Sunday, June 18, 2017

How to Handle Money Stress Free

1. Put all your bills on auto-debit

This will save you all the stress of paying them manually every month.

2. Make each of your bill's due date to be at different times of the month

You can call and change your bill due date or you can do it online.  Then each bill will come out of different checks.

3. Give yourself about $50 a week for "fun money"

This could include fast food but every family has a different thought on what counts as fun money.  Mostly it's a budget for spending on clothes and other random things that you might not really need but you want. 

4. Save whatever is left after paying rent.

Whatever money you have left at the end of the month, after all bills have been auto-debited and rent has been paid, save it.  Don't spend the extra.  You already had your $50 a week of fun money.  Save what is left over.  :)

5. Give to the poor when you can

I actually do not believe in giving a 10% tithe to institutionalized churches.  The early church in Acts met in houses, not churches, so I don't believe people should give 10% of their income to a church building just so they can build bigger buildings.  That is a ton of money eventually!  And I think pastors should have a full time job outside of the church and not let the people of the church support them, like Paul supported himself as a tent maker.

When you can give, give to the poor.  That is who the Bible says we are to give our extra money to.  Make some sandwiches for homeless people.  Buy hats and shirts for homeless people etc.  Any tithe money you have and any money you want to give really should all go to the poor.  But don't give them cash because they might just buy drugs or alcohol, buy food and clothes to give to them.

God bless!

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