says it "grieves the Holy Spirit of God." Even if they are different from you or they sin in a big way, it does not ever make it ok for you to be mean to anyone. We all sin. "He who is without sin throw the first stone." Amen.
4. Always Protect and Be Kind to Children
Jesus held children in high esteem. Children are to always, always be protected. No one should ever hurt a child or touch them in a wrong or sexual way, ever. No one should ever disrespect a child verbally. The same respect we show adults, we should show to all children. Just because they are small does not make it ok to disrespect them. Just because they disrespect us as adults does not make it ok for us to be disrespectful to them.
5. Be a Hard Worker
The Bible says "If a man does not work, he shall not eat." To live a good and holy life you must always be a hard worker. Don't depend on anyone else to support you. You need to provide for yourself.
6. Give to the Poor and to Those who are in Need
To be selfish with your money is not to be holy and good. God gave us his only son and he wants us to also give to others whatever we can. God does not like us to hoard our money and never give to anyone. Don't be selfish with your money. If you see someone in need, give them something, clothing etc.
What Does God Expect of Me?
People often like to think God doesn't expect anything of us; but he really does.
What does God expect of me?
1. To Believe in his Son Jesus.
There really is no reason to not believe in Jesus and that he was God. It's a win win situation. God wants all people to believe in Jesus.
What does God expect of me?
1. To Believe in his Son Jesus.
There really is no reason to not believe in Jesus and that he was God. It's a win win situation. God wants all people to believe in Jesus.
2. To live a holy and good life
You cannot live a holy life on your own, but when God's Holy Spirit comes to live in you, then you can live as close to a holy life as is possible for a human to live.
3. To love others and to love God
Jesus said the greatest commandment that sums up all commandments from God is to love God and love people.
4. To share about Jesus with Others
Jesus commissioned all Christians to go into all the world and preach the message about Jesus' free gift to all.
3. To love others and to love God
Jesus said the greatest commandment that sums up all commandments from God is to love God and love people.
4. To share about Jesus with Others
Jesus commissioned all Christians to go into all the world and preach the message about Jesus' free gift to all.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Demonic Power in Music
It is quite possible that just as worship music can usher in God's Holy Spirit, secular music can usher in demonic spirits into your presence. Jesus said "you are either for me or against me." So any music that is not obviously for God is against God, and against his values.
This is good to listen to about this. Spells are cast on cds by artists that will affect any who listen to them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bAqiWlSOGWk
And the spells that are cast on women are regarding sexual promiscuity. Almost all female pop stars subliminally tell girls and young women that if they want to be cool like them, they have to become more sexual. In how they dress and act. And that is the biggest, most disgusting lie that Satan has been feeding the female population since the 60's. A terrible disgusting lie.
I was watching part of the YouTube video "They Sold Their Soul for Rock and Roll" last night again and it got me thinking. I had watched the series of videos about 10 years ago. The videos talk about how Michael Jackson, the Beatles, and even the Spice Girls, were purposely trying to pollute the minds of the youth. They all sold their soul to Satan to gain power over people and money. But of course they couldn't get that without fulfilling Satan's mission on this earth, which is to "kill, steal and destroy" the human race. They all destroyed the innocence of children and got them to think about sex, and maybe drugs, way to young. Of course there are the obvious singers that we all know badly influence kids like Eminem, ICP, Marilyn Manson etc. But it can be a group that seems as innocent as the Beatles too.
For me growing up it was Mariah Carey that tarred my innocence, and made me grow up way too quickly mentally. I think even more then my dad molesting me, her songs awakened in me a curiosity about sex way to young. Most listeners, and sadly most parents, didn't analyze her song "Honey" closely enough. That song was clearly about oral sex, but everyone thought it was harmless. "Satan masquerades as an angel of light" and her angelic voice certainly disguised the fact that Satan, through her, was trying to corrupt and over sexualize the youth of America.
Satan was getting to the boys of the 90's through Marilyn Manson, ICP, Eminem and other groups. And Satan was getting to the girls through Mariah Carey and TLC, and then later Beyoncé and now Rihanna. All these women sold sex in their songs and subliminally told girls that if they wanted to be cool like them, they had to be more sexual. They did this most obviously by how they dressed and their song lyrics. But was this their own message? No. It was Satan's message of sexual sin singing through them. Satan wants to steal. For little girls he wants to steal their innocence. And steal any chance that they will have a full life in a normal happy marriage that they saved themselves for sexually. Probably only 10% of brides in American are actual virgins at their weddings and for guys probably only 3%. That is just my own estimation but I think it's pretty accurate. And why is this? Because of music, evil subliminal messages in music about sex and sin. Music that sounds fun but really is perverting all American children and probably all children around the world. Thanks MTV and VH1. I say that sarcastically. May God save the world from the evil influences of evil music! Amen. And may God open our eyes to see that what we thought was innocent really was not.
I remember as a 10 year old girl being annoyed at how protective my mom was over the music I listened to, but now I wish she would have been more protective. She probably should have never let me get a Mariah Carey tape but oh well. When I was in 8th grade my mom went to a Christian bookstore and asked if there was an artist like TLC and they told her about "Out of Eden." Thank God for that group! I really did think they were super cool! Even cooler then TLC. Praise God! That group probably saved me and put me on the right path finally, toward God and toward heaven. Probably even more so then any person influencing my life, that group, and the Supertones Christian band and Jennifer Knapp, got me happily on the straight and narrow road. They got me thinking about God rather then wanting a boyfriend all the time. They got me thinking about what really matters in life and eternity, saving souls for God and worshiping God alone, not boys! Thank God! Praise God for those Christian groups, and for the Harvest Crusade with Greg Laurie in Orange County, CA, where I heard them for the first time and got their CD's! :) Go Greg Laurie!
The music we listen to really does have a PROFOUND effect on how we live our lives. For the last 5 years, since I started this blog, I pretty have listened to nothing but Hillsong and I praise God for that! Almost every time I have written a blog I listen to Hillsong worship music. I consider it like my Holy Spirit muse. It makes the Holy Spirit just pour words out of me in writing. I feel then I can write more what I feel God wants me to say. :) It awakens a Holy Spirit fire in me then to preach, through writing. :) Praise God for Hillsong! And I'm so glad they are still going strong!
But the times in my life where I "fell away" or got into sin, with a guy usually, I was almost always listening to pop radio.
So watch out carefully for what kind of music you are feeding into your mind all the time. Know that there is GREAT power in music to influence you and dictate the way your life will go.
A guy in the "They Sold Their Souls" YouTube video made a great point, that Satan was the director of music in heaven before he fell, so he knows there is GREAT power in music. Satan now uses music to get people to follow him rather then God. That is very true.
And Mark Driscoll put it so well in a sermon, you can either worship sex or you can worship God. Most rap music clearly encourages the worship of sex as well as most pop music. That sermon can be found here. It's great! Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7cmr80sX_0
So be careful with music. Just listen to Hillsong 24/7 and you will have a good and pure life. lol. And be very careful of what you allow your kids to listen to. Tell them it's more important to be saved then cool. That might work ;)
May God bless you all!
This is good to listen to about this. Spells are cast on cds by artists that will affect any who listen to them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bAqiWlSOGWk
And the spells that are cast on women are regarding sexual promiscuity. Almost all female pop stars subliminally tell girls and young women that if they want to be cool like them, they have to become more sexual. In how they dress and act. And that is the biggest, most disgusting lie that Satan has been feeding the female population since the 60's. A terrible disgusting lie.
I was watching part of the YouTube video "They Sold Their Soul for Rock and Roll" last night again and it got me thinking. I had watched the series of videos about 10 years ago. The videos talk about how Michael Jackson, the Beatles, and even the Spice Girls, were purposely trying to pollute the minds of the youth. They all sold their soul to Satan to gain power over people and money. But of course they couldn't get that without fulfilling Satan's mission on this earth, which is to "kill, steal and destroy" the human race. They all destroyed the innocence of children and got them to think about sex, and maybe drugs, way to young. Of course there are the obvious singers that we all know badly influence kids like Eminem, ICP, Marilyn Manson etc. But it can be a group that seems as innocent as the Beatles too.
For me growing up it was Mariah Carey that tarred my innocence, and made me grow up way too quickly mentally. I think even more then my dad molesting me, her songs awakened in me a curiosity about sex way to young. Most listeners, and sadly most parents, didn't analyze her song "Honey" closely enough. That song was clearly about oral sex, but everyone thought it was harmless. "Satan masquerades as an angel of light" and her angelic voice certainly disguised the fact that Satan, through her, was trying to corrupt and over sexualize the youth of America.
Satan was getting to the boys of the 90's through Marilyn Manson, ICP, Eminem and other groups. And Satan was getting to the girls through Mariah Carey and TLC, and then later Beyoncé and now Rihanna. All these women sold sex in their songs and subliminally told girls that if they wanted to be cool like them, they had to be more sexual. They did this most obviously by how they dressed and their song lyrics. But was this their own message? No. It was Satan's message of sexual sin singing through them. Satan wants to steal. For little girls he wants to steal their innocence. And steal any chance that they will have a full life in a normal happy marriage that they saved themselves for sexually. Probably only 10% of brides in American are actual virgins at their weddings and for guys probably only 3%. That is just my own estimation but I think it's pretty accurate. And why is this? Because of music, evil subliminal messages in music about sex and sin. Music that sounds fun but really is perverting all American children and probably all children around the world. Thanks MTV and VH1. I say that sarcastically. May God save the world from the evil influences of evil music! Amen. And may God open our eyes to see that what we thought was innocent really was not.
I remember as a 10 year old girl being annoyed at how protective my mom was over the music I listened to, but now I wish she would have been more protective. She probably should have never let me get a Mariah Carey tape but oh well. When I was in 8th grade my mom went to a Christian bookstore and asked if there was an artist like TLC and they told her about "Out of Eden." Thank God for that group! I really did think they were super cool! Even cooler then TLC. Praise God! That group probably saved me and put me on the right path finally, toward God and toward heaven. Probably even more so then any person influencing my life, that group, and the Supertones Christian band and Jennifer Knapp, got me happily on the straight and narrow road. They got me thinking about God rather then wanting a boyfriend all the time. They got me thinking about what really matters in life and eternity, saving souls for God and worshiping God alone, not boys! Thank God! Praise God for those Christian groups, and for the Harvest Crusade with Greg Laurie in Orange County, CA, where I heard them for the first time and got their CD's! :) Go Greg Laurie!
The music we listen to really does have a PROFOUND effect on how we live our lives. For the last 5 years, since I started this blog, I pretty have listened to nothing but Hillsong and I praise God for that! Almost every time I have written a blog I listen to Hillsong worship music. I consider it like my Holy Spirit muse. It makes the Holy Spirit just pour words out of me in writing. I feel then I can write more what I feel God wants me to say. :) It awakens a Holy Spirit fire in me then to preach, through writing. :) Praise God for Hillsong! And I'm so glad they are still going strong!
But the times in my life where I "fell away" or got into sin, with a guy usually, I was almost always listening to pop radio.
So watch out carefully for what kind of music you are feeding into your mind all the time. Know that there is GREAT power in music to influence you and dictate the way your life will go.
A guy in the "They Sold Their Souls" YouTube video made a great point, that Satan was the director of music in heaven before he fell, so he knows there is GREAT power in music. Satan now uses music to get people to follow him rather then God. That is very true.
And Mark Driscoll put it so well in a sermon, you can either worship sex or you can worship God. Most rap music clearly encourages the worship of sex as well as most pop music. That sermon can be found here. It's great! Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7cmr80sX_0
So be careful with music. Just listen to Hillsong 24/7 and you will have a good and pure life. lol. And be very careful of what you allow your kids to listen to. Tell them it's more important to be saved then cool. That might work ;)
May God bless you all!
Drugs and Michael Jackson
Overall the life Michael Jackson is quite horrifying really. He had to be one of the strangest men who ever lived. I always thought he was super strange for wanting to look like a woman. Apparently he really had several gay lovers. And I seriously think there were hundreds of kids that he molested but he paid them all to be quiet, which was probably partly why he was almost bankrupt before he died. It's amazing that with 14 counts against him for child molestation in 1993 he still got away scott free. That only shows how crazily corrupt our judicial system is. The right people were probably paid enough money and he got to go free. But they found tons of child porn in a back closet of his "Neverland" Ranch. What I don't get also is why he kept covering his kid's faces with blankets. Wasn't he concerned about suffocating his kids? And why on earth did everyone call his third kid "blanket" instead of his name? It seems his third kid he may have stolen from a Mexican nurse. And his first two kids aren't even his. The sperm was donated by some random guy. I hope he didn't do anything to any of them. :( Very very strange guy for sure. Maybe he was a good singer and dancer but that's the only good that can be said of him. I think he sold his soul to Satan at some point in order to become famous. Most famous people do at some point it seems. Very sad :( He did show lots of satanic hand signs from the time he was even 6 or so, which makes me wonder if his dad was actually a demon worshipper. :( I know he abused his kids, but maybe he was even possessed. It's also kind of funny that people "fell under the power" at his concerts, as in fainted. He must have had some kind of strong power behind him, and I highly doubt it was God's power. I know that happened with Elvis and the Beatles too, people fainting. They also most likely sold their souls to Satan in exchange for fame and power. Drugs open a gateway into the demonic realm, and they all got heavily into drugs. When people have bad trips on drugs I don't think they are imagining all those things, they are seeing actual demons then. I don't know if people become possessed when they do drugs or it just becomes more possible then. I suppose I can speak from my own experience smoking pot twice 18 years ago that the next day I felt very much not myself. Overall drugs are very dangerous and can lead to demonic possession so stay far away, dear reader. And may God bless you all! 😉
Satan is just like the snake Kaa in the movie "The Jungle Book." He acts like he's your best friend and then he eats you. He might speak softly and seem comforting but that's while he's slowly strangling you, like the snake did to Mogley. People always think Satan will show up looking ugly or scary, but no, he acts like he's your best friend in order to device you. He is the father of lies. He promises happiness but he gives death. He promises people fame but it's corruption and insanity. Satan is a master disguiser. So watch out. Be on your guard.
God bless :)
God bless :)
Sunday, June 11, 2017
My Bracelets
About my Jesus bracelets: I put words on them with letter beads like hope, joy, patient, kind etc....
From my mom :) "I think one of your bracelets ended up at Verts. (Another restaurant on the other end of Georgetown.) Yesterday when I got dinner there, the server had it hanging on her name badge. She said a coworker gave it to her. It had the same stars and said Joy. She said she had been having a rough time so she said it helped her to keep a positive outlook."
awe yay! Praise God! My bracelets are making a difference!
It's funny cuz I was starting to feel like I'm just putting the same old words on my bracelets and they aren't special, but I felt God say to me "to the people who see them they aren't just the same old words." 😁
And I keep thinking of the great quote in The Dead Poet's Society, "No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world." Amen! And words from the Bible especially! :)
May God bless you all! And always remember, your words and what you do can change the world too! You just have to believe! Amen :)




From my mom :) "I think one of your bracelets ended up at Verts. (Another restaurant on the other end of Georgetown.) Yesterday when I got dinner there, the server had it hanging on her name badge. She said a coworker gave it to her. It had the same stars and said Joy. She said she had been having a rough time so she said it helped her to keep a positive outlook."
awe yay! Praise God! My bracelets are making a difference!
It's funny cuz I was starting to feel like I'm just putting the same old words on my bracelets and they aren't special, but I felt God say to me "to the people who see them they aren't just the same old words." 😁
And I keep thinking of the great quote in The Dead Poet's Society, "No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world." Amen! And words from the Bible especially! :)
May God bless you all! And always remember, your words and what you do can change the world too! You just have to believe! Amen :)
Here are some of the words I put on my bracelets. I like to call them "self-affirmation bracelets." They mostly all have a good character quality that maybe the person wearing it can make it their goal to be that way. :)






Thursday, June 8, 2017
How to Go to Heaven
The Bible says that "anyone who calls on the name of Lord will be saved!" In order to go to heaven when you die, you need to believe that the ONLY payment you will need for your sins is Jesus' death. Nothing you can do can save you. The difference between Christianity and any other religion is that Jesus paid it all; we know that we cannot pay the price for our sins by any good deed we do. Once we recognize that without God, and Jesus saving us, we are helpless, God can do a work in us and save us. God transforms our minds and hearts so that we can live wonderful and free lives in Him. Amen! Believe in Jesus' free gift of paying for your sins today and be saved! May God bless you!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
My Missions Trips
I went to Calcutta, India when I was 14 with my church and YWAM. We were the first YWAM team to go to India so they made a movie of our trip. I still haven't seen the movie though lol can't seem to find it. :(
I did magic tricks in local Christian churches there that had a religious story to them. It was really exciting to see how happy people were that we had come. :)
Overall that trip taught me to be a hundred times more grateful for all that we have here is the U.S. Everyone should travel to a third world area at some point to see how lucky we are here, and very blessed. Praise God. :)
Then at 16 I went to Taiwan. It actually looked somewhat similar to India as far as how close together shops are. Australia is actually set up the same way too. I went there just for fun 5 years ago. All of a city over there is like one big strip mall. ;)
Both Taiwan and India were very hot and humid. Both had somewhat crazy traffic lol. We went in temples in both and the local shopping areas, which was fun.
I was talking with my boss today, who is from India, about religion. He was asking if the Christian religion answers why some people are born poor. I teared up a bit. That has always been a huge question for me really. I don't get or know why God allows some people to suffer in poverty so much. It is very sad.
I saw tons of poverty on my missions trips to Mexico too. I suppose I have gone down to various cities in Mexico about 8 times. It is always heart breaking to see the houses some people have to live in. And the strangest thing about Mexico is that really nice houses are mixed in with sad, small ones. :(
And I have seen very sad poverty in countries we went to on cruises; Haiti, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. It was always very heart breaking.
My only explanation on why God allows poverty is that if someone endures hardship in this life but still does a good job at loving others, then they will have great rewards in heaven. And one's perspective is always key. To be rich isn't always better. It means kids see their parents less because they are working all the time, which is sad. Money is not what makes life great, love is. Money helps, but love should be all of our number one goal in life. Amen? Amen.
And hopefully someday I will be able to make it back to India for another missions trip, and maybe Russia. That would be cool. :)
God bless!
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