Saturday, May 28, 2022

Staying Home can be Hard

 It is hard to work, but it is also hard to stay home. Both require self discipline. Working requires the discipline of working your body harder. Staying home is tricky because you have to give up your love of money and the desire to have tons of friends. 

We all know, the love of money is the root of all evil. At times God asks us to give up the crazy pursuit of money because maybe we started to love it too much. Loving random things that money can buy is also loving money. 

I got my kittens for free off of Craigslist. That reminded me that the happiest, most joyful and most rewarding things in life really are free. Go find some sweet kittens to love and maybe take a break from trying to get rich. 

Take a load off. Take it easy for awhile. Life is about more then just money. Chasing money is an endless rat race that will make you either go crazy or become exhausted. And what is the point? If Jesus was to come back tomorrow what would be the point of all the money you try so hard to accumulate? Maybe you want to impress others with making tons of money, but why? Why do you feel the need to impress others? The right people will love you just the way you are. You won't have to constantly prove your worth to the right companion or friend. If they don't approve of you at the wealth status you are, then find someone else who does. 

You cannot feel truly free until you stop caring about impressing others. People are fickle. They love you one day and the next day they hate you for really ridiculous reasons. Give up trying to win over the crowd. They cannot be won over. It is a futile attempt. People may despise you no matter what you do. It is Satan that causes them to hate you, and often times there is nothing you can do to prevent that. So let it go. Let go of the desire to impress other people. Just impress God. His opinion is all that matters. And you will know if you are pleasing God or not. If you feel blessed, you are pleasing God.

Forget about the world this week. Focus on God. And you will be more blessed. 

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