Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Nuclear Bombs

Why do leaders want to flex

It just makes us all vex

Are they going to wreck 

This beautiful country, our home

Will we have to roam 

The streets in a nuclear fall out

Why shoot off those crazy weapons

No one needs that self dare 

We know you have power, we swear

Maybe it is all to get money 

"Whoever loves money 

Never has enough money"

If it's a joke it's not funny 

Maybe it is a bluff 

Just to get more stuff 

What does this senile man want 

Does he merely just want to taunt 

Us and make us shake 

I suppose some love that fear 

They want to see many tears 

It is a rise some get

To make others have a fret 

But what about the golden rule 

"Love your neighbor

As you love yourself"


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