Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate

This debate was just wonderful to watch. I felt very bad for Biden the entire time though. His facial expressions were funny and sad at the same time. He was like looking at a light that is half burned out. :( Trump was totally alive, but he could be just as foggy in 3 years. We all should consider that. I wonder if either of them are good for America. 

Trump would be better with Putin I would say. Biden in no way would be better than Trump. Sorry to say that. I think a totally new candidate would be ideal. 

My dream is for Kamala and I to run America. Girl power! How cool would that be for feminism and women getting stronger if two women were in charge? Super cool. Granted I have my son to raise, but I could find a great preschool for him. 

I feel God saying these two men are dishonest, old and almost disabled, but no one else is willing to step up. Or no one would honor another person stepping up. Would people respect Kamala and I if we led the US? We probably wouldn't care if they don't. But I think a woman's touch maybe is what America needs and what the world needs. :) Women know more about the core of America than men do. 

I could move into the White House soon if this dream could come true. Or Trump can do it and I hope he will be more responsible with the gov. money this time. 

And Biden needs to retire like today. His zest is totally gone. It would not be wise to let him run America in any capacity at all ever again. I hope Kamala will mainly be in charge from now on. And we should give up on attacking Russia. That probably will never work. We need to let other countries just be from now on.  

And tell border patrol to arrest and put in jail for a month anyone trying to cross the border. It could feel odd to put kids in jail but if it's comfortable it wouldn't be super inhumane. That should fix the issue. After a month drive them to Mexico City and they can figure out how to live there. 

May God bless our nation. I think women should run the US for a while. Pray for that y'all. God bless! 

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