Sunday, June 2, 2024


 You don't know who to love 

Maybe God can give you a shove 

In the right direction 😂

You need to clear the infection 

Of demonic lies in your mind

That put your heart in a bind

Love is not a feeling 

It doesn't always leave you reeling

Love is always a choice

We decide who to love 

We force it if needed 

Really the Bible should be heeded 

When deciding who to love 

Maybe the opposite sex seems less fun 

But try to go have fun in the sun

 Don't leave it up to fate 

You can decide anyone is great 

If you really want to 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 

Love is almost never natural 

Because we all just love ourselves 

It takes work no matter who it is 

Put work in on the opposite gender 

Learn to become more tender 

There will be fights no matter what 

Every two people have issues 

If I haven't convinced you yet

The Holy Spirit can help I bet 

Go read the Bible 😊

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