I haven't written about homosexuality too much because I am annoyed myself that Christians seems to just focus on abortion and homosexuality. There are other issues they should focus on trying to fix too like racism and poverty, of course. But I will write my two cents about it. I just wrote a brief post on how sad I am that subliminal messages about homosexuality are now all over the media! In youtube adds, on TV shows etc. It seems like homosexuality is every where and people are proud of it. But I don't think it's something that people should be proud of. What happened to people feeling shame over sin? And yes homosexuality is a sin. I can't believe how far America has fallen in our morality. What happened to censorship? What happened to us actually trying to do good things?
Here are the two main verses that show why homosexuality is a sin:
Romans 1:25-27, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie,
and worshiped and served created things
rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."
Romans 1 lays out the downfall of a society and how it can fall into more and more sinful ways. First it says that these people just didn't glorify God or give him thanks, which has been America for a very long time. Then their hearts were darkened. Then they worshipped idols instead of God, which in current America that is like when we worship our cars or clothes or just money. Then they engaged in various sinful sexual acts. And then the last step is engaging in homosexual sinful acts, as Romans 1:27 talks about.
Here is another good verse:
1 John 1:6 "If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness,
we lie and do not live out the truth."
To live in perpetual unrepentant homosexuality is a sin and it is to walk in darkness. Granted all people sin, but to be a practicing homosexual is to be living in perpetual sin. Christians mess up and sin but then repent and turn the other way, at least for a time. This has been the pattern in my own life. When I sin I recognize that what I did was wrong, feel grieved over it, repent and try to do what is right, and stop doing what I know is wrong. The issue is if someone does not even recognize when sin is sin and does not try at all to stop doing it. That is what it is to live in darkness.
I understand that even some Christians want to fight me when I write about homosexuality because maybe they have a friend that is gay. But that doesn't make it any less of a sin. If I had a friend that robbed banks all the time would that make robbing banks ok? No, of course not. Homosexuality is a sin because the Bible says that it is.
And why is it so serious? Because it essentially represents the height of the downfall of a society according to Romans 1. And that is why it makes me so sad that it is all over American media now. It just shows that we have fallen pretty much as low as we can now. We have hit rock bottom morally.
Yes I understand that homosexual people have a reason for being gay. It was usually because they were molested by someone of the same sex or in a violent way by someone of the opposite sex. But I was a victim of sexual molest too and that didn't make me gay, because I CHOSE to not be. Anyone can chose to not sin, if the Spirit of God really is in them.
I understand it seems almost 100% of our current American society was molested in some way as kids, but that doesn't excuse current sin. I know when we are victims at an early age it makes us more weak in certain areas and we are more prone to certain sins, but we are still held responsible by God for any sin we commit. All of us will have to give an account to God on that final day for every single thing we did and said. I take that very seriously, and everyone else really should too.
God is holy. He loves us, but he also hates our sins. To turn a blind eye to homosexuality is to ignore sin. To say that it is ok is to be in error. And it is a disservice to any friend that might be caught up in it. Because if they really think nothing is wrong with it, then they are at odds with God and are not walking in God's grace without even realizing it.
I do not mean all this in an attacking way, but people need to wake up and warn people. It is like how I have heard in sermons, that if you're friend had cancer wouldn't you tell them if they didn't know and tell them how they could be cured??? It is the same with sin.
If our friends are sinking in their own sin and we know the antidote, Jesus Christ and believing in Him, shouldn't we tell them?
The first step to being saved is to see your own sin as sin. Then you can see that you need a savior. But if you are not able to see your own sin as sin how can you say you know God? Because once the Holy Spirit is in us we agree with everything the Bible says and we see sin as sin more clearly. To not be convicted about sin is to not be saved. If we are saved, we will be convicted about any sin we commit and we will feel the need to repent to God about it.
My prayer is that God may use my words to bring a bit of holiness back to America and any who read it. May we value righteousness and hate sin again, as we should and as America used to. May we guide others in gentleness though and not hatred. May we love others back to purity, because it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance, and share the GOOD news that Jesus CAN save them from themselves and from sin. They don't have to be slaves any longer. God can set them free! In Jesus' name Amen.
May God bless you all and I love you all!