Monday, September 9, 2024

Be Kind to Yourself

 Why do you enjoy hurting yourself?

Why put your needs way back on a shelf?

Why do you let others hurt you?

Doesn't that make you very blue?

If you love yourself, others will too

If you respect yourself, others will too

The degree that you value yourself

Others will also, be nice to you 

Tell yourself what is true 

God loves you, so why don't you?

Sure you made some mistakes 

Maybe you aren't super great 

Everyone has messed up a lot

Oh well, we can't be a robot

We all slip and fall in many ways 

But you know you have more good days 

Forgive yourself and let it go  

Be nice to yourself and show 

Yourself that you love yourself 

It's ok to love yourself 

I mean take good care of your needs

Water yourself like you would seeds

Then you will grow up strong 

And maybe then before long 

You will be powerful and able 

Your life will become more stable 

Learn to stand up for yourself 

Don't put yourself way back on the shelf 

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