Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Flesh Always Remains

We were all born with an evil sin nature. Everyone around us was also born with an evil sin nature. This is called "the flesh" in the Bible. No matter what you do or what meds you take, that sin nature, and other people's sin nature, will still be there. You can't medicate your own or anyone else's sin nature away.

And don't believe the lie that meds for kids will turn them into some decile and perfectly submissive kid.

And for yourself, you are supposed to kill the Flesh in yourself, but not with meds, but with self-discipline.

I love how people in charismatic circles say about casting out demons, "You can try to cast out demons, but you can't cast out the flesh." As in, you can try casting demons out of a person all day, but their flesh will still be there when you're done. And it will be with them until they die.

In the same way, you can't medicate the flesh away. You can't take meds for mental health hoping that they will turn you into a great and loving, Christian person. The reality is that your flesh, your sin nature, will always be there.

The Flesh is not a demon you can cast out and it won't go away with psychiatric meds.

You ultimately just have to accept it that life sucks sometimes and our behavior, and other people's behavior, really sucks sometimes but it's because we live in a fallen world and there's nothing we can do about it, except pray. God bless πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‰

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