Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Powerful people are envied 

People go crazy over them in a frenzy 

Everyone wants to know those on top

We think maybe if I become a cop 🤔

How do most people get more power?

Maybe that doesn't matter this hour 

What will the world do 

If nucs fill the air kind of soon?

The drive for power is the reason 

Why war seems to be in season  

No one wants to back down 

The offer of peace met a frown 

We all want to be up top 

But maybe everyone should stand down 

My man and I used to listen to tons of spirit filled sermons when I was prego. Every time the pastor said power I raised my arm and said "power!"
Everyone wants lots of power, don't we? 🤔 That's why I wanna be President Davis. ☺ Someday....

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