Friday, June 16, 2017

How to be a Good Parent

1. Give all that you can for your children.

You must put your child first in all situations. Their safety is always more important than your comfort.

2. Make sure that your children respect you

To make them respect you is to love them, because if they don't respect you, they will not succeed in life.  If they don't respect you, they will then not respect their teachers or bosses or the police.  It's very important that you teach them young the importance of respecting those in authority over them.  Spanking children is important to make them respect what you say.  The Bible says "spare the rod spoil the child."  But spankings should just be 1 or 2 and not done excessively. 

3. Don't spoil your child

Don't give your children anything they want.  Their need to be unspoiled is more important than your desire to not listen to them cry or scream.  If you give into a child and give them whatever they want they will expect others to in life to as well, and very few people will like them.

4. Love Your Child and Compliment Them

What children need more then anything in the world is for their parent to say they love them and that they are proud of them, no matter how old they are.  Make sure to compliment your child and congratulate them when they do something good.  If you give them attention when they do good, they won't seek to get negative attention from you by doing bad. 

5. Push Your Child to Succeed

You need to have expectations of your child to succeed.  If you don't expect anything of them, then they will perform poorly.  You need to push them to be the best they can be and believe in them.  Always believe that they can be great.  If you don't believe in them, or think they are handicapped in some way, they won't succeed as well as they could have if you believed in them to succeed.  When we believe a child can do anything well, they very well then might be able to do anything well. 

6.  Tell them How Much you Love Them

While expecting a lot of them, tell them you love them no matter what they do all the time.  Don't let them think you will only love them IF they can perform well.  Make sure they know you love them no matter what they do. 

7.  When they do Bad things Don't be Overly Critical

Remember that you did bad things as a kid too and still do.  Don't judge your child too harshly when they make a bad decision.  Realize that we all do at times.  The more harsh you are with them, the more you will alienate them from you and push them into the bad thing even more. 

8. Don't force your kid to take medication

If they are struggling in school help them, tutor them.  Don't force them to take any kind of pills.  If you do, you might make them addicted to drugs for life.  Don't do it.  Medication is still drugs, even if they are given by a doctor. 

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