Sunday, September 24, 2017

Psychotropic Drugs are Very Dangerous

Here are the best quotes from the YouTube video "Depression is NOT a chemical imbalance.  Here is the proof."

"Psychiatric drugs are toxic to the body and add to the reserve of toxins.  They will lower the immune system and the body will try to fight them as foreign objects."

"I think we will see a huge increase in murder, suicide, and violent behavior."

"These change your body's makeup.  A person might be over their depression but physically they need that drug still."

Most doctors say they are never addictive, but they are highly addictive.

"I almost lost my job over it, over a prescription drug that's not supposed to be addictive.  I almost lost my job."

"A very large percentage of people can't get off these drugs."

"Many drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin etc. are on the same drug list strength as morphine and cocaine." 

"Your pupils can dilate when you are on Ritalin." 

"When I talk to people who are Meth addicts they almost all consistently say they were put on Ritalin as a kid."


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