Sunday, September 8, 2024

3 Years

 3 years I have known you 

But you couldn't be true 

I worshipped you for no reason 

You were like a god to me for a season 

I had no idea you were a bad guy 

So now finally I had to say bye 

But thank you for the food and milk 

I hope someday you lay on sheets of silk 

I'm sure you will have a lot someday 

Maybe I'll share it with you, I pray 

That you will change and be good 

Our son needs a great dad 

That would make me glad 

Maybe we will reunite and have joy

Maybe you will buy James tons of toys

Perhaps one day you will care 

That I accepted the courageous dare 

To give you a child 

Even though you are wild 

But the wild stallion can be tamed 

Just like anyone can 

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