Sunday, June 30, 2024

Parenting 101

Be careful with how you treat your kids. You need to discipline them some but not too much. Kids should not be spoiled, because then they don't respect anyone. But if you are too harsh with them, they also won't respect you. They will just hate you and everyone else. You have to find the middle ground. Love but don't spoil. Spank but don't abuse. 

If you don't punish your kids, the police will. It doesn't need to be physical punishment. You can also talk sternly to them, without being verbally abusive, and have rules with your kids. Don't let them walk all over you. You are the boss, not them. 

Love your kids, but don't worship them. They are not meant to be in charge. So many families worship their kids. The kids are running the home. It should not be that way. They are your kids, not your friends. Once you see them as friends, you are not the authority figure anymore. Kids need to have a strong authority figure more than another friend. You don't need to give them everything they want, obviously. It's ok to say no. It takes effort to say no, but it is important. Have good boundaries with them. If you have not read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud read it. It will seriously help you with any relationship you have. 

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