Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Dream

 I have a wonderful dream today 

That all the kids will stay safe I pray 

That no one will be gay at all 

We have heard pride goes before a fall 

On God we all need to call 

And fall on our faces in repentance 

Before the eternal final sentence 

Make amends with all your friends 

But mainly on God you can depend 

I pray babies will never die again 

That we all see they could be great friends 

May the world be less hateful and evil 

May we get on our knees under church steeples

"If my people will humble themselves 

Turn from their evil ways and seek my face

Then will I heal their great land." 

"Confess your sins to one another 

And pray for each other 

That you may be healed."

Don't let Satan anymore steal 

The souls of those you love 

Ask for wisdom from above 

To figure out how to shove 

Their hearts to heaven and pray 

That they will all get saved 

All things are possible today 

Change will happen when you pray 

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