Friday, February 8, 2013

America: A Modern Israel or Babylon?

I have argued in previous blogs that America is like the new Babylon, but I would argue now that we used to be like the new Israel, a new chosen people of God, when we first began.  America began with a vision, like in Jonathan Winthrop's speech "A City on a Hill."  The vision of the pilgrims when they founded this nation was for us, America, to be a light to the world.  A beacon of virtue on a hill for the world to see and look at.  Is that not what Israel was to be to the Gentile nations in the Old Testament?  We started out striving to be God's called people, a new chosen people, to be a light in this dark world. 

We certainly have committed our share of heinous sins recently, through abortion and producing pornography that the whole world watches.  God is not happy I am sure with how corrupt our nation is becoming.  But we started out with a dream to be God's nation, a beacon of virtue.
Our country has done a lot of good in the past.  There are many people in this nation who try to live up to God's standards and follow God's will.  Our nation was founded as a Christian nation on Christian principles and virtues.  Most of the thought that went into writing out constitution was done by Christians. 

We are drifting from our beginnings though indeed.  In one speech by our president he said, "We are no longer a Christian nation; at least not just....we are now a Muslim nation, a Hindu nation, a Jewish nation....."

However, we were primarily thought of as a Christian nation before.  95% of Americans would say they were "Christian" even if they really were not.  But most identified with Christian virtues and morals. 

I think God has greatly blessed America financially.  We have been one of the "big 5" leaders in the world for about 100 years now.  We have been one of the riches nations for a very long time.  If you own a car in America you are richer than 95% of the world. 

God does bless those He loves financially.  I very much believe that.  It's not the prosperity gospel, but the God is a good Father and loves to take care of his children gospel.  God loves us, does He not?  Therefore He wants to bless us. 

America has been very blessed in the past.

However, what is happening in our nation now?  The recession, that has been going on for about 5 years now, does not seem to have an end in sight.

Could it be because of our corruption that God has withdrawn some of his financial blessing from us?  This is quite possible. 

What would it take for God to bless our nation again I wonder?

Most likely it would take a radical repentance of masses of people regarding pornography and abortion; a return to our founding virtues and principles that all men are created equal, yes, but certain sins are wrong such as homosexuality.  A marriage is between a man and a woman according to Genesis, but we are condoning lifestyles that are incongruent with scripture now, in many avenues.  It is not just homosexuality.  

The church loves to talk about their two favorite taboo topics and point the finger about homosexuality and abortion, but why do 60% of pastors look at pornography?  Little is said from the pulpit in churches about pornography and why is this?  Is it because many Christians even do not feel justified to preach about it perhaps, to speak out against it?  I have only heard two pastors speak on the topic of pornography, out of the possible hundred different pastors and people I have heard speak throughout my life. 

What has pornography done to our nation?  What are its effects?

The statistics show that one in three women and one in five men have been sexually abused by the time they reach 18.  Why is this?  I believe pornography has a major hand to play in this. 

We have become a sex-obsessed and sex-saturated culture.  We don't think twice about commercials becoming overly sexualized now.  We don't think twice about the drastic changes in clothing modesty over the last 50 years.  People can wear almost nothing now and most think nothing of it.

Most men, even Christian men, struggle with looking at pornography, and it is a parasite that is eating our nation alive. 

May God convict us and pull us back to our founding beliefs and virtues.  May God save America before she goes too far off the deep end and reaches the point of no return.  May he root out the sin in our country and bring us back to Himself.  Amen! :)

God bless you! :)

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