Sunday, February 17, 2013


What is work?

Most people think of work as part of the curse after the fall, but on the contrary, work existed before the fall.  Adam was told by God to tend the garden.  However, after the fall God did say to Adam that the ground would produce "thorns and thistles," meaning work did become harder after the fall, unfortunately.

Paul says, "If a man shall not work he shall not eat."  That a person works is biblically required.

There is also something about work that gives a person a sense of meaning and significance that nothing else can.  It forces us to get outside of our shells and step out into the world.  It forces us to interact with others and shine the light of Jesus to others and potentially share the good news etc.

It is not always fun though, or else it wouldn't be called work.  This verse in James comes to my mind when I think of work, lol "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."  Work certainly comes with many trials.  In pushing through them, we build our ability to persevere and gain self-respect. 

I once heard a great quote, "Repect is not given; it is earned."  Self-respect is also not self-given; it is earned.  We cannot genuinely respect ourselves unless we earn our own respect.  Interesting concept isn't it?  Many rarely think of this, but we have to earn our own respect as well.  And no matter where you go, there you are, lol right?  So it is quite important that we like ourselves and respect ourselves.  Many loose respect for themselves due to over eating, being lazy, rude or uncaring for others etc.  But we can do things to gain our own respect such as exerting moderation in everything and being kind as much as we can.  Ultimately if we do not respect ourselves, others probably will not either. 

Work is the best way, usually, to gain one's respect of one's self.  It is God's gift to us, ultimately, not a curse.

So enjoy your work this week!  And work as unto the Lord, not men, for it is ultimately God that we serve yes?  Yes.  May God bless you! :)

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