Sunday, September 8, 2024

Thank You

 I know you might be done with me 

Sorry I have so much anger in me

I just need a time out 

Maybe so I can just pout 

Over us being always poor 

It has made me feel sore 

The struggle with money was long

It helped if I sang some good songs 

But thank you for the electricity 

For the food and milk but no money 🤔

Maybe someday we will share more 

Perhaps then giving will feel less like a chore 

Sorry me and your baby need a lot 

Stay clean now and don't smoke pot 

Someday we will be together again 

I want you again to be my best friend 

I know you are scared and mad 

But when alone, don't turn bad 

Remember the good times we had 

Someday you can live here again 

And we will again be great friends 

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