Monday, June 10, 2024

Illegal Citizens

 I have gone on 8 missions trips to Mexico. I care about them. They need to get saved. But they also need to not mess up America any longer. 

When people get out of prison they are very dangerous. If they don't have a family to help them, they commit crimes again out of desperation. Think of what's it's like: no job, no money, no house. That is the same almost as illegal citizens coming over.

Deport all the illegals! Most of them are probably drug dealers and they rape women and children. But I have no clue how kicking them out could be accomplished. 🤔

Drug cartels in Mexico control approximately 70% of the foreign narcotics flow into the United States. Mexican cartels distribute Asian methamphetamine to the United States. It is believed that almost half the cartels' revenues come from cannabis. Cocaine, heroin, and increasingly methamphetamine are also traded.

Why illegals should go:

They throw trash all over and that is very disrespectful. 

They come to work high on pot and mess everything up. 

They hound white women probably just to become citizens. 

They are big time horndogs. 

They don't respect women. 

They want to barely work. 

If I was in government trying to get illegals out, I would tell every major business to Stop paying people under the table. Meaning no more cash or cash card methods of paychecks. A paper check should always be given and they need identification to cash it.

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