Sunday, September 22, 2024


 It was a hard time 

It was bittersweet like a lime 

The weight of growing a baby 

Leaves you feeling all hazy 

It is a task that seems crazy 

Why hurt your body that much?

There are easier roads to take 

Many women like to fake 

That they want to get prego 

But then they remember 

How seriously hard it is to do 

It mostly just leaves you blue 

Sure it is fun once the new

Baby arrives but it is all so hard 

So very, very hard 😣

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Baby Scarcity

 Less babies do people raise 

Since most are turning gay 

It means less gov. hand outs

But in the future we may all pout

Who will care for the elderly?

When we all get super old

But babies will still get made 

God will make sure of that 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Planned Parenting

 Check out my book Planned Parenting by Lisa Bedrick on Amazon 😃

1 kid or many, what is best?

Raise your own, ignore the rest 

Of the world, be happy 

How many kids until you see 

How lovely love is to feel 

The more love God causes to spill 

Out on you to give to your family 

The little ones really can be 

The best gift we can give ourselves 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Just Believe

 Maybe your past was a dud

But someday you could be with a stud 

Maybe he will be your best bud 

Never give up hope in your dreams 

Things are never as bad as they seem

Today there might be a sadness

But tomorrow there may be gladness 

Pick yourself up when you fall

Every day on God we must call

If at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again 


 Do you have fear or faith?

If God asks you to jump, will you?

Maybe you could fly over rooftops 

But your fear paralyzes you 

You don't believe in anything anymore 

You just hide in your house 

Being quiet as a mouse 

What is there in my future?

I could teach or make more kids

But both seem too scary 

I have become very wary 

Of any new adventures 

You can be courageous and dumb

Or cautious and smart 

It seems best to just stay still 

Maybe I need to really get my fill

Of time with God and my son 

I have nothing else I want to do 

Maybe that makes others blue 

But to stay put is better than the new

I am tired of crazy adventures 

I want to just relax here forever 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Good Man

 You know you have a good man 

When he is your biggest fan 

He works hard and gets a tan 

He cooks great food in a pan 

He runs away from sin, it's like a ban

Takes his kids to a beach, plays in the sand

He has dreams to play in a band 

He is always sweet and can 

Take the clouds away 

Always has good words to say 

He remember to always pray 

That is a good man 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

You Are Free

 If you want to control others a lot 

That is like witchcraft to have a bot

A human robot is what you see

But then you take away all their glee

No one likes to not be free 

Then we can never truly see 

What we can do if allowed to fly 

To some people you need to say bye 

If they won't ever let you be you 

To your inner heart always stay true 

What do you really want to do?

Do you want a life that is new?

Don't let others control you a ton 

We all know that is no fun 

People really need to feel free 

So they can do mostly as they please 


Why do some rape others?

Maybe it is just a cover 

For insecurity they feel 

They can't get a mate by wooing

Instead they use force but sueing

Is what some women do 

I pray God will make men new 

Bring out the goodness inside you

Don't ever rape a lady 

It is very crazy


 It is ok to say no 

Don't be a yes man, you know 

If you don't like something 

Tell that person to finally bring 

Some compassion into their heart 

Maybe then they will start 

To care about how they hurt you 

Tell them it makes you feel blue 

Tell them you want a new you 

You don't deserve to receive abuse

It can feel like they made a noose

And hung your soul out to dry 

A part of you has to say bye 

You check out from the world 

You wish that you could hurl

Yourself away from that place 

But you are trying to save face 

"Don't rock the boat" 

Maybe you won't float 

"Go along to get along"

Just keep being strong 

But how strong do you need to be?

Why don't you instead see 

It's ok to ask for help at times? 

You don't always have to make a dime

You can say it's not ok 

What they do is bad, just say it

Save yourself, open up your mouth 

Express how you really feel 

How long do you want to reel

In distress and pain?

Do you like being in a non stop rain?

Maybe you think you deserve this

But wouldn't you rather have bliss?

Set yourself free 

Go climb up a tree 

And run away from the hungry bears

It is not a big deal, you swear 

But maybe it is, and you can live 

Just get to a safe place  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Why God let 9/11 and Covid happen:

To humble us.
The Lord disciplines those he loves.
To correct us.
To wake us up.
To remind us to pray.
To show us we were going the wrong way.
Don't force God to correct us with another tragedy.

Lesson Learned 

God keep us humble we pray 

Help us to stop going astray 

May we learn more quickly this time 

And stop evil acts on a dime

May we never again need a wake up call

May our pride fade before we fall 

Thank you for preserving the rest 

May we realize we are very blessed 

I hope when we remember those days 

We fall on our knees and pray 

God keep us safe all our days 

May we deserve to live on 

God keep us super strong 

We know before long 

You will return to get the saved 

For Jesus already has paved

Our stairway to heaven 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Your ex is your ex for a reason 

It may have just been for a season 

Not all people are forever 

When stressed you must sever

That bond and try being alone 

Then you finally get off your throne 

Time outs are good for us all 

They remind us we don't stand so tall

Humility is needed for love 

If you get a big head, time to shove

Yourself in a corner and count 

After some time you can come out 

And thank God for a new day 

Maybe a second chance you'll get to say 

I love you and need you and sorry 


 You have to believe you deserve what you get

Don't worry so much, give up that fret 

If you don't feel worthy of the new you

You cut your own legs out from under you 

If you think you are worthless and small

Your life becomes a non stop crazy fall

You give yourself a terrible life 

You even try to cause more strife 

You think you deserve abuse 

So you never agree to a truce 

You think you don't deserve love 

You think you deserve no grace from above

You feel God hates you 

And you always feel blue

You hate yourself and the real you

So you force everyone else to hate you too

You push everyone away 

And go hide in your cave 

Because maybe you deserve to die 

But how about you ask yourself why

Have you done good and not just bad?

Think of all the people you made glad 

Your life hasn't been only sad 

You deserve more than you realize 

Stop cutting yourself down to size 

Stand up, see yourself as worthy 

But learn to be good and to stay good 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Be Kind to Yourself

 Why do you enjoy hurting yourself?

Why put your needs way back on a shelf?

Why do you let others hurt you?

Doesn't that make you very blue?

If you love yourself, others will too

If you respect yourself, others will too

The degree that you value yourself

Others will also, be nice to you 

Tell yourself what is true 

God loves you, so why don't you?

Sure you made some mistakes 

Maybe you aren't super great 

Everyone has messed up a lot

Oh well, we can't be a robot

We all slip and fall in many ways 

But you know you have more good days 

Forgive yourself and let it go  

Be nice to yourself and show 

Yourself that you love yourself 

It's ok to love yourself 

I mean take good care of your needs

Water yourself like you would seeds

Then you will grow up strong 

And maybe then before long 

You will be powerful and able 

Your life will become more stable 

Learn to stand up for yourself 

Don't put yourself way back on the shelf 

Just One

 If you love everyone 

You will end up with no one 

You have to pick one 

Or else you may come undone 

When you try to please them all 

Pride comes before a fall 

You will end up going insane 

Many voices in your brain 

People want you to do that and this 

Or do mainly what you want, bliss

We can't control each other 

Overall why do we bother?

Remember to just have one 

One main friend under the sun

Others come and go 

The true friend will show 

If they stick with you till the end 

You have found a really, truly good friend  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

20 Years

 I hope to live 20 more years 

God knows I've cried many tears 

But I think I can do 20 more 

Hope it will be fun and not a chore

I want to raise my boy to be a man 

I'll always be his biggest fan 

I never knew how special it could be 

To create a little preacher, I believe 

One day he could really be grand 

I hope for God he will always stand 

I know he needs me 

So I'll keep going 

20 more years 

Be Healed

May God heal you today 

First confess and say 

What sins you need to 

Only so much God will do 

If you insist on sinning 

That darkness keeps winning 

Learn to just say no 

Be strong, you know

Show God you want to get well 

Never your soul will you sell 

Be good, do good, feel good 

Thank You

 I know you might be done with me 

Sorry I have so much anger in me

I just need a time out 

Maybe so I can just pout 

Over us being always poor 

It has made me feel sore 

The struggle with money was long

It helped if I sang some good songs 

But thank you for the electricity 

For the food and milk but no money 🤔

Maybe someday we will share more 

Perhaps then giving will feel less like a chore 

Sorry me and your baby need a lot 

Stay clean now and don't smoke pot 

Someday we will be together again 

I want you again to be my best friend 

I know you are scared and mad 

But when alone, don't turn bad 

Remember the good times we had 

Someday you can live here again 

And we will again be great friends 


 In order to gain peace 

You must learn to release 

Everything and everyone 

You can't control all under the sun 

To control others is never much fun 

Learn to just let it go 

And that really will show 

How mature you have become 

Is getting your way worth the fight? 

Maybe ask God for a new sight 

Get a new perspective on it all 

Pride is gotten before a fall 

You could be wrong and they're right 

Don't let that give you a fright 

We all will non-stop disagree 

That is part of life you see 

Stop thinking only you are right 

Other people can also be bright 

Listen to what they need to say 

Don't let it make your world super gray 

Just say ok and do what is best 

Then maybe all your life will be blessed 



 God wants us to forgive 

Only when you do, can you live 

In harmony with others 

Be kind to each other 

Let it go 

Before you know 

You will store too much anger 

It could cause great danger 

No one is worth so much wrath 

Chose a different path 

The one who angers you masters you 

Let it go and become new 

Tell yourself what is true 

You deserve to have peace 

So give up and release 

Let go of all the anger 

Before you cause some great danger 

3 Years

 3 years I have known you 

But you couldn't be true 

I worshipped you for no reason 

You were like a god to me for a season 

I had no idea you were a bad guy 

So now finally I had to say bye 

But thank you for the food and milk 

I hope someday you lay on sheets of silk 

I'm sure you will have a lot someday 

Maybe I'll share it with you, I pray 

That you will change and be good 

Our son needs a great dad 

That would make me glad 

Maybe we will reunite and have joy

Maybe you will buy James tons of toys

Perhaps one day you will care 

That I accepted the courageous dare 

To give you a child 

Even though you are wild 

But the wild stallion can be tamed 

Just like anyone can 

Go Be Alone

 The more people, the more drama 

Some say the more the merrier

I say the more the scarier 

Anyone is capable of anything 

No one can really be trusted to bring 

Only good to you and not evil things 

You can try to cheer them up and sing 

But really there is no cure for the bad 

Those who commit evil to feel glad 

Their desires makes the rest of us very sad 

Entertained by evil and games 

They should feel lots of shame 

Such people need to be alone 

It is time to get off their throne 

When rulers turn evil they should go 

Send them to live alone and know 

That only solitary time can change them 

A time out exists for a reason 

It is good to isolate for a season 

After hibernating they might be kind 

After restoring their peace of mind 

People can be so mean and cold 

Time to banish them and be bold  

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Every day we mess up

Needing to fill up our love cup

We need and want and sin

Throw our soul in a trash bin 

Won't you let God make you new?

To yourself only be true 

Aren't you tired of being blue?

God can give you a new birth 

Help you realize how much you're worth 

Jesus died to set you free 

So you can be all you can be 

You are priceless, don't you see? 

Now live like you know you are 


 Marriage is a cage 

It should pay a wage 

You don't want to get stuck in there 

But you are in love, you swear

Those inside the cage want to get out

Often times they even pout

"Oh to be free, how I really miss that" 

Even though every date was with a rat 

But those outside the cage want to get in

They even hook up and very often sin

Until they get back in that cage 

But then often they feel that rage 

"Why am I stuck in this cage? 

I used to be free as a bird

Flying all over, now I smell turds

Where did my freedom go?"

Your angst often shows 

That you are not happy in the cage 

So get out, or stay in and feel the rage

Or find a new cage

You decide, turn the page


 Anger comes from expectations

You may vent in frustration 

Why can't they be perfect? 

Why can't they give me all I want?

Maybe you even pout and taunt

The more you need 

The more you plant seeds

Give and you will receive 

Or give up and grieve 

No one gets everything they want 

No matter how much they flaunt 

Give up and let it go 

Stop being such a hoe

You don't need to be that spoiled 

Smiling A Lot

When you teach they say don't smile 

For me it has been awhile 

Since I really enjoyed to smile 

It makes you look weak 

It is better to seriously speak 

What you want to say 

The more you smile 

The more others file 

You as insecure or needy 

Maybe it is that you are greedy 

You manipulate and smile to get 

Then if you don't get, you fret 

You con and suck up and do things 

You hope maybe it all will bring 

More money and pleasure and fun

But your life comes undone 

You think sucking up will be good

Maybe you will get more food 

It only raises hatred and resentment 

Because you struggle with contentment 

You people please 

Until they bend the knee 

Did you get what you wanted? 

Maybe it is time to give up 

Fun or Safe

 Have you noticed fun is never safe?

If something is safe, it is not fun 

At least your mind is not undone 

You get to keep your peace 

Fun is when you break a lease 

And move in with a new friend 

On whom you think you can depend 

It is a thrill to take that risk you see 

It fills your heart with a silly glee 

But then one day you regret it all 

When you break up and cry and ball 

The risk and fun was a bad thing to do 

You made a dumb move and now you are blue 

Do you want fun or what is safe? 

You never can have both of those things

Much heart ache risk taking will bring 

Stay safe, at peace and sane 

It is much better for your brain 

Forget about fun for awhile 

Peace can also make you smile 

Just rest and be

Forget about feeling glee 

Peaceful is the best way to be 

Friday, September 6, 2024


We all often want to die 

But then maybe we wonder why 

Is my life really that bad?

There are things I wish I had 

I can fixate on what is not 

But then never see what I got 

I want and wish and never get 

So then I have a non stop fret 

Over how terrible things are 

But complaining only gets you so far 

Be grateful for what you have 

Don't wish that you were dead 

You have more than what most have 

So cheer up and be glad, not sad 

Being alive is better than money 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Be Good

 "Surely goodness will follow me"

How good can you be?

Do good, say good, be good today

Watch the words that you say 

Remember to always pray 

"You have not because you ask not"

Are you bad because you lack?

Maybe get busy, pick up the slack 

What good can you do today?

What good compliments can you say?

Forget what all the bad people say 

"Bad company corrupts good morals"

One bad apple spoils the bunch 

You know good things like a hunch

Maybe God needs to give you a punch 

To cause you to be good 

"God disciplines the child he loves"

What stops you from being good?

Don't let it stop you ever again 

Lazy and Selfish

When you only live for yourself 

You aren't really very much help 

You just want to be lazy 

Your life flies by all hazy 

All your days are swallowed up in sleep 

Not many friends can you keep 

"When is my next nap?" You may say

"Nothing else to do today

Just sleep this life away"

But why not be less selfish? 

Others need your time too 

Why lay down and look so blue?

Your life could benefit someone 

Or do you feel like you are done?

"I am old already" you say

But maybe if you would just pray 

Your zest for life will return 

You will no longer feel that burn 

Of guilt from sleeping your life away

Get up and do a great thing today 

Always Saved?

 Most say if they were baptized 

They are always saved, but realize 

It takes so much more 

They drop out and say God is a bore 

There is more Jesus has in store 

Why quit the race halfway?

"I am too tired" you might say

The Christian life became too gray 

But then are you truly saved? I say

Make sure you run until the end 

God is the main one on which to depend 

Maybe you have tons of friends 

But they can pull you to hell

Many stories I could tell

Of people who did not finish well 

"A man of many friends comes to ruin"

Who can take your hand today

And guide you to God to say

"I'm sorry for going it alone 

Please let me sit at your throne 

I have much I need to confess 

I hope maybe you still can bless 

My life and all my friends"

Maybe then God will say

"Well done, I heard you pray

You always had much to say

I know you want to be up here 

Give up all of that fear 

Trust in me and pray 

You have little to fear today

Welcome home" 


When you're an abuse victim 

It takes away your voice 

Because you had no choice 

Things were done to you 

That made you totally new 

No one cared if you said no 

All they wanted was to blow 

Their sexual passion on you 

To yourself be true 

Tell others it's not okay 

To not care what you want or say 

No means no

Tell them to stop 

Or else your eternal soul may rot

Your soul is hurt every time 

You would give every dime

Just to make them go away 

Maybe all you need to do 

Is tell them to go somewhere else today


We treat others how to treat us 

Be a person people can trust 

If you respect others 

They will respect you 

Respect is not given but earned 

Your heart will really need a turn 

Don't let that make you blue 

Believe in God and become brand new

With the same measure you use 

It will be measured back to you 

If you give you will be given to 

It is more blessed to give than to receive 

Remember the Holy Spirit to never grieve 

Always try to sow more good seeds 

What you sow, you will reap 

Pray that your life God will keep 

In the palm of his hands 

Follow his perfect plans 

Remember to never give up the stand 

For Jesus and the Bible 

Or your salvation is liable 

To not stay firm to the end 

The one who endures to the end 

Will be saved, you can depend 

What will you do with the rest of your time 

Don't just try to make a dime

Honor God and earn respect every day

Life giving words you should say

And remember to always pray 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Dream

 I have a wonderful dream today 

That all the kids will stay safe I pray 

That no one will be gay at all 

We have heard pride goes before a fall 

On God we all need to call 

And fall on our faces in repentance 

Before the eternal final sentence 

Make amends with all your friends 

But mainly on God you can depend 

I pray babies will never die again 

That we all see they could be great friends 

May the world be less hateful and evil 

May we get on our knees under church steeples

"If my people will humble themselves 

Turn from their evil ways and seek my face

Then will I heal their great land." 

"Confess your sins to one another 

And pray for each other 

That you may be healed."

Don't let Satan anymore steal 

The souls of those you love 

Ask for wisdom from above 

To figure out how to shove 

Their hearts to heaven and pray 

That they will all get saved 

All things are possible today 

Change will happen when you pray 

What is Fun?

 Does God take away all fun

Do you really want a risk out in the sun

You have to redefine what is fun

It is fun to never be a bum

It is fun to not play with guns 

Why take the risk for the rush

Is it really worth it

I say no drama is more fun 

But others say no drama is no fun 

Is life with God boring or not

Do you really need money a lot

You gain and amass but still are sad

You think you enjoy getting mad 

But afterwards you always feel bad 

Keep the peace and stay calm 

If you can't, maybe call your mom 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 God save me from the pain in my head 

It makes me just want to lay in bed 

I don't want to eat any bread 

I just think of what was said 

The memories run in my mind 

The past I want to leave behind 

But I miss him and hope he is ok 

I wish he could come home today 

All I can do is hope and pray 

That I'll get a second chance with him 

And we can be a family again 

Maybe some discipline I need 

Because many days I did not heed 

God telling me to just be quiet 


Build, Don't Tear Down

 The ones who criticize the most 

Are the ones who are doing nothing 

We all have to do something 

We all need a purpose, a calling 

If not we are non stop falling 

Into sin and depravity 

Evil is like gravity 

The more you do it 

The more it pulls you down 

If you are not constructive 

You will become destructive 

If you are not building something 

You will destroy others down to nothing 

Instead of being jealous of what others have 

Build your own life and be glad 

If you just look at others you get sad

If you never build, you get mad

And wreck anything others build

Why not create instead of destroy? 

Why not give instead of expect? 

Why not be good instead of bad?

God will bless you as you bless others 

Forgive Yourself

 We all mess up every day 

No one is perfect, I say 

What else can you do 

But let it go and see through 

Your faults to the good underneath 

Maybe then God will breach 

Your heart of stone 

And his light will be shone 

In the dark soil of your soul 

Give God full control 

Who knows what he will grow 

In the potting soil of your soul 

Let God water you with his word 

Maybe then you'll be free like a bird 

And become all he meant you to be 

Maybe then you'll finally see 

The purpose God made you for 

Love What You Have

 We don't know what we got 

Until one day it is not 

Here with us anymore 

Our life becomes a bore 

We complain and pout that we lost it 

They made us feel more legit 

But time outs can be beneficial

They make you less artificial 

We go through the motions of love 

Maybe time apart will help to shove 

Our mind in a more grateful direction 

Love what you have now 

Before you scare it away 

And you regret what you did say 

And remember to pray 

That you will work things out 

Before your anger makes you shout 

And you break up for a long time

Monday, September 2, 2024

Falling Short

 No one can be perfect you know 

People try to put on a perfect show 

But it all is a game people play 

An almost perfect act I would say 

You think they are a good man 

But you do not know the span 

Of evil they have done to others and you 

They could become new 

Just believe in them to be reborn 

Don't stay hopeless and forlorn

Say a prayer that Jesus will forgive 

Then they can really live

"No one is perfect, no not one 

All have sinned and fall short."


 We compete and fight and need 

Instead we should plant seeds

Save the lost 

There is little cost 

You have to give of yourself 

Die to self, put your needs on the shelf 

Forget about yourself and give 

Then you really will live 

Live for others, not just you 

You know it only makes you blue 

To redeem yourself you must give 

Give up selfish ways and live 

Choose life, not death today

Learn what is good to say 

And remember to always pray 

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Why does God give us pain 

Is there something to gain? 

We hurt and suffer a lot 

Maybe more humility we caught