Thursday, June 13, 2024

Putin Poems


Perhaps he is bored

Idle hands are 

The devil's playground 

When people are bored 

They pick fights 

Try to do what's right 

As far as it depends on you 

Keep peace with all men 

Go far away Putin and stay there 

Let's all hope for world peace


Our oldest president ever

Retire? no never 

He loves to start some sh....

Maybe he feels legit 

Be more careful with your words 

We all don't want a giant war

And take less pills 

Or Putin will 

Attack us if we're weak


We all know you got a lot 

So much fundraising you caught 

Even Putin wants to steal it 

Why not brag less about your money?

Him shooting us isn't funny

Let's give people less 

Reason to attack our blessed 

And happy country of America

God bless America

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