Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to Recover from an Addiction to Anger

Anger can become an addiction. In men this can be referred to as being on a power trip. In women one addicted to anger might be called a "drama queen." People become addicted to anger because of the high that it can give you. But here are some tips on how to not be addicted to anger.



Try to keep yourself busy. Often times people get angry or start drama simply because they are bored. "Idle hands are the devil's playground." If you are doing nothing, you are a lot more vulnerable to dwelling on angry thoughts and acting on them.

Learn to Relax. Don't overwork yourself, or you will be more likely to get angry at everything and everyone.

Become aware of when your blood is starting to rise and exercise somehow. Often times, something as simple as house cleaning can help when you are feeling like this. It helps to burn off the extra energy dump that you get when you are angry.

Find a new form of entertainment, instead of starting drama. Get a hobby like writing or gardening or collecting coins etc.

Have someone in your life that keeps you accountable. Ask a friend or a parent to tell you when you seem to be doing it again, starting drama.

If you don't feel you have enough drama in your life, watch some movies. Sometimes people start drama just because they feel their lives are too boring. Either learn to be ok with the boredom of most of life, or watch more movies of the drama genre.

Get a pet to help with your boredom. Pets are always very entertaining. They can always help take your mind off of whatever fight you were thinking of starting with someone. Pets, cats especially, are very peaceful and can teach us humans a thing or two about how to be peaceful.

Listen to calming music when you feel angry. Enya is great. Just piano elevator music is good too. Or if you are Christian, listen to calm worship music.
Vent your anger in a journal, instead of at someone who loves you. The journal doesn't have feelings and you can say whatever you want to at it, but people do have feelings. Be careful what you say aloud when you are angry.

If your anger comes from wanting revenge on someone, forgive them. Stop letting that person control you through your own anger that you chose to have at them.
If your anger was a learned behavior from your parents, realize that you don't have to be like them. You can chose your own destiny. You are in control of your own future. Amen. God bless!

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