Wednesday, May 30, 2018


In psychology there is a concept of the dynamic between an addicted person and a co-dependent person. The theory is that the co-dependent is just as much to blame for the addict’s behavior as the addict is.  Why?  Because generally the co-dependent is enabling the addict.  They may provide and pay for the alcohol for the alcoholic etc. They don't confront the person in love when they need to so the addiction continues.  Or it might be that the co-dependent stresses out the addict and makes them run to their substance for “peace,” even though it’s a huge lie from Satan that that substance or thing will bring them peace. Of course blaming others and not taking responsibility for one’s own actions is not good, but we all can and do affect each other in many ways. Amen?

Another reason for why an addict remains in their addiction is usually because they are or were rejected by someone close to them, who was supposed to love them but didn't.  The addict then runs to substances to fill the hole inside of them, the void that was left by not being loved by someone. They look to a substance to meet that needs then. They should run to God, but often we look for something tangible to make us feel better.  Some people look to food, others alcohol, others shopping etc. to make them happy and de-stress. But of course the substance or thing doesn't meet their needs.  So then the devil starts lying to them and saying that if they would just increase the intake of the substance that then they will be satisfied. But the Truth is that the substance will NEVER truly satisfy them, it only ends up making them feel worse about themselves.  Nor does another person ultimately ever fully satisfy our souls.  The only one who can truly fill and heal our empty souls is God. Amen!

Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee."  Amen, yes they are! If you don’t put your anchor in God you will drift through many other things that will only cause you more pain, like a ship tossed on the sea in a storm. Put an anchor in God so your life can be stable and at peace. Amen! Only then will you be at peace.

Don't run to people or substances to get the hole in your heart filled, run to God. Only and always God! Amen :) He is the only being that can bring you total peace, joy, hope and anything that you could ever need!  And if you know an addict, try as best you can to not stress them out. 😉👍🏼

May God bless you all!

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