Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to Stop Using Excuses Like PMS for Sin as a Christian

Often times Christians like to make excuses for sin in their lives. A big cause is a medical diagnosis such as depression etc. People then feel that certain behaviors are excused because they have a certain mental illness or condition, but the Bible would not say so.


Ladies, stop using PMS as an excuse for rage and angry outbursts.
Often times, women will blow up at their husband or kids and then say "Oh well I'm just PMS'ing." But that doesn't excuse someone loosing their cool. That doesn't make it ok to flip out on someone else.
The Bible says "In your anger, do not sin." Causing someone else trauma or pain is a sin, no matter what time of the month it is.

Stop using a diagnosis of depression to allow yourself to become overly selfish.
Often times depression can lead to a self-centered attitude, which is not what God would want for us. Yes there are times in life when we will be more sad than others. There may be a depletion of serotonin in someone's brain. But that doesn't make it ok to generally only care about yourself and not other people.
Besides, they say the best cure for depression is to get out and help other people. So get out and help someone.

Don't use the diagnosis of generalized anxiety as an excuse to take drugs.
This might sound strange to some, but medications are drugs. They are legal drugs, but they are still drugs. They are just as hard to get off of as if you were addicted to cocaine or heroin.
So be careful and don't let a medication master you. Paul says we are to not let anything master us.

Stop using ADD or ADHD as an excuse to slack off in school.
Most of the time, cases of ADHD are just children who are not disciplined enough. And cases of ADD are when a child may not care about school because their parents don't encourage them to. Or their parents are very discouraging so they are un-motivated to perform well. They may have a lack of respect for adults etc.
Medication won't fix the problem in either case. Self-discipline or discipline balanced with encouragement from the parents will.

Don't use the excuse that you were an abuse victim for flipping out on people.
Yes sexual abuse or any kind of abuse victims have a lot of anger, but that doesn't make it ok to mistreat people.
Don't continue the cycle of abuse. Let the problem of people hurting other people end with you.

Don't use the excuse of being a sexual abuse victim for a struggle with lust.
Regardless of your past, cheating on someone etc. is not ok. It doesn't matter what happened to you, the Bible says sexual sin is serious and we should always see it that way.
Sex outside of marriage will always have long term consequences in your life.

Stop using excuses for over eating and being gluttonous.
Some common ones are that you may have a bad marriage. Or you might be mad that God hasn't brought someone to you and you are still single. Or you may say stress from raising kids makes you over-eat. But no, you can have self-control over what you eat if you really want to.
You are not a victim. You are in charge of your own life. We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we chose to respond.

Don't use the excuse that you grew up poor to be greedy and hoard things. Regardless of how you were raised, you always need to be generous with others. Greed is never ok.

Don't use the excuse that you had an overly stressful life for laziness and sloth. Everyone has a hard life. Everyone has been through a lot. But some people chose to move on and still try in life and others do not. "Chose life, not death." You can chose to be alive or you can chose to be dead, even though you are still alive. But God calls us to life and to be diligent children of the day. Amen.

Don't use the excuse, "God jipped me in how He made me" for envy. Every single person is "fearfully and wonderfully made." Don't be jealous or envious of others. It is a sin.

Lastly, don't use the excuse of having so many accomplishments to be prideful. Everyone has accomplished things. Some chose to let their accomplishments give them a big head and others do not. The Bible calls us to stay humble, so stay humble.

No one can be perfect, but we won't be able to fix our sin until we stop making excuses for it. Or rather the Spirit through you can fix your sin. As Romans 8 says, "If by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." So it is through the Spirit, but you are doing it.

Don't get overly discouraged about your sin, but don't ignore it either. For Christians, the Bible says that we are to "walk in a manner worthy of our calling." How we live does matter, so try to live well.

Don't point the finger at other people in regards to all these issues. Look at yourself first. You have to take the log out of your own eye before you can take the spec out of your brother's eye. God bless!

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