Thursday, June 15, 2017

Demonic Power in Music

It is quite possible that just as worship music can usher in God's Holy Spirit, secular music can usher in demonic spirits into your presence. Jesus said "you are either for me or against me." So any music that is not obviously for God is against God, and against his values.

This is good to listen to about this. Spells are cast on cds by artists that will affect any who listen to them.

And the spells that are cast on women are regarding sexual promiscuity. Almost all female pop stars subliminally tell girls and young women that if they want to be cool like them, they have to become more sexual. In how they dress and act. And that is the biggest, most disgusting lie that Satan has been feeding the female population since the 60's. A terrible disgusting lie.

I was watching part of the YouTube video "They Sold Their Soul for Rock and Roll" last night again and it got me thinking.  I had watched the series of videos about 10 years ago.  The videos talk about how Michael Jackson, the Beatles, and even the Spice Girls, were purposely trying to pollute the minds of the youth.  They all sold their soul to Satan to gain power over people and money.  But of course they couldn't get that without fulfilling Satan's mission on this earth, which is to "kill, steal and destroy" the human race.  They all destroyed the innocence of children and got them to think about sex, and maybe drugs, way to young.  Of course there are the obvious singers that we all know badly influence kids like Eminem, ICP, Marilyn Manson etc.  But it can be a group that seems as innocent as the Beatles too.

For me growing up it was Mariah Carey that tarred my innocence, and made me grow up way too quickly mentally.  I think even more then my dad molesting me, her songs awakened in me a curiosity about sex way to young.  Most listeners, and sadly most parents, didn't analyze her song "Honey" closely enough.  That song was clearly about oral sex, but everyone thought it was harmless.  "Satan masquerades as an angel of light" and her angelic voice certainly disguised the fact that Satan, through her, was trying to corrupt and over sexualize the youth of America. 

Satan was getting to the boys of the 90's through Marilyn Manson, ICP, Eminem and other groups.  And Satan was getting to the girls through Mariah Carey and TLC, and then later BeyoncĂ© and now Rihanna.  All these women sold sex in their songs and subliminally told girls that if they wanted to be cool like them, they had to be more sexual. They did this most obviously by how they dressed and their song lyrics.  But was this their own message?  No.  It was Satan's message of sexual sin singing through them.  Satan wants to steal.  For little girls he wants to steal their innocence.  And steal any chance that they will have a full life in a normal happy marriage that they saved themselves for sexually.  Probably only 10% of brides in American are actual virgins at their weddings and for guys probably only 3%.  That is just my own estimation but I think it's pretty accurate.  And why is this?  Because of music, evil subliminal messages in music about sex and sin.  Music that sounds fun but really is perverting all American children and probably all children around the world.  Thanks MTV and VH1.  I say that sarcastically.  May God save the world from the evil influences of evil music!  Amen.  And may God open our eyes to see that what we thought was innocent really was not. 

I remember as a 10 year old girl being annoyed at how protective my mom was over the music I listened to, but now I wish she would have been more protective.  She probably should have never let me get a Mariah Carey tape but oh well.  When I was in 8th grade my mom went to a Christian bookstore and asked if there was an artist like TLC and they told her about "Out of Eden."  Thank God for that group!  I really did think they were super cool!  Even cooler then TLC.  Praise God!  That group probably saved me and put me on the right path finally, toward God and toward heaven.  Probably even more so then any person influencing my life, that group, and the Supertones Christian band and Jennifer Knapp, got me happily on the straight and narrow road.  They got me thinking about God rather then wanting a boyfriend all the time.  They got me thinking about what really matters in life and eternity, saving souls for God and worshiping God alone, not boys!  Thank God!  Praise God for those Christian groups, and for the Harvest Crusade with Greg Laurie in Orange County, CA, where I heard them for the first time and got their CD's!  :)  Go Greg Laurie! 

The music we listen to really does have a PROFOUND effect on how we live our lives.  For the last 5 years, since I started this blog, I pretty have listened to nothing but Hillsong and I praise God for that!  Almost every time I have written a blog I listen to Hillsong worship music.  I consider it like my Holy Spirit muse.  It makes the Holy Spirit just pour words out of me in writing.  I feel then I can write more what I feel God wants me to say. :)  It awakens a Holy Spirit fire in me then to preach, through writing. :) Praise God for Hillsong!  And I'm so glad they are still going strong! 

But the times in my life where I "fell away" or got into sin, with a guy usually, I was almost always listening to pop radio. 

So watch out carefully for what kind of music you are feeding into your mind all the time.  Know that there is GREAT power in music to influence you and dictate the way your life will go.

A guy in the "They Sold Their Souls" YouTube video made a great point, that Satan was the director of music in heaven before he fell, so he knows there is GREAT power in music.  Satan now uses music to get people to follow him rather then God. That is very true. 

And Mark Driscoll put it so well in a sermon, you can either worship sex or you can worship God.  Most rap music clearly encourages the worship of sex as well as most pop music.  That sermon can be found here.  It's great!  Check it out!

So be careful with music.  Just listen to Hillsong 24/7 and you will have a good and pure life.  lol. And be very careful of what you allow your kids to listen to.  Tell them it's more important to be saved then cool.  That might work ;)

May God bless you all!

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