Thursday, September 12, 2024


 It is ok to say no 

Don't be a yes man, you know 

If you don't like something 

Tell that person to finally bring 

Some compassion into their heart 

Maybe then they will start 

To care about how they hurt you 

Tell them it makes you feel blue 

Tell them you want a new you 

You don't deserve to receive abuse

It can feel like they made a noose

And hung your soul out to dry 

A part of you has to say bye 

You check out from the world 

You wish that you could hurl

Yourself away from that place 

But you are trying to save face 

"Don't rock the boat" 

Maybe you won't float 

"Go along to get along"

Just keep being strong 

But how strong do you need to be?

Why don't you instead see 

It's ok to ask for help at times? 

You don't always have to make a dime

You can say it's not ok 

What they do is bad, just say it

Save yourself, open up your mouth 

Express how you really feel 

How long do you want to reel

In distress and pain?

Do you like being in a non stop rain?

Maybe you think you deserve this

But wouldn't you rather have bliss?

Set yourself free 

Go climb up a tree 

And run away from the hungry bears

It is not a big deal, you swear 

But maybe it is, and you can live 

Just get to a safe place  

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