Thursday, September 5, 2024

Always Saved?

 Most say if they were baptized 

They are always saved, but realize 

It takes so much more 

They drop out and say God is a bore 

There is more Jesus has in store 

Why quit the race halfway?

"I am too tired" you might say

The Christian life became too gray 

But then are you truly saved? I say

Make sure you run until the end 

God is the main one on which to depend 

Maybe you have tons of friends 

But they can pull you to hell

Many stories I could tell

Of people who did not finish well 

"A man of many friends comes to ruin"

Who can take your hand today

And guide you to God to say

"I'm sorry for going it alone 

Please let me sit at your throne 

I have much I need to confess 

I hope maybe you still can bless 

My life and all my friends"

Maybe then God will say

"Well done, I heard you pray

You always had much to say

I know you want to be up here 

Give up all of that fear 

Trust in me and pray 

You have little to fear today

Welcome home" 

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