Monday, June 10, 2024


 Watch out for being racist a lot 

Equality should be sought 

All people should be our family 

Some still will come to see 

That loving all needs to be 

The goal of all of us 

No matter what our ethnicity 

Mexicans are not snakes 

They are humans for God's sake 

We need to respect every race 

If we want them to respect us 

If the Mexicans want to stay 

Maybe have a party and say hooray 

They are a fun group after all 

Why not join their happy fun ball?

Not everyone has to be like you 

Love others and stay true 

To what God calls us to do

Which is to love the new 

People in our nation 

We came from all over you know 

Let us hold hands and blow 

Off this racist mindset 

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