Monday, June 10, 2024

Health Issues

 Baby number 1 my pregnancy was totally easy. The labor took 24 hours but it wasn't too bad. It just felt like terrible period cramps. I got a pain med in my IV so I mostly did not feel the delivery. That was wonderful. After delivery I almost passed out from lack of blood but I recovered. Luckily my mom gave me a sandwich and I drank a lot. I will say hospitals not letting women drink water in labor seems mean. That can lead to dehydration and passing out or dying. But they let you have popsicles. Yay....Lol.

Baby number 2 my goodness. My back hurt, my groin hurt a ton. I had sciatica 24/7. I could hardly sleep in comfort. Getting up to pee I could barely walk. After the delivery I developed gall stones. They gave me pitocin to speed up my labor. I always wondered if that caused my gall stones. I got my gallbladder out and have been fine since then. I can mostly eat normally. Ok mainly only salads and fruit don't hurt my stomach. I got about 30 cavities. It took awhile to get them filled but I did. Throwing up while pregnant is terrible for your teeth. 

Baby number 3 I had horrible heartburn but I was writing a book a week. Surely the stress of that caused it partly. Look up my books on Amazon woot! Search Lisa Bedrick books. At one point I prayed to die because I hated being pregnant. I then went partly blind. My blood pressure shot up. My arms were in crazy pain from writing so much. I had a C Section to get my baby out a month early. Now I have a pooch that I may have forever due to scar tissue. I tried walking to make it go away but no. 😭 My health was fine after the baby. My blood pressure went down and no cavities this time praise God. I seem to be fine now. It helps if you really want to be alive. 😁 Then I believe God keeps you more healthy. 

Needless to say I don't want any other pregnancies. It is not easy. The men need to honor women a lot more for going through all that. Your mom went through all that for you. Call her and tell her thank you. 🤗

May God bless you with great health. And I pray you want to stay alive. 

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