Saturday, June 17, 2017

How to Date Sucessfully

1. Pray for God to send you a perfect person for you

He will answer your prayer. :)

2. Try online dating

There seems to be a stigma still about it but it really is the most effective way to find exactly what kind of person you are looking for. 

3. Talk on the phone before you meet in person

Just to make sure the person is a good person, talk to them on the phone.  You can tell just from one phone conversation if someone is good and if they will be a good fit for you or not.  And pray for God to give you discernment while you talk. 

4. Express your feelings

If you ignore how you feel and what you want, you will be miserable.  If you want to get married quickly, express it.  Don't just ignore it if you do.  The other person could easily say no and you could move on.  But it's much better to marry quickly then to live in sin.  ;) 

5. Make sure you are of a very similar faith

6. Make sure they have a good job

It's important that they are a hard worker.  If they aren't a hard worker at work, they won't be a hard worker on their relationship with you either. 

7. Make sure you want the same things

Talk about everything important at the beginning, like if you both want kids.  Don't wait too long to have that conversation.  Definitely don't wait till after your are married.  ;)

8. Hang out but do things separately too

If all you do is hang out together, one or both people will feel suffocated.  You need to have interests and hobbies on your own.  Everyone needs some alone time sometimes. 

9. Ladies, dress modestly

You aren't a prostitute looking for a one night stand, or hopefully you aren't.  If you are looking for someone to marry, dress accordingly.  :)

10. Always keep in mind there are other fish in the sea when dating

If one person doesn't work out, don't get depressed about it.  Move on and you will find someone else in time.  Always stay in hope that God will send the perfect person for you eventually.  "According to your faith it will be done to you."  If you have faith you will meet a great person, you will!  Just believe. :) -Mt. 9:29

God bless!

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