Sunday, September 8, 2024


 In order to gain peace 

You must learn to release 

Everything and everyone 

You can't control all under the sun 

To control others is never much fun 

Learn to just let it go 

And that really will show 

How mature you have become 

Is getting your way worth the fight? 

Maybe ask God for a new sight 

Get a new perspective on it all 

Pride is gotten before a fall 

You could be wrong and they're right 

Don't let that give you a fright 

We all will non-stop disagree 

That is part of life you see 

Stop thinking only you are right 

Other people can also be bright 

Listen to what they need to say 

Don't let it make your world super gray 

Just say ok and do what is best 

Then maybe all your life will be blessed 


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