Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Illnesses in Marriages

"Every girl deserves a husband but not every guy deserves a wife." lol

-self quote

Here's how I came to such a conclusion:

The three biggest issues, or illnesses they may be called, in marriages are pornography, excessive drinking and physical or verbal abuse.

Usually it is the guy who does one of these three things.  Statistics show that about 70% of men, even married men, look at pornography. 

Pornography is adultery.  It is serious.  It is not just a mistake.  It kills marriages every day all over America, all over the world.  It is impossible to have a happy, successful marriage if pornography is involved. 

Excessive drinking; yes women can be alcoholics too.  However, most alcoholics are men.  Women generally have an unseen battle always going on in our minds, especially during PMS times, and men generally have an outward battle with substances like pot, alcohol, and pills/medications. 

Alcohol ruins marriages every day all across America and the world.  The number one cause of fights in marriages is most likely due to drinking. 

Physical abuse; the facts are God created men stronger than women.  Therefore it is much more common for a man to try to dominate a woman physically than a woman would a man.  She could try, but realistically it would be impossible. 

Verbal abuse; women can be guilty of quite a bit of verbal abuse around their time of the month.  Hence, it is harder to say whether women or men do more of this. 

From these thoughts one could conclude that more women than men are deserving of a spouse etc.

Granted I know many men that have had their heart broken by an unfaithful girlfriend or wife and I'm sorry that happened to you.  Both parties can be almost equally guilty of cheating.  But one could consider what may have led up to the cheating.  It is generally because there was something wrong in the relationship already.

All good things to consider and think about. 

God bless!

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