Monday, September 25, 2017

Mind Altering Medication Causes Suicide and Murder

Read this article please:

Reading this article about all the mass shootings and murders done by people who were on mind altering prescription meds is very shocking and sad. Even a mother drowning her own 5 kids in the bathtub when she was on the meds. Wow. How nuts!

The two shootings that shocked and saddened me the most in my life were the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings. BOTH shooters were on prescription meds at the time they did that. Coincidence? I think not. It is because these meds actually drive people to KILL other people.

And people aren't worried about these drugs? They think they are perfectly safe? Why would they think if those people went nuts on the drugs that they won't as well?

Someone in my family has been on SSRI anti-depressant meds my entire life. This person flipped out on me multiple times in such a way that I was literally worried she might kill me. I always knew the medication she was on was making her completely insane at times. People on these meds get extremely scary.

Another person I knew who was on prescription medication was completely nuts with unbelievable rage rants to the point that I was scared for my life on a few occasions. It almost seemed like this person was possessed in different moments, like he was not in control of things he was doing or saying and probably an evil spirit was in control. I think the meds opened a door for demons to take control of him sometimes.

I know many people don't like what I say about prescription meds, but if they had close interactions with people that were on these meds, they might feel differently.

I'm sure others of you could share stories of people you know who scared you a lot when they were on meds, and if you want to share, please do.

I knew someone else who was on Ritalin and it made him suicidal, and he threatened to kill someone else.

Yes I have known some pretty crazy people in my life, lol, but only ones who were on prescription mind altering medication.

Rick Warren's son also was on prescription meds when he killed himself. The son of the most famous pastor in the world, pretty much. He didn't kill himself because he had a bad family; the medication made him kill himself.

I hope this will make some people wake up. Please get off these meds, slowly, before you end up killing yourself or someone else too. I'm quite serious.

May God bless you all!

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