Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 I know we enjoy teasing 

The insanity and the freezing

Of our dear president's mind 

It could put us in a bind 

He says some really crazy things 

That could absolutely bring

A world war to America 

Why not let Jill or Harris speak?

I say give it a week 

It might make the US pride peak 

Is an insane man better than them?

Get over that pride all you men 

Let the women talk and rule

It doesn't mean the men are fools 

If it bothers too much of the US 

Get a man we can all bless 

My vote is Ted Cruz or Trump 

Which one would cause less bumps?

No Ted isn't trying for the top 

But he could ☺

Go Ted Cruz! 

The ones who don't care about power 

Are those who most should be in power 

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