Sunday, June 2, 2024

Gay Christian

 Can you be Christian and gay?

Heck no, I would say 

I guess many say it's ok 

But you pray about that 

And go get another cool hat 

Now I'll step up to bat

God might give you a good friend 

But only on God we can always depend

You could just hang out with no sex 

But for some that would them vex 

Why take the risk I say?

You never know when that day 

Will come when Jesus returns 

If guilty you could burn 

But if homo love in you churns 

I'm sorry that you feel that way 

Find a lady on this lovely day 

It is better than almost being gay 

Start a new walk with God today 

You think he made you gay?

That is really hard to say

But the Bible says acting it out is a sin 

So always remember that and win 

The crown of life from God 


Watch my Bible study video on this subject...

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