Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fun or Safe

 Have you noticed fun is never safe?

If something is safe, it is not fun 

At least your mind is not undone 

You get to keep your peace 

Fun is when you break a lease 

And move in with a new friend 

On whom you think you can depend 

It is a thrill to take that risk you see 

It fills your heart with a silly glee 

But then one day you regret it all 

When you break up and cry and ball 

The risk and fun was a bad thing to do 

You made a dumb move and now you are blue 

Do you want fun or what is safe? 

You never can have both of those things

Much heart ache risk taking will bring 

Stay safe, at peace and sane 

It is much better for your brain 

Forget about fun for awhile 

Peace can also make you smile 

Just rest and be

Forget about feeling glee 

Peaceful is the best way to be 

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