Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sin is Sin

Some video on my Facebook news feed said “Gender is binary. Get over it.” But no the correct statement would be sin is binary and you can go to hell for it. Meaning you can lust after the opposite sex or the same sex in sinful ways and God WILL judge you for it. 

I think male homosexuality is incredibly selfish because it is like a man thinks “How can I have sex without providing for a wife and children? I can be gay!” I know they probably don’t consciously think that but possibly subconsciously. 

Homosexuality can be controlled in the same way that sexual immorality can be. Counseling is the best cure for faulty or sinful thinking I think. You can pay for it or acquire a very wise Christian friend somewhere who can counsel you for free. I am lucky to have had such a wise and great friend for 20 years now, ever since I became Christian. 🙂 

The biggest issue in our modern time is people see no reason to control sin. They think any sin they want to commit they should be free to do it. Well you can be free in this life but maybe you should consider the next life.

The deception began with evolution. People somehow got convinced that there is no God, because all this coming from nothing is totally believable (sarcasm), so then what does that mean? No rules! Now we can do whatever we want! Or so many people think. Well believing that doesn’t make it true. You can believe all day that God doesn’t exist and that what you do doesn’t matter but the fact is that it DOES. 

Someday we will all have to give an account for how well we followed God’s rules. Yes there is grace now under the new covenant with Jesus, but that does not mean that sin does not matter anymore. Sin still very much matters to God. 

Bottom line, homosexuality is sin. The Bible clearly says that it is. But people can choose to disobey God in great ways. In the after life though, they will pay the price. 

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