Thursday, June 29, 2017

Don't Have Sex Carelessly

I have always been amazed at how casually some people have sex and then carelessly enter into parenting. I'm amazed how reckless so many young people are today regarding sex and not realizing that they need to VERY seriously count the cost first, the cost and sacrifice of parenting. There are phrases now like "friends with benefits" and "no strings attached." Well if the girl gets pregnant there very much will be strings attached, child support strings being the most important, which can put you in prison if you don't pay it.

And for the ladies, not only is child labor extremely hard, as all know, parenting small children is very, very hard. Maybe if young ladies, and guys, realized how hard it is, they wouldn't be so easily promiscuous.

The hardest thing is that every day of having young children you will get woken up before You want to wake up. Sleeping in is never an option. And it is very hard, but thank God for coffee, that's all I can say.

You will change at least 10 diapers per day per kid, which is way more if they have diareah, and have to give each child about 15 bottles per day. So you have to always make sure you are stocked up on milk, diapers and baby wipes. You will feel like you are constantly washing out bottles.

I have cleaned out 10 to 20 bottles 3 times a day every day for 3.5 years.

Every single day I do laundry, because milk from bottles gets everywhere, and vacuum, because crumbs from food gets everywhere.

When you're a parent, you can't go anywhere you want to whenever you want to.

I try to work but babysitters are unpredictable and not all that excited about babysitting. Putting a child in official daycare these days can cost up to 1k per month PER child, so unless you're a doctor or a lawyer, you won't profit much from working after paying daycare expenses.

I have almost no social life except work. I can't go on a bike ride carefree anymore because I have to haul a heavy kid trailer behind me. :) I have to constantly correct my three year old's behavior. I have to always worry about my 1 year old's safety. Both of them could get seriously hurt at any minute.

I don't get to watch what I want to watch most of the day. I have to watch or listen to annoying kid shows so the girls stay happy.

Then there is the dealing with crying or screaming for 5 minutes or more if your child doesn't want to take a nap or go to bed. That is one of the hardest things about parenting. But you know they are really tired and need to sleep so you have to be strong and ignore the crying, unless they need more milk or pooped in their diaper, which is always tricky to know if that's why they are crying.

And there are the disgusting adventures of smelling and cleaning up throw up and dealing with diarrhea which can be highly stressful. When a kid is sick they can explode anywhere at anytime and you never know when or where it will happen. Which is probably why others don't seem to want to babysit lol. 😉 And also why I have mostly given up going to church since my first kid was born, because the less they get sick from other kids, the less I have to deal with the insanity of all that. But I do miss church and wish church kid rooms were more clean so kids don't always get sick when they go.

And lastly, your kids never say good job and almost never say thank you for all you do or sacrifice for them. Nor do you ever get a raise or promotion for working hard.

Anyways that's enough of that. All that to say, realize what you might be getting into when you have sex. It's not all just fun and games. Sex causes kids and kids cause A LOT of sacrifice and responsibility. So be careful when dating. And know what sex fully entails before you make careless choices.

And tell your mom a huge THANK YOU for being a complete angel 😇 for taking care of you your first 18 years. And thank your dad a ton for providing for you, if he did.  ðŸ˜‰ But some moms care for AND provide for their kids, because the dads don't provide much at all, which puts them on the level of mother Theresa really. Like my mom! Good job Mom! And to all you moms that do everything, you are extremely amazing!

I knew what I was getting into as far as kids thanks to 14 years of working with kids before having kids, but most have no idea. So now you, dear single reader, might have some idea. If you're a parent feel free to comment anything I left out. ;)

And I'll add in the benefits of parenting. The good things are tickling your kids and hearing them laugh, seeing them play with each other, getting to take a nap almost every day, and the times when you do enjoy the kids shows or movies and holding your cute, chubby, teddy bear kids while you watch. :) And knowing that someday your kids will take good care of you the way you took good care of them. Or at least they better, lol.

God bless 🙂

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