Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Why God let 9/11 and Covid happen:

To humble us.
The Lord disciplines those he loves.
To correct us.
To wake us up.
To remind us to pray.
To show us we were going the wrong way.
Don't force God to correct us with another tragedy.

Lesson Learned 

God keep us humble we pray 

Help us to stop going astray 

May we learn more quickly this time 

And stop evil acts on a dime

May we never again need a wake up call

May our pride fade before we fall 

Thank you for preserving the rest 

May we realize we are very blessed 

I hope when we remember those days 

We fall on our knees and pray 

God keep us safe all our days 

May we deserve to live on 

God keep us super strong 

We know before long 

You will return to get the saved 

For Jesus already has paved

Our stairway to heaven 


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